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September 25, 2024


Many times the Lord will give us an example in the natural of what He desires to happen in the spirit. Today, my brother Tim shares a recent dream he had where this is the case. He gives us a vivid “word picture” of what our prayers are doing. Don’t become discouraged by what you see in the natural. Holy Spirit is taking all of our prayers, gathering them in the bowls of heaven, and is about to pour them onto the Earth (Revelation 5:8). Tim’s title today is:


Liar Liar

2 Chronicles 7:14 states, “If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” We will not see righteousness exalt our nation without the divine intervention of Jehovah. The Ekklesia must continue to engage through prayer, faith decrees and believing the prophetic words of our God. 

I want to give you a prophetic dream and word that Holy Spirit is emphasizing for this moment. I feel compelled by Him to have the Ekklesia declare it in faith and birth these words through prayer.

“In the dream, I was walking towards the front entrance of the White House in Washington, D.C. As I grew closer, I could see that a big marquee had been built onto the front of the White House. It looked like the front of a movie theater. The marquee was lit up and read: ‘Now showing: Liar Liar.’

“A little lower than the big marquee were two smaller signs, one on the right and one on the left. Both signs read: ‘Coming soon: The Avalanche.’ 

I noticed a guy standing next to me also looking at the marquee. I didn’t recognize him, but somehow knew his name was Jerry.” 

Tim shares: I found this so intriguing that when I awoke, I looked up the meaning of his name. Jerry means “tip or head of the spear.” In Hebrew it can mean “plain spear,” “exalted of the Lord,” or “who the Lord exalts.”(1) It was also the name for a German soldier in World War II. As I prayed into this Holy Spirit said, “There are soldiers, remnant warriors you do not even know, exalted by Me for this time. These spear carriers, the Lord’s sons and daughters, are also seeing this marquee and reading the signs.”

Back to the dream: “I turned to Jerry and said, ‘I didn't know they turned the White House into a movie theater.’ And Jerry replied, ‘Oh those aren’t movies, haven't you heard? They are live shows. It's a live performance called Liar Liar.’ 

“Then in the dream, everything changed and an angel of the Lord appeared to me. Because of the colors he wore, I knew he was one of the communication angels in Gabriel’s division. There are ‘messenger angels’ under Holy Spirit’s supervision and this was a messenger angel.

“The angel said to me that I was to take the Ekklesia to Seven Mountain Mountain. I told the angel that I had heard of the Seven Mountains of Culture but not Seven Mountain Mountain. I asked where it was located and the angel said it was a spiritual mountain(2) overlooking the White House. The angel also said there are barrier beams built into the mountain, like a lattice, to protect the White House from landslides. He went on to say the Ekklesia must remove the barriers. I told the angel we would take care of it. 

“Then the scene in the dream shifted and I was driving up the mountain in a white work van. I somehow knew it was filled with a Holy Spirit empowered work team. The sign on the side of the work van read Ekklesia Response Team. Coming up the mountain behind me were six other vans filled with these Holy Spirit empowered work teams. In the dream, I recognized that there were seven vans; seven is the number of completion. I knew that under Holy Spirit’s anointing, we would be able to complete the job and remove the barriers. 

“We continued winding up the mountain until we saw a sign that said, ‘Avalanche area, stay out.’ Because of the sign in front of the White House that read, ‘Coming Soon: The Avalanche,’ we knew this was the place we needed to be.

“We exited the vans and began removing the barriers holding back the mountain. Some workers had blow torches and were working on breaking the welding of the beams, while others dragged away the beams. Everyone in the work teams was dirty and sweaty, but we finally got all the beams moved.

“Then one of the workers asked me how we were supposed to start the avalanche; they wondered if we should use dynamite. I said I wasn’t sure and would make a call. I called the angel who had told us to do this, asking how we were supposed to start the avalanche. He said, ‘You’re not supposed to start the avalanche, just remove the barriers. When the time is right, the King will start the avalanche with a great shaking.’” 

That was the end of the dream. 

As I was praying into this, the Lord said, “Ekklesia, engage the barriers of hell and the barriers made by man. Dismantle them with weapons of warfare that I have divinely empowered. For My name and My words are filled with uprooting powers. Uproot ‘seven mountain’ strongholds with supernatural power and with My superior authority. In My name, uproot demon fortifications that have protected ‘seven mountain’ corruption of My ways.

“Uproot lying spirits bunkered in the White House and also surrounding it. In this war season you will see the uprooting power of your king. Roots of deception, theories, reasonings and arguments that have promoted social dementia will now be pulled up and destroyed.

