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November 27, 2020

Hope for the Journey

“I know the plans I have for you…to give you a future and a hope” Jeremiah 29:11. God starts with purpose—the end result—and backs up to design, which is the way something must be made in order to fulfill His desired purpose.

In this challenging season, many people are looking for hope. Life can be difficult, at times brutal. A pandemic has stolen jobs and destroyed the dreams of many, ravaging the health of some and taking the lives of others. The country has an underlying sense of unrest.

When we experience fear, and even at times disillusionment, we grow thirsty for the sustaining force of hope. Hope is to the soul what water is to the body. It enables us to overcome the pain of loss and the paralyzing power of fear.

Never underestimate the power of hope! Hebrews 6:9 calls it “an anchor of the soul.” Hope becomes your lifeline, your stabilizer, the strength for your soul. You are not at the mercy of life’s unpredictable winds and currents; your storm won’t destroy you. You will win. Through the power of hope and its ability to connect you to God, your song will be restored. Hope is powerful because it is the starting line, the incubator where faith is formed.

We are in a season where our hope has been challenged and our faith sorely tried. But the Lord says to us: HOPE, ARISE! Soul, BE RESTORED! EKKLESIA: do not be weary in your well-doing, for you WILL reap, but you must not become disillusioned or feel beaten down. I say REFRESHING COMES FROM MY PRESENCE! Rise up, soul – receive strength for the journey while in the presence of the Lord.

It’s a time of living in the secret place, my friends (Psalms 91), keeping ourselves strong for this journey. “And don’t allow yourselves to be weary or disheartened…for the season of reaping the wonderful harvest you’ve planted is coming!” Galatians 6:9 TPT.Now may God, the inspiration and fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in Him. And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with His super-abundance until you radiate with hope!” Romans 15:13 TPT.

Hope, faith, and peace are garments that we must wear in this journey.

Give 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Determine to keep yourself anchored to hope.

  • Remember the promise that God knows the end from the beginning. He is never caught off guard. For every problem, He knows the right course of action.

  • If there are areas where hope deferred has weakened you, ask God for healing to your soul. Determine to move back into faith.

  • Ask Holy Spirit to lead you in praying encouragement over the President and his team.

  • Decree Romans 15:13 over them. (see above)

Pray with me:

Lord, I thank You that You are my anchor, my strong tower, my place of defense. The storms of life will NOT knock me down. I will be stronger, learning how to fight back, tapping into Your plans for me. I may not see the answer, but I choose to lean back and rest on YOU, the One who will never let me down. I put my eyes on Jesus and I cast my care on You. You wrap your loving arms around me and help me stand tall when opposed by the fierce winds. Your words, Lord, are like cold water on a hot day, filling and refreshing my soul. I will drink deeply of You and Your words, finding refreshment in Your presence. I now speak truth over my situation and over this land. You made me with a destiny, just as you made America with a grand purpose. I drink in Your divine strength for this journey and the battle for our great nation.

We pray for President trump and his team as they pursue justice in this election. Keep them strong and filled with hope in what looks like an impossible situation. We ask You for wisdom, strategy, and BREAKTHROUGH! Give them the key to unlock this situation. Expose! Expose! Expose! In Jesus’ name…Amen.


Ekklesia – receive strength from the presence of the Lord!

(Parts taken from my book The Power of Hope.)

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