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  • May 13, 2016

    The Legislation of the Church There are tens of thousands of Believers across the nation contending for America’s future. The Lord gives us an assurance that He doesn’t need a majority of people in order to enact the change that He wants to bring.  He just needs the remnant, a few. Let’s separate ourselves to Him, acknowledge that He’s in control, drop our agendas for His and be willing to do what He wants done. This is how a nation is changed. “Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them.” (Ephesians 5:11; NASB) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: Are you willing to be one of those that exposes the works of darkness? Will you contend in prayer for light to pierce the darkness and expose it for what it is? Tell the enemy that He can go no further, his time is done and God is about to move to dethrone him in America. Pray for the transgendered, that they will know how deeply they are loved by Father God. Command the door be closed to legislation and other governmental action seeking to open our bathrooms and changing rooms to those of the opposite biological sex. This is not hatred or fear-based intercession, but is an act of lovingly protecting our children from the potential for pedophilia and other acts of sexual abuse. A prayer you can pray: Lord, I am willing to be your instrument of intercession. I command everything being done in darkness, being planned in darkness, that is behind these so-called “bathroom equality” bills, to get into the light! Satan, you can stop right there, that is far enough! God is about to dethrone you in this nation. I can tell you know this, because you are looking bold and proud, but you are acting in desperation, because you know your days are numbered. Lord, reveal the depth of Your love and grace to the transgendered. I command the door to our nation’s public bathrooms and changing rooms shut to the opposite sex now in Jesus’ Name. Amen. Today’s decree: The remnant is moving now to legislate in the heavens affecting legislation in the earth!

  • May 12, 2016

    Boots on the Ground No war gets won without boots on the ground; without an army. The Air Force goes in first, but just praying is not enough. It is just the beginning and it is a critical beginning! The standard in the church has been lowered, because it’s very hard to get people to pray, much less act. We are about to raise the bar! Not only are we called to pray and fervently pray, but we are called to take action to advance the Kingdom of God on a day by day basis. “When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God. ‘Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.’” (Acts 4:24a and 30; NIV) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: Pray Acts 4:24b through 30 in your favorite version of the Bible. Read it again with all the passion you can muster! Now read verse 30 with even more fervency. Expect something to change today! Find something in today’s news that may alter the nation if it becomes law or does not shift away from current legislation. Your choice. Lift it to the Lord with humble fire in your heart and prayers. As you go through your day today, look for an opportunity to do something that makes a difference in your actions from laying hands on a sick person and praying for their healing to signing a petition to change legislation. Do something in addition to your intercession. A prayer you can pray: Lord, I pray Acts 24b through 30 back to You now as the prayer on my heart today. (Pray it and pray it again with fervency!) Give me an opportunity today to do something that makes a difference and expands Your Kingdom through my actions as I go about my day. I lift up national issues in the news where You are not honored or where laws are trying to be put in place that do honor you. Change them, Lord! Now, show me something I can do regarding that issue besides my intercession. Kingdom of God, Come! In the Name of Jesus, Amen. Today’s decree: The Air Force (prayer) and the Army (boots on the ground action) are needed to change this nation and to expand the Kingdom throughout it! Both are in me!

  • May 11, 2016

    America’s Providential History We are a democratic republic deeply rooted in the Judeo-Christian ethic. If we cut off our roots, then our country will die. The secular humanists do not understand this. They believe in “live and let live” and “don’t push your Christian beliefs on me.” What they don’t understand is that they are cutting off the branch they are sitting on. “He is like a man who, in building his house, dug deep and laid the foundation on rock. The river flooded over and hit that house but could not shake it, because it was well built.” (Luke 6:48; GNT) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: Intercede for those who would tell you they have no need of God. Ask the Lord to give you a greater love for those who seem to be against everything God is. There could be great pain behind their rejection of the Lord. Commit to God that you will not be kinder than He is and compromise on what He says is light and what He says is darkness. Ask Him for the grace to help keep the nation’s foundation strong and solid no matter what the opposition says to try to change your mind. A prayer you can pray: Father, I lift up the secular humanists, atheists and agnostics to You. I ask You, Lord, to reveal Yourself to them in ways they cannot deny. I forgive them for trying to remove You from our society and our laws and I ask You to give me a deep compassion for them, even though they think so differently. However, I ask You for the grace to stand firm against their godless ideas, realizing that to eliminate You and Your standards from our government and laws means that we unravel the foundation upon which they were built. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Today’s decree: We must boldly stand firm against the secular mindset that would seek to unravel the godly foundation America is founded on.

