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September 27, 2017

Cosmic Battle For the Nation’s Soul

I have never seen spiritual warfare over our nation like I’m seeing today. It is truly shocking to watch…and experience! One would have to be spiritually blind not to realize there is a cosmic battle occurring for the soul of our nation. The ferocious forces endeavoring to lead America down a secular, non-Christian path can only be described as frenzied in their current actions. Please know—the battle is NOT about Donald Trump. It is about whether the devastation caused by 50 years of anti-Christian activity will be reversed or, God forbid, continue. The antichrist forces are almost rabid in their anger over the potential loss of progress. I have been saying since last November that if the church doesn’t pray with the intensity we had during the elections, President Trump will not succeed in his efforts. This battle can only be won spiritually. We CAN turn this nation around, but it will require more spiritual warfare.

“For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:3-5; ESV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Rally yourself to intercede with power and authority. The enemy is not backing down, but rising up!

  2. Put on some warfare worship – try Jeremy BurkRick Pino or John Belt.

  3. Thank God for our President, whom the Lord is using to show where the enemy is at work. So much is rising to the surface!

  4. Cry out for the healing of the land, the races, the generations.

  5. Command the enemy to loose his hold on the minds of our young, up-and-coming, future leaders. Declare that they will come into their right mind, embrace Christ and reject the liberal college philosophies they are being taught.

  6. Repent if you have joined the anger-mob. Ask God to keep you humble and keep your heart soft, but your words strong, so that your spiritual authority may increase.

  7. Continuously ask God to show you His ways, give you His heart, and put His words in your mouth, so you may war with righteousness and justice together with Him.

A prayer you can pray:

Lord, I make myself ready before You to spiritually engage the rising enemy afflicting America. I worship you with the help of those worshipping warriors You have raised up for such a time as this. Thank You for President Trump. You are clearly using him to help us see where good and evil divide. We can see the activities of the enemy more clearly than ever now. Father, free the captives! Save the lost and those held in bondage in their thoughts and philosophies. I decree that students will come into their right minds and embrace Jesus, so they can fulfill the purposes You have created them for. Don’t let them follow in the lineage of their liberal professors, but deliver them! Forgive me if I have lost the ability to stay humble, but have chosen to be angry, instead. I will find myself shouting into the wind, if I act like those in the enemy’s camp. May I keep my eyes and ears open for Holy Spirit’s leading. I must state Your case carefully, respectfully and clearly, while You increase the mantle of spiritual authority on my life and use me to make a difference, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s decree:

I decree that the Ekklesia will take up the weapons of spiritual warfare and partner with Christ to defeat the anti-Christ foes in the land!

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