Give Him 15 is joining a 40-day national call to prayer before the 2018 Midterm Elections. Here is today’s Focus:
Day 1 – Worship Him!
“The hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.” (John 4:23; ESV)
There is no better way to begin a 40-day season of intercession for the United States of America than in worship of our God and King! Let us be conscious of the fact that we are blanketing the nation in worship from sea to shining sea, over Alaska and Hawaii-—setting up a canopy of His presence.
Many years ago, the Lord gave me a vision of a huge chuppah—a Jewish bridal canopy—covering America. The result of this level of honoring God was the release of a great move of God that swept across the nation. That vision has stayed with me and many others over the years.
On September 27, worship tents went up in almost every state capital, across many college campuses, and in Washington, D.C., the heart of our government. Worship began to rise across the nation and will be maintained 24 hours a day through tomorrow night. This is the vision of Tent America. May it never end! May our voices rise in praise to our God. May our faces bow low in worship of our King! He is worthy! To Him be the glory! Exalt Him in unity, brothers and sisters in Christ – every race, tongue, age, and economic situation. Take it from your homes and churches to your city’s streets.
Let the name of the Lord Jesus be lifted high above the United States of America!
Points for Prayer:
Fix your eyes on Jesus. He alone is the object of our worship!
Start at Psalm 145 and worship through Psalm 150. Let your heart receive His love as deep calls to deep.
Be conscious of the thousands of Believers worshipping with you today. The Bride is in worship today! Don’t you feel the joy of that?
Let your own songs of worship rise up to Him.
By Dr. Cindy Jacobs Co-founder, Generals International