  • May 10, 2016

    Who was John L. Burns? John L. Burns was a veteran of the War of 1812 and the Spanish American War. He was in his mid-60’s when he attempted to enlist on the Union side of the Civil War. The Union said no and sent him home to Gettysburg, PA, to retire and live a quiet life to the end of his days. Providentially, the war that was about to shift the history of this nation was about to take place at Gettysburg. The Confederate army got there first and Mr. Burns said, “Not on my watch!” He got his powder horn and flintlock musket and went out to face the Confederate army alone. He was wounded, but got up to fight again. The Union army took note, gave him a repeating rifle and let him join in. President Abraham Lincoln heard about him and made Mr. Burns his guest of honor when he arrived to make his now famous Gettysburg address. Never say you are too old to be a part of this movement. “Now then, just as the Lord promised, he has kept me alive for forty-five years since the time he said this to Moses, while Israel moved about in the wilderness. So here I am today, eighty-five years old! I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then. Now give me this hill country that the Lord promised me that day.” (Joshua 14:10-12a; NIV) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: Repent if you have thought that those older Believers need to retire and leave the nation-changing to the young. You may have even thought, “These old ones just need to get out of the way and let the young ones take over in the battle.” Make room in your heart for every Christian to participate in this move of God. We need every one of us! If you are older, repent if you have felt like you need a break or need to stop and rest. Ask the Lord to refire you! Ask Him for fresh vision! Ask Him for a fresh assignment, if you’re not sure what to do. Don’t stop! Remember Caleb. Known or unknown, young or old, soldier or one who watches after the children, we must all engage in the battle to preserve our nation’s heritage and expand the Kingdom! Give a shout! Let’s go! A prayer you can pray: Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for letting me live in this day and age. Thank you for forgiving me when I have felt like there are those Believers that just need to sit on the sidelines while those of us who are young or knowledgeable or strong engage in the battle. Forgive me if I have felt that I am not one God can use. Help me to remember those such as John L. Burns and Caleb who were fired up to hold the territory and take the ground you had given them when they seemed long past the age they should be on the battle field. We say today that there is room for everyone, indeed we need every saint to win this war! Amen. Today’s decree: Every saint is needed in the battle for our nation, young and old fighting side by side together!

  • May 9, 2016

    We Must All Give our All The Appeal to Heaven movement is not just about the great leaders God has given us, but it is about all of us who are Believers. If we do not get this in all spheres of influence God’s called us to, we will not get the full turning that’s necessary to turn this nation back to God. You have to believe this. We each need to give Him our all so that we can redeem the spheres of cultural influence He’s placed us in. It doesn’t matter how old or how young we are. We have to give it our all! “I was forty years old when Moses the servant of the Lord sent me from Kadesh Barnea to explore the land. And I brought him back a report according to my convictions, but my fellow Israelites who went up with me made the hearts of the people melt in fear. I, however, followed the Lord my God wholeheartedly. So on that day Moses swore to me, ‘The land on which your feet have walked will be your inheritance and that of your children forever, because you have followed the Lord my God wholeheartedly.’” (Joshua 14:7-9; NIV) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: It will take each of us full of faith to do our part to turn this nation back to God. Ask the Lord to give you a revelation of your part in your sphere of influence. Those in business and law and education and medicine and government, those in the military, in retail, in ministry and full-time homemaking, each of us has a key part to boldly play! Embrace it! Commit to being wholehearted in your efforts! Intercede for the Body of Christ to receive this revelation—that all are needed! The leaders can’t accomplish this alone! But do pray regularly for those leaders in the Body of Christ that God has called to trumpet the message that it would be clear! A prayer you can pray: Father, the Church has traditionally looked to our leaders to do the work of the ministry. Not anymore! We need all hands on deck, so to speak! Pour out a revelation, Holy Spirit, on me and on the Body of Christ that we will understand how important our positioning is in different vocations and spheres of influence. We need to wholeheartedly share the Gospel of the Kingdom in the places you have put us. We need to influence and affect legislation from the knowledge you’ve given us. Help us to work with all that is within us to redeem these areas and make our nation pleasing to You. Show each of us what to do, Lord. Amen. Today’s decree: It will take each and every one of us doing our part in the arena of influence God has placed us in to turn our nation back to God.

