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September 4, 2024


We live in an era when so many pastors and Christian leaders shy away from speaking out on political and cultural issues. This hasn’t always been the case. At the time of America’s founding, pastors were the leading voices for independence and against England’s oppression. My friend, Larry Tomczak, in an insightful article addressing this, points out that during our time, even Billy Graham wasn’t afraid to do so. Today’s title:


Billy Graham and Spurgeon: Examples for Election and Engagement

Billy Graham, as God’s ambassador, announced the gospel and addressed the evils of his day: atheistic communism; segregation, and racism (front page headline in South Africa: “Billy Graham Calls Apartheid Sin!”); same-sex “marriage” and sexual immorality. He and Franklin placed a full-page statement in the Charlotte Observer exposing gay “marriage” and upholding biblical marriage between a man and a woman!


In the mid-1800s, Charles Spurgeon, called the Prince of Preachers, was a master Bible teacher believing in the sufficiency of Scripture to address all issues. I love his famous quote: “Bold-hearted men are always called mean-spirited by cowards!”

He spoke out boldly against slavery, causing his sermons to be burned in America. He said, “I often hear it said, ‘Do not bring religion into politics.’ This is precisely where it ought to be! The Cabinet and Parliament do the work of the nation as before God, and I say enough of men without conscience! Let policies founded on wrong foundations be cast to the moles and bats! Whether Kings or Queens, Prime Minister or members of Parliament, God grant that the day come when the division between secular and religion shall no more be heard!”


Mr. Spurgeon speaks to us in America today! Multitudes have been misled regarding the “separation of church and state” (which appears nowhere in our founding documents). Correctly interpreted [the Constitution] means freedom OF religion, not freedom from religion!

Many have been misled by the so-called “Johnson Amendment” (1954), which is used to intimidate and muzzle pastors afraid of losing tax-exempt status. It has caused scores to refrain from any advocacy for or opposition of political candidates or legislation. Truth be told, the IRS has never actually revoked the tax-exempt status of any church for violating this unconstitutional policy. The Alliance Defending Freedom is currently working to once and for all eliminate this measure (contact them for any caution or clarification).

Are you aware that prior to 1954, churches and ministries had no problem speaking about political issues and political leaders?

[In Britain] Mr. Spurgeon was not afraid to address controversial issues like freedom of speech! He spoke on other political issues: slavery, which he branded as the “foulest blot;” corruption in government (excoriating a “tyrant king”); using his monthly magazine “Sword and the Trowel” to address societal events (which were mild compared to today). He refused to go “woke” as he spoke out about compromise and what he believed to be unscriptural practices, eventually departing his Baptist Union denomination and being “canceled” by colleagues and friends.


Do you really think Mr. Spurgeon, a man of strong convictions, would’ve been silent if a young girl in his congregation had teen boys come into her bathroom or changing room? Would he have been mute if leaders in London were endorsing and celebrating taxpayer-funded abortion up until the moment of birth and beyond? Would he have turned a deaf ear to English magistrates pushing surgical mutilation of young children in the name of “gender care” … pornography distributed in schools… calls for defunding police…and parades of homosexuals and undressed lesbians in the streets of London, along with drag queen presentations in elementary schools…?

Would Mr. Spurgeon simply look the other way if over 1 million unborn babies were slaughtered in the womb yearly? How about a hundred thousand dying annually from drugs coming into the U.K. from “open borders?” Or 300,000 children declared missing, with scores ending up in sex trafficking, raped, and experiencing horrible deaths?

Is it “loving our neighbor” to allow this on our watch while supporting politicians who have this blood on their hands? Let’s be real - is simply studying books of the Bible and avoiding “hot button” issues getting the job done?“If anyone knows what is right and does not do it, for him it is sin” (James 4:17).


1. Complacent

Sadly, there are many in the pulpit who have “lost their first love” (Revelation 2:4) and are merely maintaining status quo religious services in order to make a living; they’re “waiting out the clock” ‘till it’s time to recalibrate their career or comfortably retire.

2. Compromising

Tragically some are caving to “woke” cultural pressures and betraying the call to “contend for the faith once delivered” (Jude 2); they’re choosing to yield to the fear of man and societal acceptance.

3. Cowardly

Those first “cast in the lake of fire” (Revelation 21:8) are those who submit to the fear of man. Lacking biblical convictions in these “times that try men’s souls,” they’re afraid of losing members, tithers, maybe their salary and next mortgage payment.


4. Courageous

Billy Graham said, “Courage is contagious!” and the good news today is that many are awakening to bring both grace and truth, declaring the “whole counsel of God” in one of the most serious moments of America’s history.


Liberty or tyranny? Free market capitalism or Marxist socialism? The window is closing fast in America, and if the wrong candidate takes office, conservatives will awaken to chilling consequences.

We are at an inflection point in this existential crisis requiring all of us to summon bravery to honor our Judeo-Christian heritage and our Founder’s ideals.

If you are a pastor, parent, or person who can influence others, please avail yourself of the FREE, instantly available, brief videos prepared by 16 key leaders in America to help you with the 30 hot-button issues of our day. We need to be informed influencers, changing the hearts and minds of as many as we possibly can. Go to, click the Bullseye graphic, and get started!


“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same or one day, we will spend our sunset years telling our children and children’s children what it was once like in the United States, where men were free.” Ronald Reagan

Pray with me:

Father, we have surrendered much sacred ground in America. Our ignorance has caused us to abandon the old path and lose focus of Your ways. You have called us to be Your voice on the earth. Help us to regain this voice, as we love and serve our fellow humans.

We ask You to break the deception off the church that says government is evil, unclean, and something to be avoided, that it defiles our worship and teaching gatherings to talk about moral and biblical issues. While we shy away from this, others indoctrinate our children, shape our laws, and determine our national direction.

Truth frees us. Give boldness to Your people to speak truth - to do so in love, yes, but to do so. We ask You to break fear off the church. Break lethargy and complacency off the church. Awaken us to the fire and passion You need us to embody. We ask for this in Christ’s name. Amen.

Our decree:

We decree that the church of Jesus Christ will regain its voice, trumpeting the gospel of the Kingdom.

Click on the link below to watch the full video.

Today’s post was contributed by Larry Tomczak. We encourage you to visit his website ( for free videos, podcasts, books, and other valuable resources. ​​

Larry Tomczak is a best-selling author of 10 books, a cultural commentator of 50 years, Intercessors for America board member, and a public policy advisor with the Liberty Counsel. Go to to watch 30 amazing, free on

demand, brief videos done by some of America’s top leaders to confidently address today’s tough issues.

1 kommentar

04 sep. 2024

Amen and Amen!! I was thinking today that the old saints and pastors would roll over in their graves by the things going on our country America today! This socialist, communist, marxist policies will destroy our country America... (PERIOD), and the American people, and the world! As we knew it growing up and todays times! Christians and gun owner need to register to vote and VOTE to save our country America!!!!!!!!!! They say this is a election between good and evil and their right! Good = President TRUMP, EVil = the deep state! They want to destroy America from with in and from with out...(PERIOD)!!!!!!!!!!

God bless!!

God is in total control !!

Make America great again!!!!!!!

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