As we move into this time of harvest and extending Christ’s redeeming love into the earth, Holy Spirit has been maturing the church into “a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13). The authority that comes with this is not a right to control people, telling them how to think and what to do. Instead, it is to liberate them from control—the dominion and influence of spiritual darkness.
Liars and propagandists twist the Scriptures, stating that words like kingdom, dominion, rule, overcoming, weapons, warfare, etc., imply that we want to force Christianity on people. They accuse us with words and phrases like “Christian Nationalism,” “dominionists,” and others, attempting to shame and silence us. This is the same dishonest tactic that labels those who disagree with them as homophobes, hatemongers, etc. Don’t be distracted by this; satan has always used lies. He is “the father of lies,” after all. True Christians love all people, just as Christ does.
Those who know the Bible are very aware that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces (Ephesians 6:12) and that our weapons also are spiritual (2 Corinthians 10:3-5). Even our involvement in government is not to control people, but to protect and promote “liberty and justice for all.” (Including Christians!)
The church is moving forward in its ability to represent Christ, enforcing His victory over darkness. My friend Randy Lopshire addresses this in the following powerful thoughts. Our title is:
No Longer On The Defense
In November 2020, I had the honor of being in Coudersport, PA, with my friend Dutch Sheets and a team of leaders on a prayer assignment regarding our nation. It was a powerful time of prayer, declarations, and decrees.
Just before being asked to go onto the platform with the team, I experienced a vision in which I saw a man with a banner across his chest, similar to those worn by government officials or dignitaries in some nations. The banner was gold with blue lettering and said, “The Rising Ekklesia.” I knew the man wearing it represented a portion of the body of Christ, those who had been receiving revelation that would enable them to function as Christ’s Ekklesia.
Then, from behind me, Jesus walked around my right side. In His right hand, He had a fiery sword shaped like a lightning bolt. He stood before the man wearing the banner and extended His sword. With it, He snatched the banner up and over his head and threw it to the side. The Lord then replaced that banner with a new, brighter gold one containing brighter blue letters; it read, “The Standing Ekklesia.” I knew this man represented those at attention before the Lord, listening intently to Him, and could now do much more for the Kingdom than they were able to do previously.
This morning, the Lord reminded me of that experience. While I pondered it, He dropped these words into my heart: “I have once again removed an old banner, replacing it with another. This one reads, ‘The Ruling Ekklesia.’”
He continued, “My Ekklesia is no longer simply a defensive body, but is now on the offense. This Ekklesia is not set back on its heels, trying to deflect the missiles of the enemy. Rather, it watches closely to see where satan’s “fiery darts” come from, then releases a counter-attack with great authority, precision, and success.”
In my personal times with the Lord, I have been receiving revelation of this for some time, realizing this describes the Ekklesia necessary for right now. Holy Spirit has developed us quickly because these times mandate a mature, fully trained Ekklesia: a Kingdom “Special Forces.”
Gone are the days of simply defending ourselves from sporadic, distracting demonic skirmishes. We will now locate the enemy with precision, advance, and neutralize them. Then, we will follow up by replacing their positions with Kingdom rule. All of this is accomplished with Holy Spirit’s power and leading.
We are no longer “rising,” we are no longer just “withstanding.” We are now in a ruling mindset and posture. It’s time for us to reverse the tone of the war we are in and launch our own spiritual missiles into the kingdom of darkness, behind its walls. We will do that with renewed spiritual vitality, coming from the fresh revelation of WHO WE ARE in Him and WHO HE IS in us.
We must stop dreaming of going back to the Acts 2 church and realize instead, that we are Christ’s 2000-year-old church! We have entered adulthood. We are the mature Ekklesia of the Lord Jesus Christ, endowed with the greatest authority and power in heaven and earth.
No longer are we to only “stand on” Christ’s promises; we are to “fire them” as missiles onto the enemy, with faith that there is not a wall he can build capable of keeping us out! Our Word declarations will prevail.
It’s time to “rush the gates” with the Master’s own words in our hearts: “And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18-19). Like David when attacking Goliath, who slowed down only to snatch up the stones for his sling, we too must run to face the enemy (1 Samuel 17). “How dare he insult our God,” David declared.
Let us not be found waiting for another to do our job for us. We can’t afford to wrongly assume, “It will all just work out.” NO! We, the Ruling Ekklesia, must MAKE things work out through the authority and power Jesus gave us, using the “Promise Missiles” He has given us.
We are no longer the Rising Ekklesia, nor are we only the Standing Ekklesia; we are now the Ruling Ekklesia.
Pray with me:
Father, we know we are living in a world that has not yet experienced the fullness of Christ’s redemption. Satan and his forces are still at work, blinding the minds of unbelievers and controlling them through demonic ideologies and beliefs. We know these evil forces work through every possible means, including governments, education, false religions, wars, hatred, and more. We are called to war spiritually against this (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).
As those who represent You on earth, we ask for the highest possible level of revelation concerning our union with Christ. Release powerful levels of wisdom and revelation. May the church realize - at higher and higher levels - who we are in Christ and who He is in us. Release this revelation until, as Randy says, we function as the ruling Ekklesia.
As this mature Ekklesia, we will walk in the appropriate balance of humility and boldness. Like David, we will run to defeat giants; like Peter, we will be so bold as to say to the lame, “Such as I have, give I thee!” (Acts 3:6). We will possess the faith and boldness of Paul, who eventually took over the leadership of his “prison ship” (Acts 27 & 28).
The darkness in the spiritual realm went into panic and chaos when these and other members of the Ekklesia showed up. It will be the same today when members of Your ruling Ekklesia arrive in territories, taking Christ into the dark places of the earth. We decree this, for You spoke of a church such as this in Your Word. We press toward this mark in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Our decree:
We decree that the Ekklesia of Christ is releasing Christ’s rule, doing so with humility, love, and authority.
Post Script
As I have stated, our GH15 posts are written and recorded the day before their release. As I was about to record this yesterday, the news broke of the four people killed and nine injured in the Winder, Georgia high school. This is but one more horrific example of the destruction satan employs in his efforts to steal, kill, and destroy. We pray for God’s grace and comfort to be released in this community and that, as the sheriff stated, love wins over hate.
Today’s post was contributed by Pastor Randy Lopshire. You can learn more about Randy at
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