  • May 8, 2016

    The Appeal to Heaven Flag The “An Appeal to Heaven” flag is showing up all over the world. It’s in the Himalayas, it’s in Europe, It’s in Asia, It’s in South America. I was recently shown a picture of it hanging in the Parliament in South Africa! I thought it was the symbol of America’s covenant with God, but the Lord has shown me that it is the flag of the Kingdom! There’s a preacher taking it to the North Pole this summer in June, because God told him, “Take it and plant it on the North Pole, because I’m coming to visit the earth once again.” It’s the Kingdom flag! “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14; NIV) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: The Lord has resurrected a symbol of covenant from the history of the United States of America, the “An Appeal to Heaven” flag. This flag flew over George Washington’s ships in the Revolutionary War. Thank the Lord that He never forgets a covenant He has entered into! Worship the Lord that He is coming to visit the earth in an unprecedented measure of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit resulting in a great expansion of His Kingdom in the earth! Go and plant seeds of the Kingdom throughout your day today wherever you go. Don’t be afraid! Holy Spirit will lead you and back you up! A prayer you can pray: God, I believe Your promises! I am in covenant with You and desire to see Your Kingdom come and Your will be done in the whole earth, as well as in this nation! I worship You because You are worthy and I worship You for sending Holy Spirit to expand Your Kingdom radically in our day! Holy Spirit, lead me to divine appointments today where I can share the gospel of the Kingdom with those who need to see it and hear it. Work miracles through my life, Lord. Be glorified! In the Name of Jesus, Amen. Today’s decree: I rally under the flag of the Kingdom of God today and say God is coming to visit the earth again now! (You can purchase the “An Appeal to Heaven” flag here.)

  • May 7, 2016

    The Dedication of This Nation “We do hereby dedicate this land and ourselves to reach the people within these shores with the gospel of Jesus Christ and to raise up godly generations after us, and with these generations take the Kingdom of God to all the earth. May this covenant of dedication remain to all generations as long as this earth remains and may this land be evangelists to the whole earth.” Rev. Robert Hunt, Cape Henry, VA, April 29, 1607. “How great are his signs, how mighty his wonders! His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and his dominion endures from generation to generation.” (Daniel 4:3; ESV) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: Take a minute and thank the Lord for those like the Reverend Robert Hunt that He sent to dedicate America to Him and His purposes. Read Rev. Hunt’s dedication as a prayer and agree that this is still God’s heart for this land! Believe that we will continue to fulfill that covenant. This nation has and continues to be a nation sending evangelists to the whole earth. Pray that this will increase even more, but that we will go to teach nations how to reach their own people with the gospel of the Kingdom. Pray for those issues the nation currently struggles with that are out of alignment with God’s plan, such as abortion on demand, the transgender issue, homosexual marriage, broken families due to divorce, continued racial divisions, etc. A prayer you can pray: Dear Lord, thank you for sending Christians to these shores at the very beginning who You knew would dedicate this land to You and to Your purposes. Thank you that you planned for this nation to “reach the people within these shores with the gospel of Jesus Christ and to raise up godly generations after us, and with these generations take the Kingdom of God to all the earth” and to send evangelists into the nations of the earth. We say increase this now, Lord! Reverse the actions of the enemy to institute ungodly laws that are out of alignment with Your Word. Thank you, Jesus. Amen. Today’s decree: The United States of America was dedicated to God for the advancement of His Kingdom and the spreading of the gospel to the whole earth and that mandate has not changed!

  • May 6, 2016

    The Spirit of Revelation Appeal to heaven for the spirit of revelation to come to your community. Ask that the Spirit of God would permeate the atmosphere. Pray that scales would be lifted off of eyes and minds. Pray that the heavens would open and enlightenment would come over your house and over your region. Appeal to heaven to reveal Jesus! “The LORD’s spirit will rest on him–a spirit that gives extraordinary wisdom, a spirit that provides the ability to execute plans, a spirit that produces absolute loyalty to the LORD.” (Isaiah 11:2; NET) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: Ask the Lord to reveal Jesus in your family and community. Pray that spiritually blind eyes will open, so He can be seen. Pray for the wisdom of God to be poured out, so that people can understand His ways that are foreign to the unbeliever. Intercede until the fear of the Lord is poured out on this land! A prayer you can pray: Lord, we must see Jesus! We must know Him and know His ways. Pour out Your spirit of wisdom and understanding and the fear of the Lord on my community and on this nation. Cause the unbeliever to suddenly understand who and what they have been fighting against. We want You, Jesus! We want Your light and Your life and Your ways in America! Come, Lord Jesus, Amen. Today’s decree: I am crying out for God’s spirit of wisdom and revelation in the fear of the Lord to be poured out on America!

  • May 5, 2016

    The National Day of Prayer I speak over this movement of prayer and call you back to the place of intercession and even into a new place of intercession. Awakening has begun in America, so now appeal for the fruit. Don’t appeal for it to begin, but appeal for the fullness. Appeal for the fullness of signs and wonders. Appeal for miracle salvations and supernatural deliverances. Appeal for healed marriages and families. Appeal for major governmental shifts. Appeal to heaven now! “Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.” (2 Corinthians 5:20; NASB) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: Ask the Lord to take your intercession to a new level. Begin to intercede, to appeal to heaven, for the fullness of awakening in America. Ask the Lord for fruit that remains. Appeal to God for major, miraculous shifts in our government that begin to align the nation with His principles and His dream for it once again. A prayer you can pray: God, I want to intercede at a new level. I believe we have already entered the next Great Awakening. So now, I appeal to heaven that You would do the things You have said You would do—save the lost, pour out signs and wonders, make the governmental shifts that align us with Your will and purpose once again! I appeal to You, Father, for the fullness of these things. In the Name of Jesus, Amen. Today’s decree: I appeal to heaven for the fullness of the fruit of this Great Awakening that has begun in America!

