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Pray For Their Protection

On Monday [July 1],  the United States Supreme Court issued another favorable decision for Donald Trump, further exposing the politicization of many in our judicial system. The attacks against Trump have been blatantly dishonest and evil. The left has tried everything imaginable to destroy him: lies regarding collusion with Russia by members of Congress, the media, and the deep state; illegal FISA warrants; two phony impeachments; his home stormed by the FBI; five bogus court cases; and daily smear tactics. This has gone on for eight years! Literally, America has never seen anything like it.

At some point, all Americans must ask themselves, why DO those on the left, the deep state, and globalists hate Donald Trump so vehemently? There can only be one answer: more than any person in America, he stands in their way. And now, with their deep level of corruption being exposed, they fear his reelection even more. If and when the reins of power are placed back in his hands, Trump will be ruthless in his quest to drain the swamp and seek justice for those who have thus far escaped it.

Now, we must face another possibility. There are individuals in America who would stop at nothing to keep Trump from taking back the White House. Nothing. In light of history and human nature, it is ridiculous to assume there are not people in America who would seek to harm him. In fact, with America’s current state of mind, this possible violence is true not only against Trump, but also Biden, vocal members of Congress, and Supreme Court Justices (which was planned and almost carried out). We should be praying daily for the safety of them all, and we should include their families.

I am regularly informed by intercessors (watchmen) that they have received warnings in their spirits regarding Trump’s safety. PLEASE pray daily for protection over our government officials, especially high-profile individuals.

The Exposure of the Left

With the tremendous level of exposure - dishonesty and corruption on the left, the bogus court cases against Trump, and Biden’s mental issues exposed at the debate - many Americans are beginning to ask more questions:

  • What else has been hidden from us?

  • Who is running the country - the man we saw cannot be?

  • How can we trust those who have repeatedly proven to be unmitigated liars?

  • Given the fact that hatred and bitterness distort judgment and influence actions, how can we trust leaders and/or media who are controlled and motivated by such incredible hatred?

“Bill Ackman, the billionaire founder of Pershing Square Capital Management, admitted in January that while registered to vote in the Democratic primary, he was ‘no longer a Democrat.’ 

“Besides imploring other Americans to join him in supporting Trump and understanding that the top Biden alternate [Gavin Newsome] is a nonstarter, Ackman also laid into the Biden administration and the liberal media for lying about Biden’s decrepitude.

“‘Left-wing media have had total and complete access to the president, his staff, and his administration. They all knew, but they told you otherwise. They outright lied to you,’ wrote Ackman. 

“‘People very close to me, my closest family and friends, trusted the media on Biden until the CNN commentators finally owned up to the truth about Biden last [Thursday] night. For months, I have been accused by many friends and family of being misled by an X-based “right-wing echo chamber,”’ wrote Ackman. ‘The sad reality is that one of our most important institutions, the so-called “Fourth Estate,” fourth only after the clergy, the nobility, and the commoners, has destroyed any remaining credibility it has.’

“He [Ackman] intimated further, referencing a video of White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre hyping Biden’s supposed mental acuity, that the administration officials ‘covering for their boss’ have demonstrated disloyalty and willingness to lie to the American people.”(1)

All of this exposure is good and necessary. Americans have been lied to and, therefore, been very ignorant of our true condition. This must be corrected in order for them to accept the pain of change. The corrections needed in our nation are broad and will be somewhat painful. Surgery is needed, and the rehab will be unpleasant. But Hebrews tells us that discipline yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness (Hebrews 12:11).

It is a fact that salvation and revival are not experienced by those blinded to their need. Repentance, which technically means a new understanding and way of thinking, is born of revelation, which means a lifting of the veil that keeps something from being seen. Stated succinctly: for those who are willing, revelation leads to repentance, which leads to conversion. Keep this in mind as God works in our land.

Do Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly

And lastly, remember and love mercy (Micah 6:8). When possible, God always chooses mercy. Do not wish harm toward those with whom you disagree. Obviously, God uses civil authority to judge criminality, but regarding eternal judgment and the forgiveness of sin, HE reserves the right to do so. He told us to love and pray for our enemies (Matthew 5:44); we should not want anyone to perish spiritually (2 Peter 3:9).