“Ekklesia response teams, move forward and strike the strongholds of darkness with bold decrees of your faith. Ekklesia, hear the calling of your God: use the weapons I have divinely empowered and demolish positions of evil. Overthrow ideologies that have rooted into the culture and into your White House. Refute them with bold truth. I will empower you, for I am pouring forth irrefutable power, power to refute insane distortions of My ways.

“I am pouring out power to uproot and refute the confusion caused by demons in education, media, government and the White House. The Lord says you will see the confusion of the confused demolish their own agendas as My Ekklesia stands in faith for My words. It's uprooting time. Rise up in hope, for the world will now see the emerging of My great Ekklesia and power displays of My mightiness.

“My Ekklesia will move in power disciplining insubordinate disobedience, demolishing hell’s counsels in boardrooms, transforming demonic thoughts in deranged minds into aimless blather. Blather, blather and more blather. Their deranged minds will be conversations of blather. 

“My Ekklesia will bring down the defenses hiding the wicked and their plans, exposing, refuting and demolishing them. They will do so with their war weapons of prayer, decrees and worship warfare. They will use their keys and unlock the cellar doors in the White House and Capitol, doors revealing the underground root systems of iniquity. Root cellars will open, says the Lord. 

“For you will now enter a fullness of time that I have planned; the Liar Liar live performance in the White House will be shown to the world. The avalanche is coming soon and the Liar Liar show will come to an end. I will shake Seven Mountain Mountain and My landslide will begin. Liars will be swept away in it. The mud they have thrown will now become a mudflow that overthrows their power. Ekklesia, dismantle the protective barriers. Activate your response teams. Activate your divinely empowered weapons and I will trigger the avalanche.”

I am confident that the Liar Liar show is about to be hit with the Lord’s avalanche.   He is hastening His Word to perform it. 

Pray with me: 

Heavenly Father, we thank You for what You have promised and are now bringing to pass. Holy Spirit, release Your explosive power on the earth. Send Your avalanche and expose the Liar Liar show. Expose the diabolical root systems in the White House and Capitol. Do it not only in D.C., but also at the state Capitols. Holy Spirit, use Your great and mighty angels, fueled by the decrees of Your Ekklesia, to open the cellar doors. Shake everything that can be shaken and uncover everything hidden. Remove strongholds and barriers with Your power. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Our decree: 

Supernatural intervention is coming to expose and overthrow the deceptive agenda of our government. The Liar Liar show is about to be hit with the Lord’s avalanche and we will see righteousness exalt our nation.

Today’s post was contributed by my brother, Tim. You can learn more about him at

Click on the link below to watch the full video.



  2. The Seven Mountains of Culture are known as: Family, Religion Government, Business, Education, Arts & Entertainment, and Media.


Unknown member
Oct 27, 2024

In 2020, following the fraudulent election, I climbed up to the prayer mountain behind my home overlooking the City of Los Angeles and starting praying for a Divine turnaround and Truth to set America free.

As I did I had a vision, I saw Intercessors praying and this huge mountain of lies and Angel forces pulling out boulders holding up the mountain. The mountain collapsed in an avalanche/landslide and then I saw Angels with heavy machinery digging deep under where the mountain had been, uprooting the basis for the lies exposing it for everyone to see.

I knew as I prayed that all the hidden things would be exposed and brought into the light, and the Truth would set America…


Unknown member
Sep 27, 2024

I bind the prince of Persia, in the name of Jesus.


Unknown member
Sep 27, 2024

These prayer intentions were given to me by Dave Hayes. It's a good model. My prayers for the election are for fraud and corruption to be exposed, for voters to turn out in massive numbers, for the winner to be announced immediately, for the results to be conclusive, for there to be no rioting, and for a smooth transition of power in January. 


Unknown member
Sep 27, 2024

For months, this has been my prayer. Lord, place a circle of angels around a circle of angels, around a circle of angels, around Donald J. Trump, Trump's family, his friends, his political and business allies, around the Republican house and senate, around the Democrat gouse and senate, and around the SCOTUS justices. And let America's third Great Awakening burst forth, with repentance and the power of the Holy Spirit, such as has never been seen before, with great signs, wonders, and miracles. Amen.


Sep 25, 2024

Amen and Amen! Great message from your brother! Y'all must of had great parents! I think I read on here that y'all dad was a pastor! That's great to be raise up in a Christian home!

Yes, the lieing dial is really thick right now with all the political races going on in our country! I was watching a western today on the western channel and a political ad came on for Kamala which was all lies about president Trump! I turned the channel! I don't want to hear all the lies! I know it goes both ways, its what they do and it aint right! I just get tired of hearing it, especially when you know its not true!…

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