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Jan 17, 2024
Washington State, Preamble to the Constitution
We, the people of the State of Washington, grateful to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe for our liberties, do ordain this constitution.
Jan 17, 2024
Lord God,
We repent of our sins and America’s sins, especially child sacrifice. May this wicked scourge be cleansed from our land, so our nation can again prosper and our prayers for our waterways will not be hindered.
We thank You for the main artery of the Columbia River, running between Washington State and the state of Oregon. We pray also for the Snake River that is in close proximity to the Hanford Nuclear Reactor in Richland, WA. In the name of Jesus, we ask that angels protect everything regarding these rivers and the nuclear reactor. We bind all attempts to obstruct the petroleum, agricultural, and other commercial items the rivers carry. We decree that no destruction shall come to its flood control structures & pumping systems. We decree that no attempts at cyber disruption of refineries, chemical plants, or the computer networks that regulate the barges, dams, and bridges will succeed. We declare Ezekiel 32:14 that the waters of the Columbia and Snake rivers run deep and smooth like oil, that all along their banks is blessed, and all of their ports are prosperous and protected. We beseech You, also, Father, for Your protection over Richland, WA and the nuclear reactor there. May You reveal and thwart any attempt from inside or out, by plan or accident, that could damage the reactor and bring harm to Tri-City residents and beyond. May Your covering be over the Tri-Cities area and may the churches in which the gospel is accurately preached and love practiced in the Name of Jesus thrive and bring many to repentance and salvation.
In conclusion, Father, consider the threats against America and give Your people boldness to speak Your Word and bring requests humbly before Your throne of grace and mercy. Forgive our sins and heal our land for YOUR glory.
Jan 17, 2024
We decree and agree that God's protection will be over these waterways and pipelines, by His mercy. “We come to your throne of grace and mercy, Father, because we need Your protection over these structures that are so critical to the functioning of water supply, shipping, and travel. These areas are truly beautiful to behold, and we praise You for Your beauty reflected in them. We ask that these evidences of Your creative power will be preserved for praise to You and the well-being of those dependent on them. We also ask for Your protection because I-84 is a major thoroughfare for transporting supplies and people for Washington and Oregon. If the dams are damaged, it will affect highway traffic. Father, You know that I and many others have family members in both western and eastern WA and OR, so I have prayed for safe travel on I 84 and SR 14 for years. Thank you for Your protection in spite of storms, ice, mudslides, and traffic accidents. Thank you for the LE and emergency personnel who have served travelers. Bless them with safety, strength, and stable/harmonious family life. We pray also for Your protection over the bridges over the Columbia River and other rivers. May those responsible for their maintenance perform their duties thoroughly. May the bridges be solid, well-maintained, and protected from ill will by Your angels. Holy Spirit, we thank You for alerting us to pray specifically, corporately, and consistently for the waterways of WA and OR. We thank You for always being with us and speaking to us through Your Word for teaching, reproof, correction, training in righteousness, guidance, and comfort. May we hear You accurately. We ask these things in the Name of Jesus, our Rock, Redeemer, Lord, and King. Amen!”
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