Certainly, this is often hard to do. It took quite some time for the church leaders in Paul’s day to believe his conversion was legit. They feared and mistrusted him for awhile. This is understandable since he had overseen the martyrdom of church leaders (see Acts 7:58 and chapter 9). But like Paul, I can assure you that some being used today by satan will one day be used by God. Some of God’s enemies will become His friends.

Pray for revival. Pray for the safety of President Trump and other high-profile leaders. Pray for salvation to all. And leave the results to God.

Pray with me:

Father, You told us to pray for those in authority, and we do so now. We ask for protection for President Biden, leaders in Congress, and Supreme Court Justices. We especially pray for President Trump, who is so hated. We ask that You keep the hatred of him from resulting in physical harm. We also ask this for the family members and staff of these leaders. Expose EVERY plan, and bring the plan/s to nothing. Keep the watchmen engaged.

We affirm this day that our faith for the saving of America is in You, You alone. We would be fools to place our faith in man - political parties, presidents, judges, etc. But we would also be ignoring Scripture and logic to say it doesn’t matter who occupies positions of government and authority. How insane to think that He who established the principle of civil government - You - doesn’t care who is placed there. Give us the President we need, one that will obey Your desires. We loose this, according to Matthew 16:19, and bind the powers of darkness from successfully thwarting it through deception.

We pray for Your mercy to be released on our nation, and also to those who are now opposing You. Save them. Turn them. Break deception and awaken them. You love those who oppose You, and with Your help, will we also. We pray all of this in Christ’s all-powerful name. Amen.

Our decree:

We decree that attempts to harm President Trump and other leaders will be exposed and fail.

Click on the link below to watch the full video.


Tennessee Leads the Way

If the open border, fentanyl flowing through it causing hundreds of thousands of deaths, human trafficking, moral depravity, violence, poverty, and numerous other woes haven’t yet awakened Americans, perhaps seeing their leader in last Thursday’s presidential debate will. (On Friday, I posted a “Give Him 15 Extra” with my response.) Years ago, I saw a humorous double-billed cap, one bill pointing slightly left, the other right. Written across the top was, “I’m the leader; which way did they go?”

Suddenly, it’s no longer funny. It is sad.

If anyone has doubted that God is humbling our nation, think again. And if you doubted the assertion that we are past the point of recovering on our own, surely you now know better. America is ill, terminally ill. The roots of the illness are spiritual, and only God can heal us. The state of Tennessee agrees with this.

Tennessee State Senator Mark Pody and Representative Monty Fritts sent a letter to the pastors of their state last week, asking that they join state leaders in “a 30-day season of prayer and intermittent fasting for the month of July as a means of humbling ourselves to receive God’s grace, mercy, and blessing in Tennessee and our Nation.” House Joint Resolution 803 passed with an overwhelming 27-1 vote in the Senate and an 82-6 vote in the House and was signed into law by Governor Lee on April 16, 2024.

Pody and Fritts continued, “This document embodies a bipartisan recognition that the issues we are facing cannot be effectively addressed without the intervention and favor of our Lord.

“We are respectfully inviting you to join with us in leading the people of God across Tennessee into a time of humbling ourselves, praying, seeking God’s Face, and repentance during July. Let us model for those who are not called by His Name a better way to bring about the positive changes we so desperately need. How do we do this?

  • On Sunday, June 30, [yesterday] read or have HJR803 read in our church services;

  • Examine our lives in light of God’s Word and confess of our sins;

  • Acknowledge that we, as the Church, have failed to stand for the principles of God, ask for His Forgiveness and Mercy, and commit to stand firmly on those principles going forward;

  • For those who are able, join in prayer and intermittent fasting as a means of demonstrating our desire for repentance.

“On July 1 [that is today], we plan to begin a journey to all 95 counties in Tennessee, visiting courthouses and places of worship in order to read the Resolution, profess the need for repentance, and join in prayer together. We are convinced that this Resolution must be more than a legislative act and piece of paper.”(1)


Watch and see. God will surely respond to this action. I’ve heard and seen quite a few proclamations of a day of prayer and fasting, but I’ve never seen one lasting a month. I say again. God will respond. Here is the proclamation in its entirety. It is so well written, I’m going to read all of it:

A RESOLUTION to seek God’s hand of mercy healing on Tennessee.

