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Healing Summit Report

Friday night’s Healing Summit in Middletown, Ohio, was very strong. Many people were ministered to - we must have prayed for 1000 people that night and over 700 churches joined online. Thousands watched in homes and hospital rooms. Many testimonies of healing were shared in the service that night. Some conditions that do not produce constant pain such as heart issues, neurological problems, organ diseases, etc., cannot be determined immediately as being healed. I believe time will reveal that many others were healed. 

As one of the leaders present, Greg Hood stated: “We partnered with Holy Spirit and witnessed signs, wonders, and miracles as thousands of people were prayed for and healed worldwide. We were truly in awe. I have a feeling that Father enjoyed it even more than we did. In the weeks ahead, we can expect to hear many more testimonies of  God’s healing and faithfulness.”

Testimonies are also flowing in from pastors and leaders around the nation. The host pastor, my brother Tim, texted me Saturday morning saying: “The testimonies are pouring in! The host churches are giving great reports!”

Greg Hood told me late Friday night: “I have friends vacationing on Grand Cayman Island who were watching the Healing Summit tonight. They told me:

‘You spoke to “a clicking jaw” early on, as you began to release healing. I’ve been dealing with TMJ for several weeks. IMMEDIATELY, the clicking/grinding stopped!

‘Hallelujah … the mantle has already moved down into the Caribbean!’”

Another friend told Greg: “We sent my grandmother [in another state] the link to watch the live stream. She has had excruciating back pain for the last month. Every time I talk to her she struggles getting up and doing anything. She said all of the back pain went away as the leaders were speaking. I think it was even before they started praying for people.”

One of my dear friends in Kansas told me: “Thanks for the word tonight. Many were healed tonight from all over Kansas. We love you guys and are loving all that God has and is doing.”

And still another friend in Missouri said: “What an amazing, powerful Healing Summit - a global phenomenon of God’s grace & mercy. Our church streamed it with other ministries in the region. I tell you, Dutch, we had testimony after testimony of many getting healed & delivered.”

Because of Labor Day, I’m writing this on Saturday, the morning after the service, so my staff can enjoy their Monday holiday. We know that many more great reports will come in the days ahead. 


I believe Friday was part of a reawakening. When the church grows weak in gifts, anointings, and functions that God intends us to walk in - whether from sin, complacency, doctrinal error, or lukewarmness - He takes us through seasons of renewal and restoration. Just as Isaac had to redig the clogged up wells of his father Abraham (Genesis 26), we have to be cleaned out and reawakened in our hearts. 

Jeremiah 6:16 tells us: “Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls” (KJV).

We were asking and looking for “old paths” Friday night. I am confident we found them and a new season on God’s agenda was formally launched, a season of signs, wonders and miracles, associated with the great coming harvest. We spoke of these ancient paths in the meeting, and how what we were seeking was not new, but a relaunch of former eras in the church. We made formal statements and decrees accepting the mantles of healing and miracles that previous generations have walked in. To be clear:

  1. We were NOT implying that the church has been completely lacking in gifts of healing, the miraculous, etc. All of us leading the meeting have seen people healed in our ministries, as have numerous others in the body of Christ. We are saying God is expanding it, multiplying it, launching a broad movement among His people of signs, wonders, and miracles as He has in former times. We’re saying that this movement will help facilitate the billion-soul-harvest; and we believe that it will be participated in not only by leaders, but by believers in general (Mark 16:18).

  2. We are NOT saying we are the leaders of this movement - it will be led by Jesus, through the Holy Spirit. 

  3. And when we speak of past movements, anointings, giftings, etc., we are NOT saying we’re asking for former leaders’ mantles. We believe the gifts of the Spirit are just that: “of the Spirit.” The “transfers” we spoke of Friday are the passing of batons, not another person’s gift. The principle involved is God doing through our generation what He has done through former generations, taking the church from glory to glory. When we do “prophetic acts,” such as praying around the chair used in the tent revivals of the Voice of Healing movement (which we did Friday night), the acts are symbolic. We are using them to honor what God did in the past, as well as those He used, and are saying, “Lord, give us the types and level of gifts and mantles they moved in, a reawakening of miracle revivals. We are connected with these former brothers and sisters in the spirit, through You, and our actions today are a continuation of what they did yesterday. As we honor and connect spiritually with what You did through them, give us the synergy of the ages.” 


