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  • 3/30/16

    Outrageous Prayer! “Throughout my lifetime of prayer, the Lord has asked me to pray some pretty outrageous prayers, and make some extremely bold prophetic decrees. I have always possessed a hungry heart for more of God. That passionate longing has produced obedience (sometimes radical), which has led me into some amazing adventures with Him, helping to fuel my growing revelation of His heart and His ways.” Dutch Sheets “And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness.” (Acts 4:31; ESV) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: Look what happened when the early church prayed together! Listen to what some are experiencing today! Tell the Lord you want in on this kind of miracle working boldness! Passionate longing comes from time spent talking to God. More than rote prayers or casually uttered ones, ask God to give you passionate prayers! Read the first 4 chapters of the book of Acts today. Can you see that we need awakening in our nation? Ask God to give us a fresh outpouring of His Holy Spirit as in the book of Acts! A prayer you can pray: Father, I love reading the exciting stories in the Bible. I want to know these things are things we can see in our day and time. Teach me to pray passionate prayers that shake my neighborhood and change my city and shift the government of my nation. I believe you can do today what you did in the book of Acts! Thank you, Lord! Amen. Today’s decree: God is able to give His Church a passion for Him that us to commit bold acts of faith and ultimately effects change in the nation!

  • 3/29/16

    A Patriot’s Wisdom – Patrick Henry “It is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.” (Patrick Henry, March 23, 1776)1 “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32; NASB) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: Hope is critical to our faith in God, but hope has a downside – psychological blindness. Ask the Lord to help you look at the condition of our nation with honesty first (truth), to see how dark things truly are. Let yourself weep over it, if need be. Now, ask the Lord to help You see what He plans to do about these dark things. Let hope now arise in your heart that God is able to set things right. Intercede on behalf of the United States from this fresh perspective. A prayer you can pray: Dear Lord, help me if I have put the cart before the horse and been hopeful for this nation’s future without comprehending the truth of the mess we are in. I haven’t wanted to really know. I don’t like believing that things are really so bad. Open my eyes and show me how bad things are. Now, renew my hope and show me what You plan to do about it. Show me how to pray that all of Your plans come to pass. (Intercede as He shows you.) In Jesus’ name, amen. Today’s decree: The moral condition of the United States is terrible and ugly, but God, You are able to put us back on Your course! 1 Patrick Henry. “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!” speech at St. John’s Church, which historians believe ignited the Revolutionary War. The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 2016. Source: Wirt, William. Sketches of the Life and Character of Patrick Henry . (Philadelphia) 1836, as reproduced in The World’s Great Speeches, Lewis Copeland and Lawrence W. Lamm, eds., (New York) 1973.

  • 3/28/16

    Transforming Cities Could our communities be truly transformed by Christ if every neighbor and neighborhood were prayed for daily? Christians from numerous churches in one city decided it could and they began to pray: Five blessings for Five neighbors for Five minutes a day for Five days a week for Five weeks.1  (Quin Sherrer) Starting yesterday, a national 40-day prayer walking campaign began. If you are unable to get out and walk, use this plan! “Pray [also] for one another that you may be healed and restored—to a spiritual tone of mind and heart. The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available—dynamic in its working.” (James 5:16b; AMP) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: You can use the word “BLESS” as a jump-start to praying five important ways: B Body: health, protection, strength L Labor: work, income, security E Emotions: joy, peace, hope S Social: love, marriage, family, friends S Spiritual: Salvation, faith, grace2 A prayer you can pray: Father, thank you for the notable changes and good reports resulting from answers to those prayers. May we not neglect to keep praying for our homeland– neighborhoods, cities and nation. Amen.3 Today’s decree: Every home in our nation and in my neighborhood will be covered in prayer in the next 40days! I BLESS those in every home, Lord! Footnotes: 1 Excerpted from “The Spiritual Warrior’s Prayer Guide”, by Quin Sherrer and Ruthanne Garlock. Ventura, CA : Regal Publishing, 2010, pp 209-210. 2 Intercessors for America Newsletter, March 1999, by Alvin VanderGriend. 3 Excerpted from “The Spiritual Warrior’s Prayer Guide”, by Quin Sherrer, Ruthanne Garlock. Quin Sherrer has written or co-authored 29 books, primarily with Ruthanne Garlock, and has spoken on more than 350 radio and TV stations on prayer and personal renewal. Her bio and contact information can be found at

