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November 21, 2017

A New Cadence is Being Formed

“A new cadence has formed in the heavens, and the sound of that cadence is beginning to invade the earth. Small or large, you must know that I will have an army that unites this hour. I must have an army that leads forth to cleanse the land. This army will rise up in My Spirit and prevent mounting evil from overtaking the earth. Hear My cadence in the heavens and begin to align yourself with the movement of this cadence. This is a shifting time, with the sound of Heaven mobilizing the earth and My Kingdom people in a new way. I am handing out assignments and I’m sending down missions. You will know how to move with the sound of Heaven when you receive what I’m sending to you. I will make sure all hear what I need to happen in the earth. This is a time of movement and it is now beginning in Heaven. Watch and hear as it permeates you in the earth!” (Chuck Pierce)1

“Timothy, my son, here are my instructions for you, based on the prophetic words spoken about you earlier. May they help you fight well in the Lord’s battles.” (1 Timothy 1:18; NLT)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. The prophets are hearing a cadence beginning. Stand up and march – left, right, left, right, etc. See yourself arrayed in your spiritual armor. Fix your eyes on Jesus.

  2. Decide what is not going to invade your territory. Look at your family iniquities and declare that addictions, drugs, gambling, pornography, etc, are not crossing the bloodline you set down. Declare that death is stopped in its tracks, including abortion, sickness and disease, murder and suicide. Declare that poverty, greed, theft, and loss must cease and return all that has been removed from you and your family.

  3. Now, declare these things over your city.

  4. Now, declare these things over America.

  5. Now, declare these things over the nations of the earth, especially where the U. S. has participated in the enemy’s advancement.

  6. Now, hear His assignment, write it down and do it.

A prayer you can pray:

Jesus, I am fixing my eyes on You now, as I march. I feel the spiritual armor on my body and I want to join with the army of God in enforcing the victory of the cross. I declare that iniquitous patterns are broken off me and my bloodlines. (Make decrees from the list above or any others God shows you.) I make these decrees over my city. I make them over the United States of America. I make them over the nations of the earth. I say that the time of the U.S. exporting pornography and abortion is over. I say that where our nation has provided funding for political change in other nations that was not God-ordained, the Lord will restore. I declare that the army of God is going to work with Him to straighten some things out, so the harvest can be reaped and nations can rightly align. In Jesus Name, amen.

Today’s decree:

I decree that God is releasing prophetic direction to His people, and we will begin marching in cadence together to enforce Christ’s victory. America will shift as we pray and act.

Learn more about Chuck Pierce here.

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