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Jesus’ last word was “tetelistai.” It is the same word as “asah” in the Hebrew. It means “to complete something.” It also means “to create.” And, it means “to make war” or “avenge.” When Jesus shouted it out it meant, “The debt is paid in full. I have avenged and made war. Come forth, new creation!” He said all of that, all that the cross meant to mankind, all wrapped up in one word – asah!

“He said, ‘It is finished!’ Then he bowed his head and released his spirit.” (John 19:30; NLT)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Thank Him that Jesus paid the debt for your sin in full.

  2. Tell Him that you want to walk out the rest of your life as a new creation.

  3. Shout “asah” over family members who don’t know Him. Shout “asah” over ungodly situations and laws in our nation. Shout “asah – come forth new creation,” to the fullness of God’s Kingdom being manifest in the earth!

A prayer you can pray:

Father, thank you that Jesus paid the debt for my sin in full! I don’t have to do a thing, except accept His wonderful gift! I want to live for You every day that I have left and for all eternity! I shout “asah” over (name your unsaved loved ones)! I shout “asah” over (name situations in the nation that are not in alignment with His Word)! Kingdom of God, come! Asah and amen!

Today’s decree:



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