  • 3/27/16

    It’s Resurrection morning! After all of Jesus’ actions to redeem us, He burst forth from the grave and soon he would head home to the Father accompanied by the angels. Nothing could hold Him back from fulfilling His promises to mankind. Nothing could keep Him from the Father. “The lost have been finding their way home through the cross for two thousand years. Easy to find yet missed by many, it marks the way to the Father’s house.”1 Eat at His table today and enjoy His blessings and the pleasure of His company. “All praise to God, the Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ. It is by His great mercy that we have been born again, because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Now we live with great expectation, and we have a priceless inheritance that is kept in heaven for you.” (1 Peter: 3-4a; NLT) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: Put on your favorite song celebrating the cross and Christ’s resurrection and worship Him! Invite someone to join you and your family at your dinner table, so you can share the love of Christ with someone lost or lonely. Realize that the same power that raised Christ from the dead lives in you! Realize that this power can save the lost, set sinners free, heal the sick and the mentally oppressed. It changes the literal environment of everywhere you go and everywhere you pray! Proclaim that you are walking in resurrection power! Pray that our nation experiences an outpouring of God’s presence because of the multitude of Believers with a revelation of God’s resurrection power in them praying together daily! A prayer you can pray: Father, thank you that You sent Jesus! Thank you, Jesus, that you came, died and powerfully resurrected from the dead! Thank you that You saved me and that You are able to save everyone who will believe! Thank you that You have filled me with resurrection power and I can go forth and proclaim Your Good News! Thank you that the prayers I pray for the lost and the sick and my sick nation will bear good fruit and I will see many miracles – things beyond what I can imagine! Because of Jesus’ blood and resurrection, Amen! Today’s decree: The resurrection power of Christ lives in me! 1 Sheets, Dutch. The Pleasure of His Company.  Bloomington: Bethany House Publishers, 2014: 220. Print.

  • 3/27/16

    “So that with one mind and one voice, you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” – Romans 15:6 As Christians, we believe in the power of intercessory prayer. As the late minister James Edwin Orr once said, “No great spiritual awakening has begun anywhere in the world apart from united prayer.” Across the nation, leaders are hearing the Lord say that the U.S. is going to experience a great awakening. Prompted by this message, a coalition of influential evangelical and charismatic/Pentecostal leaders met this past December in Colorado Springs, hosted by Dick Eastman at the international headquarters of Every Home for Christ. The coalition—including Paul Cedar (Mission America), John Bornschein (National Day of Prayer), Ed Silvoso (Harvest Evangelism), Dutch Sheets, Lou Engle, David Butts (National Prayer Committee), and Mike and Cindy Jacobs (Generals International)—sought the Lord, strategized, and came to a consensus that God was leading them to unite and issue a national call for multiple  days of fasting and prayer walking. Out of this has emerged a broad coalition of ministries called, As One. The vision is: uniting as one in Christ Jesus, appealing to heaven to change the spiritual climate of our nation. The basic strategy revolves around two 40 day periods of prayer walking, fasting, and corporate prayer events. The first will start on Easter Sunday, March 27 and run through the National Day of Prayer on May 5.  The second begins on September 30 and ends on Election Day. In addition, there will be much collaboration with major national prayer events that are happening throughout the year. The plan is to prayer walk every street and every zip code, which will take an army of believers who will strap on their walking shoes and cry out to heaven as they journey past the streets, houses, businesses, schools, and police and fire stations of the nation. We foresee a multi-generational and multi-racial effort at bringing transformation. God is looking for a people who will take Him at His word to “give Him no rest” until our nation returns to righteousness, as we appeal to heaven to see a massive revival sweep the nation from coast to coast. The new national website that will have devotions, information and many resources is: More details will soon be available on how you, your church, and other movements can join us in putting feet to our prayers. #blog

  • 3/26/16

    Asah! Jesus’ last word was “tetelistai.” It is the same word as “asah” in the Hebrew. It means “to complete something.” It also means “to create.” And, it means “to make war” or “avenge.” When Jesus shouted it out it meant, “The debt is paid in full. I have avenged and made war. Come forth, new creation!” He said all of that, all that the cross meant to mankind, all wrapped up in one word – asah! “He said, ‘It is finished!’ Then he bowed his head and released his spirit.” (John 19:30; NLT) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: Thank Him that Jesus paid the debt for your sin in full. Tell Him that you want to walk out the rest of your life as a new creation. Shout “asah” over family members who don’t know Him. Shout “asah” over ungodly situations and laws in our nation. Shout “asah – come forth new creation,” to the fullness of God’s Kingdom being manifest in the earth! A prayer you can pray: Father, thank you that Jesus paid the debt for my sin in full! I don’t have to do a thing, except accept His wonderful gift! I want to live for You every day that I have left and for all eternity! I shout “asah” over (name your unsaved loved ones)! I shout “asah” over (name situations in the nation that are not in alignment with His Word)! Kingdom of God, come! Asah and amen! Today’s decree: “Asah!”

