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September 12, 2017

In the Face of Great Tragedy – A Great America

“I’d like to send our nation’s prayers to everyone in the path of Hurricane Irma and to everyone suffering through the devastation of Hurricane Harvey.  These are storms of catastrophic severity, and we’re marshaling the full resources of the federal government to help our fellow Americans in Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Texas, Louisiana, Tennessee, and all of those wonderful places and states in harm’s way.  When Americans are in need, Americans pull together — and we are one country.  And when we face hardship, we emerge closer, stronger, and more determined than ever.” (President Donald J. Trump)1

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9; ESV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. President Trump has been humbly seeking the Lord as these tragedies have hit the nation. Thank the Lord for a president that will seek Him.

  2. Thank the Lord for the huge outpouring of help from everyone who feels capable or has means to assist.

  3. Thank God for the way Americans pull together in times of hardship, loving and accepting one another, looking only at the need of another human being.

  4. Intercede for all the many, many needs in the areas where there have been hurricanes, floods, and fires. Ask the Lord to meet everyone single one of them, as we pull together in unity, without fear, to rebuild.

A prayer you can pray:

Lord, I thank you for a president that will humble himself and openly pray for the needs of the people he serves. Thank you for so many offering their time, money, equipment, and talents to help in the recovery and rebuilding of the areas devastated by recent natural disasters. Bless them, Lord. Thank you for turning what the enemy meant for evil into a culture that is seen to express Your character and nature in that we are putting aside our differences and helping anyone who needs help. Meet every need that’s out there, Jesus. Show me what my part is. Make this nation one, even as You are one! Amen.

Today’s decree:

I decree that Americans who know God will not be afraid of storms or riots or anything else they can’t do anything about or don’t understand, but they will come together and show that the USA relies on and acts out of our dependence on God.

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