  • May 4, 2016

    Abounding Grace Grace. Grace to abound for every good work. Grace to you, pastors. Grace to you, intercessors. Grace to you, parents that are weary in believing that the prodigal can come home. Grace to have more than enough prayer, more than enough strength, more than enough money for the vision, to do everything He’s told you to do. Grace. Grace that pulls you up and gets you there and makes it joyful! Grace to overcome! “Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” (2 Corinthians 12:8-9; NIV) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: Receive an even greater measure of grace from the Lord today. Receive by faith all the grace that you need for your circumstances or vision. We are living in the days of a great outpouring of grace. Pray for the lost to receive the grace of salvation—miracle salvations! Pray for the prodigals to receive the grace to find their way home. Pray for grace for our nation to align with the will and the purposes of God. You can now believe that you will see it and you can receive it by faith. A prayer you can pray: Father, thank you again for Your great, great grace. I thank you for Your Word that tells me that Your grace is sufficient for me. It is more than enough for everything You have promised. I receive that grace today and I believe we are living in extraordinary days. By Your grace we will see lives change and nations align with Your will and Your purpose. The lost will be saved and the prodigals will come home and laws will be written to honor You. You are even now pouring out this grace, Lord. Thank you!  In the Name of Jesus, Amen. Today’s decree: Christ’s power rests on those who receive the grace to carry it out by faith! We will see miracles!

  • May 3, 2016

    Grace Grace is something given, not something earned. Grace is not something you strive into. Grace is a gift from God. Receive this gift today—a grace to run after Him. Receive a grace to find him. Receive a grace to fast, a grace beyond fasting, a grace to meet Him and be empowered, anointed and equipped by Him. Receive a grace to say “Yes” to Him, whatever He wants from us. This is a grace for awakening—His mercy coming to the earth. “Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God.” (Romans 5:1-2; ESV) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: If you feel like you are striving to get what you need from God, read the scripture above, read it out loud, write it out and then pray it back to the Lord. He wants you to understand this gift of grace He has for you. Receive His gift of grace. It is by grace that you do anything in Christ. Whatever you are struggling with today, receive the grace to overcome it. Do you have a dream in your heart from the Lord? Thank Him for the grace to accomplish it. It’s His dream and it’s bigger than you and He will supply the grace you need to accomplish it! Worship Him and thank Him for it! A prayer you can pray: Dear Lord, I receive Your grace today. I receive Your grace to fast. I receive Your grace to intercede. I receive Your grace to spend quality time with You, to share the gospel with others, to walk in signs and wonders, to watch over the people in my neighborhood in prayer, to believe for a great awakening. Sometimes I feel like the things You ask me to do are beyond my ability, but today I receive Your grace to accomplish them all. In the Name of Jesus, Amen. Today’s decree: I receive God’s gift of grace today!

  • May 2, 2016

    Lingering In this season of fasting and prayer walking, we are reminded that God wants us to want Him. He loves it when we long for time with Him and then linger, not wanting to leave. “One definition of ‘linger’ is ‘to leave slowly and hesitantly.’ If you don’t find yourself leaving God’s presence slowly and hesitantly, there’s a short somewhere in the connection. When you truly connect with Him, it’s like a warm bed on a wintery morning—you don’t want to leave it.”1 “One thing I have asked from the Lord, that I shall seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to meditate in His temple.” (Psalm 27:4; NASB) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: Ask the Lord to exchange your appetite for earthly things with an appetite for Him. Be honest with yourself. If you haven’t wanted to linger in His presence, tell Him so (He already knows) and ask Him to increase your appetite for Him. Sit still in His presence for a few minutes and just tell Him how much You love Him. Then, ask Him to cause you to love as He loves. A prayer you can pray: Release an appetite upon Your Church, Lord, where we love You more than earthly appetites. We want to give up legitimate earthly pleasures of this world for the extreme pleasure of pursuing more of God. Release extreme longing in the Church. Release extraordinary love upon the Church. Cause the Church to love as You love. We ask You for an even greater grace to receive this hunger for You. Amen. Today’s decree: The Lord is increasing our appetite for Him and I want to want only Him! 1 Dutch Sheets. The Pleasure of His Company. (Bethany Book House Publishers, Bloomington, MN, 2014, 167.)

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