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November 26, 2018

We Cannot Let Satan Rule!

We have to watch the times and seasons of our lives. We also have to watch the times and seasons of our nation. One affects the other, because what is in the head manifests all the way down. This is something many Christians miss.  They think they can just focus on Jesus, just love on Jesus and bring people to Christ, and not care about government. Those who have this mindset often don’t even vote. They go so far as to think that it will hasten the day of the Lord, because times are supposed to get darker. That is deception! God clearly tells us to engage in spiritual battle. We are to push back the devil wherever we see him. We, the Ekklesia of God, should not be allowing Satan to do anything within our realms of authority under our watch! We are not to give up any ground. We are to expand His Kingdom in the earth through prayer and action until the day He comes again.

“In the days of those kings the God of heaven will raise up an everlasting kingdom that will not be destroyed and a kingdom that will not be left to another people. It will break in pieces and bring about the demise of all these kingdoms. But it will stand forever.” (Daniel 2:44; NET)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Come to the altar of the Lord and repent for any complacency in praying for government or voting.

  2. Declare that God’s enemies are your enemies.

  3. Declare, “My life will prosper, as will my children’s, and this nation will prosper under our watch!”

  4. Thank the Lord that He will prosper you and protect you as you engage in warfare against the enemy. You do not have to be afraid.

  5. Intercede for the Body of Christ to become the Kingdom-advancing Army of God!

A prayer you can pray:

Lord, I come to Your altar. Shift me! I decree that a shift is happening and mobilizing an outpouring. It is mobilizing the Church and advancing Your Kingdom. I decree that the headship of the enemies on my path ahead will no longer rule. It will be the same for the enemies of this nation. One by one, the headship of our enemies will be dethroned. I say that my life will prosper. I will be protected from the enemy’s tricks. I will advance in understanding and revelation of the times and seasons you have me and this nation in. I thank and bless You, for You are more than worthy to receive my praise and honor. I declare You my Lord and my Christ, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s decree:

The headship of the enemy will no longer rule over America!

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