In summary, we believe many were healed Friday night, and that this will continue; we believe gifts of the Spirit that produce signs and wonders were passed out around the world. We are convinced that this will be instrumental in producing the great harvest, and will release God’s mercy and compassion on millions. As Pat McManus, one of the participants Friday evening said, “We encountered a powerful expression of the love of the Father.” Indeed. The heavens are opening and rains of revival are beginning to fall. It is an honor to be part of God’s great Kingdom agenda. 

Pray with me:

Father, it was Your idea to connect signs and wonders with winning people to You, as You stated in the Great Commission of Mark 16. Then you demonstrated the plan over and over in the book of Acts. Down through history, miraculous signs have been part of revivals and awakenings. We will need them in the coming revival, as well. We ask for and receive the gifts of Your Spirit, in order to release these miracles. Please hasten this process; multiply the miracles!

Healing is also Your “children’s bread” (Matthew 15:26), provided for them through Christ’s redemption. Miracles occur as You release Your compassion and provision to them. In the current uncapping of miracle wells, we are expecting many of our brothers and sisters to be healed. We ask for this to increase, including notable and creative miracles. Heal the suffering, even those terminally ill, and deliver many from the debilitating effects of disease.

Our decree:

We decree that we will steward well the release of Holy Spirit’s miraculous power.

Click on the link below to watch the full video.

Labor Day 2024

Our wonderful DSM/GH15 staff has today off (Labor Day), therefore, there is no post. Thank you for your understanding. We will see you tomorrow!

The Healing Summit

I’ve asked the leaders participating in tonight’s Healing Summit ( to share a few thoughts. (Tim shared some in yesterday’s post.) I will close with a wonderful testimony.

From Ken Malone

In December of 2011, my wife, Cheryl, and I embarked on a mission inspired by Holy Spirit, which continues to this day: the restoration and activation of healing revival. I went on a journey to various locations associated with historical healing revivals, including Christ For The Nations in Dallas (formerly known as the Voice of Healing) and Oral Roberts University in Tulsa. At Christ For The Nations, I was deeply impacted as I sat in a room commemorating these revivals under a portion of Gordon Lindsay's old tent, among chairs utilized during the William Branham Revivals. In January of 2024, I was presented with a wooden folding chair, over 75 years old, previously used in the A.A. Allen Healing Revival meetings. Since then, the message from the Holy Spirit has been resounding and unequivocal: He desires His Ekklesia to facilitate the establishment of healing revivals on a global scale.

On August 10, 2013, during a speaking engagement in Tarpon Springs, Florida, I experienced a profound vision. Following the sharing of a dream entitled "Tell the Old Story," I gazed at the back wall of the church, where I beheld a vision of the cloud of witnesses. I saw tens of thousands of saints in heaven, their faces blurred by the Holy Spirit, except for the face of one preacher who passed away in 2009 at the age of 91. In the vision, this preacher was dressed in a black suit, white shirt, black tie, and was around 30 years of age. He engaged in gestures I recognized and, after whirling around and smiling, conveyed a message: "Tap into the Voice of Healing." He did this a second time and said again, “Tap into the Voice of Healing.” That preacher was none other than Oral Roberts, a pivotal figure in the healing movement of the 1940s, 50s, and 60s. This vision served as a clear message from our Lord: we must align ourselves with His heart for a great revival of healing.

From Pastor Pat McManus

We are headed into a season that will truly impact the body of Christ and shift the nations in powerful ways. We have moved into a great alignment of hearts in the Ekklesia, enabling us to reveal and release the plans of the Lord in this time.


In Acts 13:1-3 the apostles surrendered to the plan of the Lord, and the Ekklesia was launched into the nations to impact their world. We are in such a time, positioned to step into the greatest opportunity of our lifetimes, aligning with the heart of the Father to see the fullness of His Kingdom revealed. This time will produce the greatest-ever expression of the Kingdom of God in the nations. Prepare to move forward.

From Dr. Greg Hood

Holy Spirit directed me to Jeremiah 17:14: "Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me, and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.” We know that God is the Healer. We also understand that we are the conduit Holy Spirit flows through to manifest those healings. As we prepare for this to occur tonight in Middletown, Ohio, I feel the Lord is saying the following:

  1. He is just as excited about these meetings as we are.

  2. Physical healings WILL manifest in Middletown, Ohio, and all over this nation, and in other nations of the world. Others will watch the service later and experience the same anointing. God is rebirthing a healing movement the likes of which we haven't seen for almost 50 years. Galatians 4:4 says, "But when the fullness of time came…" (NASB); I believe we have arrived at another "fullness of time." All that has occurred over the last 50 years has brought us to this moment when God is birthing another healing movement. This supernatural manifestation won't be about men; it will be about HIM flowing through His Ekklesia.

