Correcting Our Direction and Moving Forward Properly
[Chuck Pierce recently made the following comments that we all need to hear.]
“Some of us are coming into agreement with what is not the Word of God. We need to renounce that. We need to decree that we will not agree with anything that is not absolute in value and truth. The Lord says that if we are not seeking Him or moving in Him, everything we do is wood, hay, and stubble. It will burn up. So, don’t buy into something that is not true. We must be seeking God to make a difference. We must be exhibiting who God is in our life. We must be obeying Him in order to make a difference in the earth.
“There has been a strategy from hell to shut down our economy. There has been a strategy to capture the next generation. We must decree, 'The victory is the Lord’s!' Do not be deceived by what we have gone through. God has used it for victory! Don’t give into the atmosphere that’s trying to shut down the move of the Spirit. We are headed into a new move of God. The new move is here! Religion will keep you standing still where you are, but God’s Spirit means for you to move with Him.
“We must pray for all authority and all those in authority, whether we like them or agree with them all the time or not. Pray for them and watch God work. We have a responsibility to pray for their aligned righteousness. In America, that includes President Trump, Vice President Pence, Nancy Pelosi, and all the rest of our elected and appointed governmental leadership. I hear a new call coming to God’s people to set a new Kingdom standard. We must get above the earth realm in prayer, so we can see and hear what God is doing and how He wants us to move with Him.
“There is something in our history that God is correcting right now, and we need to know this. God hates that America allowed injustice through the trade of people that created slavery. That created a rule of racism in this land. God hates that. He wants to use His people to deliver this land completely from that. We will be accountable to Him for whether we, as a generation, chose to participate in that deliverance or not. He wants us to operate in such a way that people see love. He wants us to have an empathetic ear and hear others. We need to listen to their opinions. We need to listen to their hurts. Then, God’s people have a responsibility to lead into all truth. It’s the Truth that sets us free.
“We are in a very trying time in the history of our nation. If we move with God, He will help us navigate our way through it. He will then be able to move in the hearts of some leaders to help us know how to bring another layer of healing to America. This has to come.”
“For the Lord your God goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory.” (Deuteronomy 20:4; BSB)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Decree that we are disconnecting from the lies that are being empowered in the earth.
Decree, “There is a new call coming to God’s people in the earth to set a new Kingdom standard.”
Decree, “God will have a people that have understanding of Him—Who He is and how He operates.”
Intercede for President Trump, V.P. Pence, Nancy Pelosi, and any other governmental leaders the Lord directs you to intercede for. Call forth Truth!
Declare, "We want to see our history healed. Lord, let another layer of the pain and suffering of slavery receive the healing balm of Gilead over it."
Say over the Church, “Get ready for the new move of God!”
A prayer you can pray:
Father, the father of lies, Satan, is having a field day right now. He is influencing many in media, entertainment, government, and other arenas to spread his concocted lies. There is a strong attempt to fool the American people. We must look to You and Your Word—our standards of Truth—for how to navigate the land mines. You are releasing a new call to Your people in the earth to set a new Kingdom standard. You will have a people that have understanding of You—Who You are and how You operate.
We admit that we have been allowing our emotions to get triggered, instead of our prayers to be fired up! We can either research everything—from any public source, even our friends—or we can just tuck in with You and listen carefully. We must be in the Word every day, because its words are the only source of Truth. We must meditate on it and love it and speak it. We are in a spiritual war unlike any we have experienced in our lifetimes. The enemy knows his time is short and is pulling out all the stops. But we look to You, Father of Light. You will dispel the darkness! We can put our whole hope and trust in You.
Lord, we lift up those that are leading us in civil government right now. We decree that You have put them in place. Your Word says You raise them up and give them authority for Your reasons in Your time frame. We pray for Truth in the inward parts. We ask You to draw them to Truth and we cut off every word of falsehood. The American people need clear communication and honesty in these already chaotic times.
Finally, Lord, we ask You to heal America from another layer of the pain and suffering of slavery. Lord, let those who have been hurt be heard. Heal our history and move us forward. We say over the Church, “Get ready for the new move of God!” Release grace to us, Jesus. Amen.
Today’s decree:
All of the upheaval is creating a victorious move of God in America!
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