“WHEREAS, our State and Nation suffer from violence committed upon our citizens by our citizens; and

“WHEREAS, our State and Nation suffer from violence committed upon our citizens by non-citizens; and

“WHEREAS, acts of violent crime in our schools are unacceptable; and

“WHEREAS, human trafficking is an unacceptable and violent evil in our State, enslaving lives and violating the core values of our Creator-endowed rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; and

“WHEREAS, drug addiction overwhelms our families, our government finances, our workforce productivity, as well as our healthcare and our law enforcement resources; and

“WHEREAS, deadly fentanyl flows uncontrollably across our southern U.S. border, resulting in the deaths of Tennesseans; and

“WHEREAS, Driving Under the Influence, drunk driving, results in great pain and injury for Tennessee families; and

“WHEREAS, we have approximately 9,000 children in need of foster care, indicating a brokenness in many Tennessee homes; and

“WHEREAS, evidence of corruption in our federal government stands to impact every Tennessean; and

“WHEREAS, our National and State Founders trusted in the omnipotent hand of Providence to guide and bless our land; and

“WHEREAS, over decades, these leaders called our people to seek out the Creator’s favor by issuing proclamations like the one from John Adams on April 15, 1799:

“[This day] be observed throughout the United States of America as a day of solemn humiliation, fasting, and prayer; that the citizens on that day abstain, as far as may be, from their secular occupation, and devote the time to the sacred duties of religion, in public and in private; that they call to mind our numerous offenses against the most high God, confess them before Him with the sincerest penitence, implore His pardoning mercy, through the Great Mediator and Redeemer, for our past transgressions, and that through the grace of His Holy Spirit, we may be disposed and enabled to yield a more suitable obedience to His righteous requisitions in time to come; that He would interpose to arrest the progress of that impiety and licentiousness in principle and practice so offensive to Himself and so ruinous to mankind; that He would make us deeply sensible that ‘righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.’ [Proverbs 14:34]; and

“WHEREAS, we hold that our Founders correctly acknowledged Truth in their words; and

“WHEREAS, we hold that “Except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain” (Psalm 127:1); now, therefore, 

“BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE HUNDRED THIRTEENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, THE SENATE CONCURRING, that the period of July 1, 2024, through July 31, 2024, be recognized as a time of prayer and fasting in Tennessee.

“BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we recognize that God, as Creator and King of all Glory, has both the authority to judge and to bless nations or states.

“BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we, as public servants in the Tennessee General Assembly, seek God’s Mercy upon our land and beseech Him to not withdraw His Hand of blessing from us.

“BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we recognize our sins and shortcomings before Him and humbly ask His Forgiveness.

“BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we ask the Lord Jesus to heal our land and remove the violence, human-trafficking, addiction, and corruption.

“BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we ask that the Holy Spirit fill our halls of government, our classrooms, our places of business, our churches, and our homes with peace, love, and joy.

“BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we call upon all those who are physically able and spiritually inclined to do so to join in a thirty-day season of prayer and intermittent fasting as we begin a new fiscal year as a means of seeking God’s blessing and humbling ourselves to receive His Grace and Mercy, transforming ourselves, our communities, our State, and our Nation.”(2)

Pray with me:

Father, we join with the great state of Tennessee in humbling ourselves before You. What fools we Americans became by rejecting and dishonoring You, our Creator, Savior, and Lord. You said regarding those who reject You:

“Although claiming to be wise, they were, in fact, shallow fools. For only a fool would trade the unfading splendor of the immortal God to worship the fading image of other humans, idols made to look like people, animals, birds, and even creeping reptiles!” (‭‭Romans‬ ‭1‬:‭22‬-‭23‬ ‭TPT‬‬)

Yet, we have done so, and now are reaping the stealing, killing and destroying of satan. Therefore, we join with Tennesseans today in praying:

“We recognize our sins and shortcomings before Him and humbly ask His Forgiveness.

“BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we ask the Lord Jesus to heal our land and remove the violence, human-trafficking, addiction, and corruption.

“BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we ask that the Holy Spirit fill our halls of government, our classrooms, our places of business, our churches, and our homes with peace, love, and joy.”(3)

In Yeshua’s name we ask, amen.

Our decree:

“It is because of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed; they are new every morning, and great is His faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:22-23)

Click on the link below to watch the full video.


