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A Day to Change America - Please Join Us

The United States has certainly prospered over the years. We have been blessed beyond measure, and in some ways, we have generously shared those blessings. The U.S. gives more money in foreign aid than any other country in the world, distributing more than $640 billion globally from 2012 through 2022. We now give between 65 and 70 billion dollars annually to other nations. Since WWII, the U.S. has given over 3.8 trillion dollars in foreign aid.(1) 

These figures would not include the funds given by the church to fund missions work. And, of course, the most important gift Americans have given is the gospel of Jesus Christ, delivered by thousands of missionaries. Hebrews 6:10 (KJV) tells us, “God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which you have showed toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister.” This is a comforting verse. And I know it’s true - God will not forget our labor of love. 

Along with the good America has done, we have also sown our share of evil. As success often does when experienced by human hearts not controlled by Christ, America’s wealth and power have also been abused. Lincoln’s warning to our nation in 1863, sadly, is very appropriate today:

“We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven. We have been preserved, these many years, in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth, and power, as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us. It behooves us, then, to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness…All this being done, in sincerity and truth, let us then rest humbly in the hope, authorized by the Divine teachings, that the united cry of the Nation will be heard on high, and answered with blessings, no less than the pardon of our national sins, and restoration of our now divided and suffering country to its former happy condition…of unity and peace.(2)

America has lost her way once again. Not only have we done so in a secular sense, but America’s current version of Christianity is confused and powerless. Filled with complacent Christians, the church has become a sub-culture, not the counter-culture intended by Christ. We’re now conformists, not the nation-discipling people He commanded us to be (see Matthew 28:19). As tragic as this is for America, it is even more devastating given our critical assignment for Christ among the nations. Revival is desperately needed to lead America back to our roots and destiny! 

That is why this Sunday, September 22, 110 MILLION PEOPLE around the world will be praying for revival in America!!

(And no, that is not a misprint.)

Wesley Tullis of International Prayer Connect (IPC) says of this upcoming day:

“I want to pass on this HOPE-FILLED announcement, which reveals the great mercies of the Father for America. Since February of this year, He has stirred up our global leaders of prayer in IPC with a strong burden for America. As goes America, so goes the world. 

“I believe that the fruit of missionaries, who have gone out from America over the decades and centuries with the saving knowledge of Jesus, is now returning to us. Out of gratitude and compassion, intercessors now want to ‘save us’ through their effective and earnest prayer. The 110 million intercessors connected to IPC have agreed to have a Global Day of Prayer for America. This is miraculous mercy!!

“And beyond this, September 22nd launches a 21-Day Fast, ending on October 12; the National Prayer Assembly in DC on October 10-11, and One Million Women on the Mall on October 12.

“An awakening unto transformation is coming to this land!!!”

This is beyond amazing. In my 40-plus years of praying for America, I have never seen anything like this. Actually, not even close. As Wesley said, this is the Father’s mercy. And I believe it will be a turning point. 

Please join the millions around the world as they pray for us. From 7:00-10:00 A.M. ET, several U.S. prayer leaders will be in Washington, D.C., joining leaders from around the world by Zoom/video, interceding for America. 

This is a day of prayer added to other days, just for America. That’s why it lands on a Sunday, and I realize many of you attend church services that morning, perhaps making this a little complicated, especially for those in the Eastern Time zone. Make it work as much as possible, and help us spread the word. This is critically important. 

Here’s how to join us: 

Go to the Global Day of Prayer for America website at There you will see all of the information, including the link where you can join online. Mark your calendars for September 22, 2024, 7:00-10:00 A.M. ET.

Pray with me: 

Father, it seems America is as divided now as it was in Lincoln’s day. The animosity runs deep. Our sin runs deeper. 

When a people turns to its own ways, abandoning Yours, human depravity soon takes over. America has done so and is sick - horribly so, deplorably so. Taking the downward path of sin, we began serving Baal and his pleasures; eventually, he required payment, now demanding even the blood of our children. 

