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October 13, 2020

Gender Clarification

[Beginning 9/25, and continuing through Election Day, November 3rd, GiveHim15 is joining forces with many other national prayer ministries in 40 Days of Prayer for America. Nancy Huff, Christian author for the Education Mountain, provides today’s prayer focus.]

“One of America’s most significant resources is its children. As the future of our nation, our children need prayer as they face a major assault by the enemy to the very core of their identity – their sexual orientation. We stand in the gap for all our children as daily our America’s public educational system bombards these little ones with perverse sexual messages that result in early sexualization and gender-confusion. Our schools have invited people, ideas, and images that attack the innocence of our youth. May the prayers of the intercessors come before God to stop the flood of sexual perversion that has affected our children. We will rejoice in His protection for our nation’s children and our nation’s future.”

“Whoever receives one of these little children in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me, receives not Me but Him who sent Me.” (Mark 9:37; NKJV)

Points for Prayer (By, Nancy Huff):

The United Nations has seventeen Millennium Development Goals to be achieved by 2030. Goal #3 is Good Health and Well-being for everyone. Under this goal is the sub-goal of universal access to comprehensive sexuality education and information. The World Health Organization (WHO) routinely publishes a sexuality training “tool kit” and makes the content available to educational leaders and curriculum writers across the world. US educators use the WHO tool kit as an outline for sexuality education in the US. Pray for godly educators and curriculum writers who will reject the UN guidelines and write material that will teach our children purity and the sanctity of marriage.

Title IX is a directive under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to be used to promote equal rights for anyone regardless of sex, race, or religion. President Trump and Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos recently issued a Title IX directive that defined sex as a male or female. Immediately 18 court cases were filed to stop the Title IX directive, but so far, judges have ruled in President Trump’s favor. Pray for the definition of sexual options to be male or female. This one ruling would have a significant impact on whether or not men can compete in women’s sports and vice versa.

As the largest labor union in the United States, the National Education Association (NEA) holds great sway over America’s public schools. They promote sexuality training K-12, which some states have already adopted. The NEA web site encourages teachers to “come out” in their classrooms. Pray to break the control of the NEA over teachers and administrators in public schools.

School Boards across America have a lot of power over the direction of the content taught in public schools under their oversight. Pray for godly people to run for school board positions and that they would be bold in their stand for righteousness and sexual purity once they are elected.

A Prayer You Can Pray:

Lord, light and darkness are becoming more obvious and one of the clearest separations is surrounding the sexual agenda. As we become a more global society, there are some in the U.S.A. who would want to align with the U.N. in its policies for teaching and training on human sexuality. The problem is that those policies are not in alignment with Your heart and Word. They are dark, demonic policies that lead to perversion and exploitation of our children. Long-term, they lead to gender confusion, acceptance of homosexuality and pedophilia as normal, and the end of marriage being defined biblically as between one man and one woman. Give our leaders strategies to reject the U.N. agenda for our country.

Additionally, we ask that we can break free of the influence of large, powerful groups, such as the NEA, who would seek to educate our children on moral and sexual practices that are unbiblical. We decree that these practices will be turned back. Bring the roots of these teachings, and the end results, into the light, Lord. We ask for godly people to run for seats on their local school boards. We pray You raise up those that can serve us in the NEA and the U.S. Dept of Education. We need godly representation at every level of oversight and implementation of the sexual education of our children. We ask for them in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Today’s Decree:

We stop the flood of sexual perversion in education that could affect our children.

Learn more about Nancy Huff here.


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