  • 3/25/16

    The Crucifixion Six hours He hung there. Besides the nails in His hands and feet being excruciatingly painful, he was slowly suffocating. In this dying state, He interceded for His transgressors. He redeemed the lost thief. A darkness rolled in. He Who knew no sin was about to be made sin and about to be separated from the Father as a result. This was the hardest thing. It made Him cry out, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani.” The beloved Son is forsaken and the Father must pour out His wrath on Him – because of our sin. “The Lord says, ‘It was my will that he should suffer; His death was a sacrifice to bring forgiveness. And so he will see his descendants; he will live a long life, and through him my purpose will succeed.’” (Isaiah 53:10; GNT) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: Through the most excruciating pain of Jesus’ last living day on earth, He was thinking of others. Worship Him for redeeming mankind. The last thing Jesus experienced was to be separated from the Father, even as we are separated when we don’t know Him through Jesus. Cry out for every lost soul you know, that this year they will come to know their savior – Jesus! A prayer you can pray: Father, I worship You for sending Jesus to die on the cross for us. Jesus, I thank You that You hung there in pain and in shame. Thank you that You experienced eternal separation from the Father as you took the weight of all of the world’s sin on Yourself. What great love!! We must have an outpouring of Your Holy Spirit, Lord! People must know what You have done! Today’s decree: Jesus took all of our sin to the cross, so that we could live forever in relationship with the Father, starting now!

  • 3/24/16

    Crucify Him! Cries of “Crucify Him” rang out. Those standing there hated the light because it exposed the evil in them. Man’s fallen condition is evil by nature – enmity against the Most High God. God came into the world to love mankind and we respond with “Crucify Him!” The abortionist doesn’t want evidence that the fetus is human. The humanist wants no standards or absolutes. They cry out, “Crucify Him,” all over again. But, sitting in a robe of mockery and a crown of thorns, He sat in quiet dignity before them. This is a love we cannot understand. “So they cried out again, ‘Crucify Him!’ The Pilate said to them, ‘Why, what evil has He done?’ But they cried out all the more, ‘Crucify Him!’” (Mark 15:13-14; NKJV) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: Get out your newspaper or open up an online news source. Note how many articles you see that talk about areas where man is saying yet again, “Crucify Him!” Identificationally repent, “Father, forgive them for they don’t understand what they were doing! If they knew the great price Jesus paid, they would not want to crucify Him again!” Do the above over 3 or 4 national or community issues you are reading about. A prayer you can pray: Father, look at the condition of our nation. Look at all of the things we are still doing where we are still crying out, “Crucify Him!” We want our way. We think we are so smart, an evolved culture, but we really just don’t want You. We don’t want to hear what You are saying. We don’t want to do what Your Word says is the right thing to do. Forgive us, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. Today’s decree: Forgive us, Lord, and help us to want Your involvement in our lives and in our nation.

  • 3/23/16

    Shedding of Blood The pressure was so great on Jesus as He wrestled with God in the garden that he sweated blood. Then, bits of bone or metal, sharp on long straps of leather were slung about His body, ripping off His flesh. He was left right at the point of death. Because of these 39 bloody stripes on His back, we can be healed. Next, a crown of thorns was pushed down on His head. The curse on Adam and Eve, therefore on all mankind, had demanded thorns to grow and frustrate man’s efforts. Every bit of the curse was being undone as His blood flowed. “Because of the sacrifice of the Messiah, his blood poured out on the altar of the Cross, we’re a free people – free of penalties and punishments chalked up by all our misdeeds. And not just barely free, either. Abundantly free!” (Ephesians 1:7-8; MSG) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: Thank the Lord for healing Your mind. Pray for everyone you know who suffers from mental illness, worry, anxiety and fear. Jesus shed blood so that these things can be healed. Thank the Lord for healing your body. Pray for everyone you know with a physical illness. Jesus was whipped until His blood flowed and by His stripes we have already been healed. Appropriate the healing. Thank the Lord for the healing of your soul – your will and emotions. If your efforts are frustrated, realize that as His child you are no longer living under the curse. You are free to move forward as He leads. Go! A prayer you can pray: Dear Lord, thank you for the shedding of Your blood. You shed Your blood, so that I may be free and may pray that others be set free as well. Heal the fearful, the anxious and the mentally ill. Heal those with every manner of physical disease. Heal those who feel they cannot move forward in their lives, as if they are living under a curse. Heal our nation, Lord. I proclaim that we are healed through the blood of Jesus, Amen. Today’s decree: Jesus shed His blood so that we could be completely healed and completely set free to live for Him!