Like a “totaled” vehicle, we are a nation past the point of human repair. Only Your supernatural ability, motivated by Your extravagant mercy, can save us. But we believe You are doing so. You will move us from the trash heap of has-been nations, to the showroom of Your amazing grace. And as You do so, our nation will fall in love with You anew, pledging our undying allegiance to You, Your glorious Son, and His eternal cause.  

Let this day, September 22, be part of this miracle. Let it be the day that the Repairer of “damaged goods” puts finishing touches on His masterful restoration. Then, let this continue through October 12, the Day of Atonement, when an Esther generation finishes off Haman’s evil decree. 

We ask this in the name of the Great Physician, Jesus Christ. 

Our decree:

We decree that on September 22, 2024, lovingkindness and truth will meet, righteousness and peace will kiss each other (see Psalm 85:10).

Click on the link below to watch the full video.



  2. Abraham Lincoln, “Proclamation 97 - appointing a day of national humiliation, fasting, and prayer.” 30 March, 1863. []

Turbulent Times 

Like many of you, I read many articles and listened to numerous reports yesterday (Monday) regarding the second assassination attempt against Trump. There is no need for me to regurgitate any of the news and information coming out about the alleged perpetrator and his actions - I’m sure you’ve heard the reports. 

Sadly, I was not surprised by this attempt. Several times in posts over the past 3 months I have shared my concerns and requested consistent prayer for Trump. In last Wednesday’s post I stated, “I continue to feel urgent and regular prayer is needed for Trump and those around him.” Thank you for praying!

We live in very turbulent and alarming times. Within the span of two months we’ve had two attempts on a former president’s life by Americans, and a plot by Iran to do the same! This is unprecedented. Massive failures and coverups by the Secret Service and Justice Department continue to alarm the American people, who no longer trust their government, media, or even their educational system, as many within these groups have proven to be dishonest and unpatriotic.  

The good news? Americans are waking up. Certainly, the revelation of evil in our land is not complete, but it has at least been sufficient to rouse millions from their naivety and slumber. I’m sure that over the next few months we will see even more exposure of evil in our government, as fears of experiencing justice motivate some. Those at risk of this will stop at nothing to remain in power, and thereby protect themselves. This has already been demonstrated over and over: They lie, persecute, slander, charge falsely, flood our nation with drugs and unvetted illegals, ignore laws, fix elections, the list goes on. 

And you should know by now that the perpetrators of these evils have one person they fear above all others: Donald Trump. The corrupt in government know they simply CANNOT let him back in power. Trump now knows too much, and is intent on dealing out justice. The corrupt are confident that if reelected, he would be ruthless in his efforts to do so. 

Please continue to pray for Trump, his family, and those connected to him. Also, we MUST continue to pray that America be transformed spiritually. Dr Ben Carson just posted the following on X regarding this:

“This is a dark day in American history and I fear we are not grasping the gravity of the situation. Two assassination attempts in two months. It's unacceptable.

“Your ideals and beliefs should never present a threat to your life in the United States of America.

“We are in the midst of a severe moral and spiritual crisis in this nation. This cannot be the society our children and grandchildren inherit.

“I am praying that God will grant us the fortitude and wisdom to navigate ourselves out of it. I’d ask that all of you join me in those prayers today.”

I feel to include the same Psalm today that I shared in last Wednesday’s post, this time making it a prayerful decree over ourselves, our families, and our leaders. It is Psalm 91, from The Passion Translation. Let’s declare it together:

“When you abide under the shadow of Shaddai, you are hidden in the strength of God Most High. 

“He’s the hope that holds me and the stronghold to shelter me, the only God for me, and my great confidence. 

“He will rescue you from every hidden trap of the enemy, and He will protect you from false accusations and any deadly curse. 

“His massive arms are wrapped around you, protecting you. You can run under His covering of majesty and hide. His arms of faithfulness are a shield keeping you from harm. 

“You will never worry about an attack of demonic forces at night nor have to fear a spirit of darkness coming against you. 

