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September 10, 2017

Word of the Lord for Florida – Chuck Pierce

The Spirit of God is starting to bring down revelation on top of us. And it is very important that we grab hold of this. All of a sudden, I could see the word that was written across Florida. And the Lord said that the word for this state is “Surge!” He said, “Watch the signs that are coming. And there will be surges on both sides of the state. And I say that will be a sign, because the enemy is trying to find a narrow way in through this state to affect an entire nation, but I brought you together tonight to create a surge in the atmosphere. And I say the surge will be like a light that shines down and when the enemy comes in by night trying to enter in to move up in the air and trying to create a strategy, he will be exposed. You will hear of him being exposed throughout this nation. But I say to you tonight, ‘I am drawing you together to create a surge in the heaven and where darkness is trying to enter in, you will create such a surge that my glory will come in and overtake the state.’” (Chuck Pierce)1

“The waters have risen, O Eternal One; the sound of pounding waves is deafening. The waters have roared with power. More powerful than the thunder of mighty rivers, more powerful than the mighty waves in the ocean is the Eternal on high!” (Psalm 93:3-4; VOICE)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Praise the Lord, for He is going to use the storm in FL to reveal the plot of the enemy to bring harm to Florida and the U.S.

  2. Watch where the surge hits. It will be a clue and will show you how to war against the enemy.

  3. Watch for other areas across the nation where dark plans are being exposed.

  4. Command that all of Satan’s plans against the nation would move from darkness into the light.

  5. Worship God for He is the one in control of the water and the waves. Worship Him and trust His love and commitment to you.

A prayer you can pray:

Praise God in the heavens! Praise Him in the earth! May the heavens open over the praises of His people! May we exalt Him until His Presence is tangible wherever we go! Let us open up the heavens and let His light shine in! We are watching, Lord. Reveal Your mysteries to us. We trust the Word of the Lord through the prophets of God. Chuck saw the storm surges coming. He told us this was to expose the plan of the enemy. Show us the mystery and teach us to pray into the place of revelation, so the enemy is routed from Florida and our nation. We are amazed how in control You are! In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Today’s decree:

We decree that God is going to use what the enemy means for evil in order to expose his tactics. Them God will use that knowledge in the mouths of the Ekklesia to set the nation free!

1 From a prophetic Word given by Chuck Pierce in Tallahassee. FL on 7/20/17.

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