  • 3/22/16

    Gethsemane Judas knew where to find Jesus – in His place of prayer. Jesus’ struggle would last three hours long as He wrestled with the greatest stress any human being could endure – for us. He didn’t pray glib prayers. He knew what was coming, and while He wanted to be in the comfort of His friends, He knew this was something He had to face on His own. He was deeply grieved, anguished, even overwhelmed, but He didn’t stop working this through with the Father. Redemption had begun. “He went forward a little, and fell face downward on the ground, and prayed, ‘My Father! If it is possible, let this cup be taken away from me. But, I want your will, not mine.’” (Matthew 26:39; TLB) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: Read Matthew 26:36-42. Sit and think about what Jesus was going through. He wrestled with God for the grace to finish His task – our salvation, our lives, even the future of our nation! Such a great price. We can’t even comprehend it! Worship the Lord, for He is worthy! Tell Him that you want to do His Will and follow His Word. Ask Him for grace to do whatever He says, no matter how hard! He understands. A prayer you can pray: Jesus, I can’t even begin to understand the level of anguish You were dealing with as You wrestled in the Garden of Gethsemane for the grace to go to the cross. Your humanity was showing, showing me how great the cost of our salvation was to You, the cost of Your future plans – even the establishment of this nation. I worship You for You are worthy to be worshipped. Grant me the grace that I need to follow You wherever You are going. Amen. Today’s decree: Jesus is worthy of all worship and praise and adoration and exaltation!

  • 3/21/16

    The Victory Meal The last supper was an expression of the new covenant and the cup of victory. In Genesis 14:18, Abram met King Melchizedek. As a gesture of victory and establishment of covenant, Melchizedek brought out the bread and the wine and the king and Abram partook together. Jesus deviated from the standard Passover meal and brought out the bread and the wine. In a display of His covenant with them, the King served the children of Abraham. Victory was coming! “…Jesus took the bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them and said, ‘Take, eat; this is My body.’ Then He took the cup…and He said to them, ‘This is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many.’” (Mark 14: 22-24; NKJV) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: If you have bread and grape juice or wine, go get some and prepare to take communion – just you and the Lord, or include your family or prayer group. Take a few minutes and thank the Lord for your salvation – the victory of the cross manifested! Thank the Lord that He has established the United States to be in covenant with Him. Reaffirm your personal covenant and our nation’s covenant with Him as you take communion. Victory is coming! Using the scripture above in Mark, read it aloud and take communion. A prayer you can pray: Father, thank you so much for sending Jesus to form a new covenant between You and Your people. Thank you for saving me! Thank you that you have also formed a covenant with the United States of America when You established our nation for Your divine purposes. As I take communion now, I ask You to remember these covenants, Lord, and may all of Your plans be victorious! Amen. Today’s decree: The victory of the cross is going to be manifested throughout our nation, which is in eternal covenant with God!

  • 3/20/16

    The Passover Meal Jesus was hours away from His death and resurrection, planned from the foundation of the world. He wanted to share His deepest thoughts with His disciples. He wanted to tell them about the new covenant, institute communion, share His heart with them and His plan of salvation. And, what were the disciples fussing over? Position. So, He washed their feet. “And they began to argue among themselves as to who would have the highest rank in the coming kingdom.” (Luke 22:24; TLB) “So He rose from the table, took off his outer garment, and tied a towel around his waist…and began to wash the disciples’ feet.” (John 13:4 & 5b; GNT) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: We are entering the holiest season for Christians, culminating in the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus! Do we want to be those that commune with Christ and hear about His plans and His ways or will we be like the disciples that night and worry about how successful we can be? Tell Him about the relationship you want to have with Him. Think about how He serves us every day that we live. Commit to live a life of service to Him and to others. Get your Bible out and read Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22 and John 13. A prayer you can pray: Dear Lord, I don’t want to miss any part of what You are saying and doing right now. I am convinced that we are living in exceptional days and there is much You want the Church to know. Please help me not to worry about my own fame, but to be one that makes You famous! Show me what You want me to do and empower me to serve You every day. In the Name of Jesus, Amen. Today’s decree: I desire to know Him and make Him known!

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