“Don’t fear a thing! Whether by night or by day, demonic danger will not trouble you, nor will the powers of evil be launched against you. 

“Even in a time of disaster, with thousands and thousands being killed, you will remain unscathed and unharmed. 

“You will be a spectator as the wicked perish in judgment, for they will be paid back for what they have done! 

“When we live our lives within the shadow of God Most High, our secret hiding place, we will always be shielded from harm. How then, could evil prevail against us or disease infect us? 

“God sends angels with special orders to protect you wherever you go, defending you from all harm. 

“If you walk into a trap, they’ll be there for you and keep you from stumbling. 

“You’ll even walk unharmed among the fiercest powers of darkness, trampling every one of them beneath your feet! 

“For here is what the Lord has spoken to me: “Because you loved Me, delighted in Me, and have been loyal to My name, I will greatly protect you. 

“I will answer your cry for help every time you pray, and you will feel My presence in your time of trouble. I will deliver you and bring you honor. 

“I will satisfy you with a full life and with all that I do for you. For you will enjoy the fullness of My salvation!” (Psalms‬ ‭91‬:‭1‬-‭16‬ ‭TPT‬‬)

Click on the link below to watch the full video.


As the flames of hell threaten to consume so much of what we hold dear in America, our good friend and author, Cheryl Sacks, offers sound wisdom. Take it to heart, and pass it on. Her title is:

When The Flames Reach Our Doorstep: A Call to Wake Up and Act

It’s alarming how the urgency of a situation doesn’t hit us until the flames are licking at our own doorstep. I learned this lesson the hard way when I was just four years old.

When my family moved next door to the Johnsons, their daughter Alida, who was my age, quickly became my best friend. In our rural area, there was no trash pickup or nearby fire department. One day, I noticed Alida watching the trash burn at the edge of their property. Thinking her parents had given her this grown-up responsibility, I was envious and eagerly joined her.

But what started as innocent curiosity quickly escalated. I saw the Johnsons’ Christmas tree in the burning pile, and wanting to add to the excitement, I dragged over our own tree from our backyard. As the flames engulfed it, a knot of fear formed in my stomach—I suddenly realized my parents might not be too thrilled with my “contribution.” Panicking, I tried to drag the now-blazing tree back to our yard. But with each step, the fire spread across the dry grass, following us like a relentless predator.

Alida and I retreated to a nearby hill, watching the fire grow. Each time the flames crept closer, we moved a bit higher. Alida, sensing the impending disaster, turned to me and said, “Cheryl, I think we need to tell our parents.”

My heart pounded as I imagined the punishment waiting for me. “No, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I replied, my voice trembling more with fear than defiance.

“But it’s going to burn down the clotheslines and the chicken coop!” she insisted. 

“We need to tell our parents.”

Again, I resisted. “No,” I said emphatically, without an ounce of logic.

Then Alida said something that shook me to my core. “It’s going to burn down MY house,” she said, looking at the fire with growing concern. Still, I hesitated. But when she added, “Then the fire is going to jump across the driveway and burn down YOUR house,” something snapped inside me.

Suddenly, I wasn’t thinking about the trouble I’d be in—I was thinking about my room, my bed, my toys, my entire world going up in flames. The urgency of the situation finally hit home.

“Yes, we’d better do something quick,” I said, and we bolted to our mothers.

Bursting into the kitchen, I found my mom washing dishes. “I’ll tell you something if you promise not to tell Dad,” I bargained, my voice trembling. “What is it, sweetheart?” she asked calmly, not yet aware of the looming disaster.

“THE BACKYARD IS ON FIRE!” I screamed, the words tumbling out in a panic.

What followed was a frantic scramble. Our mothers called the neighbors, who called their husbands home from work. With garden hoses and water buckets, they fought back the flames, stopping the fire just before it reached the houses.

