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November 5, 2020

**Continued Prayer for the Presidential Election**

For the next few days, Give Him 15 will be focusing on prayer for the election until the battle over the outcome ends. I had a strong premonition that we would find ourselves in a prolonged battle after November 3, Election Day. Now, we are seeing it and living it. All of the prophetic voices I know and trust are in agreement: there is a major attempt to steal this election from President Donald J. Trump. Some of it involves outright fraud, other aspects are simply efforts to distort and manipulate. Case in point: Did You know that the Fox Election Decision Desk Chief Analyst—who called Arizona prematurely for Biden and potentially suppressed Trump votes—is a registered Democrat who voted for Hillary and gave $4000 to Obama and the Dems? We must do our part and keep praying against all of this unrighteous activity. Mario Murillo wrote a great piece yesterday, November 4th, encouraging believers to stand firm. Do not fear – Hold on. God has a surprise for all of us.

“On election day morning, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, ‘Something you are not expecting is going to happen tonight. But do not fear, because God has a surprise for all of you.’

“Then I watched as Fox News prematurely announced that Biden had won Arizona. It felt like sabotage. Then Georgia, and Pennsylvania stopped counting votes. It threw everything into confusion. That confusion is right now reverberating across America.

Many of God’s people are dismayed.

“Then I remembered the chaos that God had warned me was coming in November, and I realized, this is it. “I too, was shaken, until I remembered the promise I had received this morning, ‘But do not fear, because God has a surprise for all of us.’ “Why did this happen? It happened because Satan wants to rob the Church of her destiny, right at the finish line. Why did God allow it? Even though this attack has come from the pit of hell, God is exploiting it to demonstrate something to us all. The victory He promised will come. The miracle God is about to do will be something new—something we have never seen before. He is doing it this way, so we will know that it is God Who has brought this miracle, and we did not do it ourselves. We cannot take the credit. We will bow down and worship God for His stunning intervention. “Satan has stepped up to attack the Church—to rattle her faith. This is a moment of intimidation where the enemy wants us in confusion and fear. But God is speaking by His Spirit directly to your heart. He is telling you not to fear. He is telling you that He has got this. You must hold on and reject all the vain imaginations that Satan is trying to put into your mind. “Those of us who are the remnant of God must enter into the chamber of God’s presence and let this storm pass. To be sure, there will be a powerful judgment from God, because He is going to topple arrogant villains. “One final tactic is coming at us from heaven, and God is going to use this intervention to provoke the American Church to revival!

“Jesus said, ‘Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid’ (John 14:27).” (Taken from Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Tell the Lord that you are committed to stand firm in faith against every plan of Satan to steal this election from President Trump.

  • Bind every demonic force that is attempting to borrow individuals to carry out wicked plots and plans.

  • Declare, “All voter fraud will be found, exposed, and dealt with severely!”

  • Call for angels to be sent to help us in this effort.

  • Intercede for the President and his legal team and the Department of Justice to be wise in their words and actions as they move through this process.

  • Say, “We will stand firm, Lord, for Your heart’s plan for America to come to pass. We will stay on this in prayer and action until every promise is fulfilled.”

A Prayer You Can Pray:

Father, we stand against every unrighteous effort to steal this election from President Donald Trump. We ask You to expose ALL voter fraud and bring accountability to those involved; uncover what is hidden. We declare, “All voter fraud will be found, exposed, and dealt with severely!” We bind the demonic forces that are operating in this effort. We ask for Your angels to aid us in this battle.

We pray they will give wise strategies to those who mediate in this process. Grant a special grace for wisdom and Divine strategy to our president, his legal team, our Department of Justice, and everyone else involved in bringing this to justice. Let no stone go unturned! We will stand firm, Lord, for Your heart’s plan for America to come to pass. We will not just give up and lose this nation. We will stay on this in prayer and action until every promise is fulfilled. We ask for Your mighty hand to intervene in this process and give us mercy and victory, in Jesus’ name. Today’s Decree:

We decree that this election will not be stolen, and that God’s will and kingdom purpose will be accomplished, in the mighty name of Jesus!

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