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October 19, 2020

Overcoming Anxiety with His Peace

[Beginning 9/25, and continuing through Election Day, November 3rd, GiveHim15 is joining forces with many other national prayer ministries in 40 Days of Prayer for America. Dave Butts, President of Harvest Prayer Ministries, provides today’s prayer focus.]

“Whether it is Covid-19, racial tension, or a divisive election, fear has become pandemic in the United States. There is a level of fear in our nation that is unprecedented. Though the fear is understandable, it is unacceptable for the followers of the Prince of Peace. God’s Word gives us this clear command: ‘Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 4:6-7; NASB).

“It is very difficult to pray effectively from a position of fear. Fear paralyzes us into inactivity. Yet more than ever these days, we need powerful, faith-filled prayer. So perhaps one of the most important prayers for us today is to stand against fear, not just in our own lives, but on behalf of the Church. As we pray, we realize that we are simply agreeing with one of the most common commands of scripture: ‘Fear not!’ We are asking the Prince of Peace to once again calm the storms with a word of command, though this time the storms are in our own lives. We pray for peace so that we might pray with power and see the Lord move once again across our land.”

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33; ESV)

Points for Prayer (By, Dave Butts):

  • Help us to spread peace and not fear wherever we find ourselves.

  • Guard our hearts and minds so that our emotions and thoughts are turned to You instead of the uncertainty that swells around us.

  • Help us to be overcomers who help others through these crises rather than those who live in fear and do nothing.

A Prayer You Can Pray:

Jesus, we remember You today as our Prince of Peace. You do not just give us peace. Your Word tells us You are our peace. You are the peace that passes all understanding. You are the peace that guards our hearts and our minds. You envelop our fearful minds, souls, and hearts with such a deep love and rest. When we are in fear, we cannot concentrate well, even to pray, much less to take faith-filled action. Unless we know You deeply, Jesus, we will be lost in confusion and the same chaos that’s affecting the world around us. We must be different! We must find You and show You to a fearful world.

Some of those that know You are finding themselves in challenging circumstances. We must know that You will bring us through safe on the other side of this global challenge, Lord. Help us find better jobs, even new, stable careers. Help us find a place of health and wellness. May our faith help us forge new paths and help others around us in the process. Let our compassion and our prayer lives deepen, so we may notice others less well off than ourselves. You have answers we can bring them. This is the season of the Great Harvest of Souls. Only the fearless can go and reap it. Only those that know You and Your peace can extend it. We look to You, wonderful Savior, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s Decree:

The spirit of fear over America will be removed by the rising faith of the Church!

Learn more about Dave Butts here.

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