The Fire in Our Nation

Like the blaze that nearly consumed our backyards that day, a raging spiritual inferno is sweeping across our nation. Just as I passively watched the wildfire spread closer and closer to our homes, many of us remain unmoved by today’s critical issues until they threaten to engulf our own lives—our jobs, well-being, and children’s futures. But should we wait until the danger is at our doorstep before we act? The flames are already devouring our core values, destroying our families, threatening our security, and assaulting our freedoms. This surge has manifested in rising violence, addiction, persecution, moral degeneracy, and spiritual apathy.

As Christian leaders and believers, we must now sound the alarm. It’s time to be on our faces like King Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah, who, when faced with an insurmountable threat of destruction, cried out to the Lord in fervent and intentional prayer and fasting (2 Chronicles 20). Jehoshaphat called a solemn assembly, and all Judah stood before the Lord, acknowledging their helplessness and seeking God’s intervention. This is the kind of humble, desperate prayer we need today—before the flames consume us all.

The Lord is asking MORE of His people in this pivotal hour. He is calling all of us to deeper consecration—convicting our hearts of the need for repentance, holiness, and the fear of the Lord. Now is the time for church services to turn into houses of prayer and routine meetings into solemn assemblies. The mandate is clear: God desires His people to be cleansed, activated, ignited, and moving in the power of Holy Spirit to fulfill His purpose for the Church in this strategic time in history.

If we are to witness the profound spiritual transformation needed in our homes, schools, churches, and nation, we must be willing to sacrifice our convenience, time, and routines, devoting ourselves fully to seeking the Lord and obeying His call on our lives. We each have a part to play. What is yours? The cost is high, but the price of neglect is far greater.

Urgency of the Hour

Here in Arizona, Christian leaders are calling for statewide prayer, fasting, and solemn assemblies beginning October 1 and ending with a united prayer gathering at the state capitol on Sunday, November 3. Leaders in other states are making similar calls. Many churches are opening their doors on Sunday afternoons, encouraging believers to gather and pray for the nation. Imagine the impact if every church in America did this!

We urge everyone to take this message seriously. Whether you are a leader who can mobilize thousands or someone who can gather a few friends in your home, I urge you to act now. This is not the time to sit in front of the television watching the news, wringing our hands, and waiting to see what happens next. This is the time to act! Scripture is clear: if we humbly seek the Lord, He will answer. But if we sit idly by and let the fire burn unchecked, those very flames that are lapping at our doorstep will consume all that we love and cherish.

Hope in Action

God always responds to the sincere, repentant prayers of His people. We have seen Him move in powerful ways throughout history, and He is ready to do it again.

To Jehoshaphat’s solemn assembly, the Lord said: “Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow, go out to face them, for the Lord is with you” (2 Chronicles 20:17, NASB). The following day, Jehoshaphat positioned the worshipers out in front, and the people rose up in praise, thanksgiving, and prayer. The power of the Lord was unleashed, and their enemies destroyed themselves (vss. 20–23)!

Let this be the moment when we rise up in the same spirit of faith and urgency, knowing that as we humble ourselves, seek God’s face, and turn from our wandering ways, He will hear from heaven. Let us call our communities to gather in prayer and repentance, just as King Jehoshaphat did with all of Judah—then watch God arise, vanquish our enemies, and save our nation.

Pray with me:

Heavenly Father, we cry out to You to awaken, purify, and activate Your church. Strip away every form of complacency and ignite in each one of us a passion to pray and take action. Empower us with the courage and boldness of the early church, that we may arise in Your authority, break the chains of darkness, set captives free, and see our nation transformed in the power of Your Spirit.

Our decree:

Lord, we decree that Your church is a consecrated and mighty army, fully clothed with Your armor, ready to confront the spiritual darkness in our land. We declare that Your Ekklesia, empowered by Your dunamis power, partners with You to ignite a great awakening like in the Book of Acts. We proclaim that our families, communities, and nation will return to You and be saved!

Cheryl Sacks is the author of six books, including Fire on the Family Altar, a guide to igniting revival in your home and nation (Amazon). You can learn more about Cheryl and Hal Sacks’ ministry at and PrayerSaturated.School.

Click on the link below to watch the full video.

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