  3. The latter part of Jeremiah 17:14 says, "Save me, and I will be saved." Salvation is also part of what God has planned to release tonight from Middletown. Many who do not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior will come to know him tonight. I also feel a strong stirring in my spirit that many prodigals will come home. Signs and wonders are for unbelievers, and God is going to use them to bring his family back together again. 

  4. He is releasing mantles upon His Ekklesia to move in the supernatural. The Ekklesia has entered greater maturity. She is experiencing God's tremendous grace upon her, and will release extraordinary power. God has brought us through many stages of growth to arrive at this place. 

From Clay Nash

God has shown me that the Healing Summit will provide a trigger point for a significant healing wave to be released across our nation and the earth. Holy Spirit has said that He is seeking to heal His body so His body can go and heal the world. This release of healing is significant to the billion soul harvest. Isaiah 8:18 states that we and our children are for signs and wonders. 

From Dutch

I’m expecting the gifts of the Spirit - the working of miracles, gifts of healing, words of knowledge, the gift of faith (1 Corinthians 12:7-11)---to operate tonight throughout America and other nations. When this occurs, amazing things happen. 

“On a ministry trip to Guatemala in 1980, Ceci and I, along with a seasoned missionary couple, were asked to pray for a woman hospitalized with tuberculosis. We found her in a ward with approximately 40 other women, the beds only about three feet apart. It was simply an area in the hospital where the doctors and nurses could attend to the very poor. There were not even partitions to separate the women. And yes, this woman was coughing her tuberculosis onto those around her.

“As we talked and prayed with her, we noticed the lady in the next bed observing us closely. When we finished, she asked if we would be willing to pray for her. Of course, we were glad to do so and inquired about her needs. She pulled her arms out from under the covers and showed us her two hands, curled back toward her body, somewhat frozen in that position. They were totally unusable. She said her feet were in the same condition. 

“While performing surgery on her back, the doctor accidentally cut a nerve in her spinal cord, leaving her in this condition. There was nothing they could do to correct the problem.

“Compassion filled our hearts as we anointed her with oil and asked the Lord to touch her. Nothing noticeable happened, but we encouraged her to trust the Lord and drifted across the room to see if we could share Jesus with anyone else. No hospital employees were present at the moment, so we had relative freedom to do as we pleased.

“Just as we were about to visit with another lady, we heard a commotion and someone screaming, "Milagro! Milagro! Milagro!" We turned to look and saw the lady moving her hands wildly, opening and closing them, wiggling her fingers, kicking her feet under the covers, and shouting the Spanish word for miracle. Indeed, a miracle had taken place!

“I don't know who was more surprised—the lady who was healed, the other ladies in the room, or me! I hoped for a miracle, but I don't think I actually had faith for one. I remember thinking, this sort of thing only happened during Bible times.

“The next thing we knew, every woman in the room was begging us to pray for them. We went from bed to bed - just like we knew what we were doing -  leading women to Christ and praying for their recovery. Several were saved and healed as the gifts of Holy Spirit were released.”(1)

Let’s ask this for tonight.

Pray with me:

Father, we ask You to meet with us tonight in Middletown, across our nation, as thousands tune in online, and even as the recording is watched throughout the world. We are asking for miracles! And we’re asking for the gifts of Your Spirit to be poured out to believers worldwide, launching a new era of signs, wonders, and miracles. Be who You are; do what You do. 

We do not believe we are being presumptuous in asking for these things; we believe this is Your will and time - even a fullness of time for a reawakening of healing revivals. Launch it! Demonstrate who You are to a generation that has been duped regarding Your existence. We humbly and boldly ask for this in the name of Yeshua. Amen.

Our decree:

We decree that the power of the Lord will be present tonight to heal, and gifts of the Spirit will be imparted by Holy Spirit!

You can watch the Healing Summit online tonight, beginning at 7:00 PM EST. Please join us by clicking here. (

Click on the link below to watch the full video.


  1. Dutch Sheets, Intercessory Prayer (Bloomington, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 1996), pp 63-64.

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