My Response to the Presidential Debate

Since I am confident about who should and shouldn’t be our next President, I did not watch last night’s debate live, but spent the time walking my backyard praying. I have, however, seen many clips, heard much analysis, and read quite a few responses.

I was confident Trump would be in command of the issues, as he was. In light of that, I felt that His demeanor and attitude would determine the effectiveness or inadequacy of his performance. Most feel he did well in this regard: strong but not mean-spirited, assertive but not overly argumentative, confident but not arrogant.

Biden, of course, was an unmitigated disaster in every way, which was no surprise to many. This begs the question: What is the overriding plan in all of this? The left is devious but not stupid. They have a plan.

It is now time to make some direct statements saying what many believe but are hesitant to say. Anyone with an ounce of common sense can see that Biden is unfit for the Presidency. With no disrespect whatsoever, most would say that were he an ordinary citizen and the possibility existed, he wouldn’t be trusted with a solo trip to the local drug store. No caring family would dare trust him with the car keys, not just for his own safety, but for that of everyone else on the road. And no family - or leaders of a political party - would trust him to debate in front of millions, let alone run a nation. Biden is clearly not in charge. All of which raises several questions:

Did Biden’s decline escalate and progress more rapidly than expected? Did those pulling the strings initially think they could use him for eight years? If they thought so, this is clearly no longer the case.

Did the Dems really want the debate? I doubt it. The conditions were so outlandish and unfair that NO ONE would say yes to their terms. But Trump did! Which probably sent panic to those in charge, along the lines of hell’s panic when Jesus showed up demanding the keys.

When Trump said yes, did Biden’s handlers hold out hope that with a week of rest, dozens of hours of prep by 15-20 “experts” (and probably the list of questions), possible drugs, and their lopsided terms, Biden could bluff his way through 90 minutes? If that was their hope, it was dashed in less than 10 minutes. But I’m not sure those in control could have been that delusional.

Was the embarrassment of Biden’s Thursday night performance part of a plan to replace him? I’ve repeatedly said that I don’t believe Biden will be on the ticket in November. That isn’t prophecy, just an educated opinion and a feeling I have. I’ve felt that with his rapid decline, he could not continue to fool Americans enough to be reelected and remain the puppet of the puppeteers behind the curtain. BUT THESE MANAGERS HAVE NO INTENTION OF STEPPING ASIDE. When seeing Biden’s freefall, was this debate the beginning of their replacement plan? Perhaps.

If so, will Biden continue cooperating with those in control and step aside at the most fortuitous time for the replacement to be inserted?

Or, has he, in his demented state, bullish nature, and tremendous arrogance, convinced himself that he is fit and up to the job? Has he now rebelled against his handlers? He says he isn’t stepping down; this, of course, could simply be part of the plan to wait for the right time.

If Biden does buck those in charge, what will they do? They DO have a plan. And they WON’T willingly give up power. Biden is unelectable and WILL be removed, unless they have a plan or crisis prepared with which to take the election in some other way.

And finally, who are “they”? “They” do exist. There may be a point person, but clearly, a group of people is ruling America. I don’t know who, but they would have to be comprised of:

  • Ultra-rich individuals - the money behind them is mind-numbing.

  • Globalists - they are intent on fundamentally changing America into a weaker, poorer nation no longer capable of leading the free world.

  • Marxists - they espouse socialist ideologies, not capitalism and free enterprise.

  • Those with antichrist dogmas and ideologies - they oppose the church, biblical morality and ideals, and America’s Christian roots.

  • People connected to the Democrat party - this is who they have placed in power.

  • Ruthless individuals - they want power at ANY price, including money or blood.

Call me a conspiracist - I don’t care. Any honest person can see that Biden is not in control of the Presidency. And the most likely scenario is that a small group of people is now pulling the strings, trying to destroy the America we have known.

I am blatantly stating these things to emphasize that we must keep praying. The powers trying to overthrow America are not finished. I say again, they have a plan. Part of that plan has been to destroy and/or defeat Trump, one of the few people in the world who can withstand their attacks. I believe they will fail. But they are so entrenched in our nation that only God can enable us to defeat them and turn America around, regardless of who is President.

We have a promise that America shall be saved. I, like many others, have a clear word from the Lord that He is not finished with America. If we continue to repent and appeal to Him for His aid and support, He will do as He promised.

Keep praying, church, keep praying.

Click on the link below to watch the full video.

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