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November 14, 2020

I invite you to join me each day as we pray for our nation until the election crisis has resolved. I’ll be reading the daily Give Him 15, making comments, and then we will pray together. You can join me here as we Appeal to Heaven for America.

This Election Determines if the Babies Live or Die

[The content for today’s post comes from a video Lou Engle has recently released called Do Not Resign!]

“There is a story in 2 Kings 12:15-23 that I believe ties together with this election. In this passage, the Lord had pronounced judgment on David for taking Bathsheba as his wife and killing her husband, Uriah. The Lord’s judgment was that David’s son that Bathsheba was carrying would die. David acknowledged the Lord’s justice, but he fell on his face and fasted, interceeding for the life of the child. No one could console him. He wanted the innocent child to live.

“David pursued God with fasting and prayer with the hopes that the child would live. This story lays out for us the way our hearts should be concerning this election. While this story talks about fasting and praying for 1 baby, our elections on November 3rd dealt with millions of babies whose lives are at stake. Joe Biden says he supports abortion up to nine months in the womb. That is all the way up to birth. I think one of the first things he will do is reverse current administrative policy put in place under President Trump. The current policy prevents our tax dollars from funding abortion in other nations. That means this nation would once again fund abortions worldwide.

“I am shocked at how many Believers have already resigned themselves to the media declaring Joe Biden the President-elect when the legal process of counting ballots is not complete. That count is critical as there is so much clear dispute over it in many states. There are many reputable allegations of fraud that need to be investigated. If you are one of those that is deciding to go ahead and settle, have you considered the millions of babies that could be aborted in the next 4 years? There were 862,320 U. S. abortions in 2017, the last year statistics are available. That means 3,449,280 babies were lost to abortion in that timeframe. That doesn’t even account for the global deaths we could be funding.

“Church! Wake up and fight! I am appalled at the resignation of the Church over this issue. We need to give ourselves to fasting and prayer for the exposure of voter fraud, even if there is just one small chance that we could save the babies.

“I believe there needs to be thousands of men and women praying for the Supreme Court. The Lord spoke to me the other day and said, ‘Pray! Secure the Court!’ There may be five conservative judges, but we can’t assume how they will vote if the Court is asked to bring forth the next president of the United States. Referring back to 2 Samuel 12:15-23, I do not think we should stop fasting and praying until it is clearly said, ‘The “child” is dead.’

“Until the election is fully settled, even if it means the Supreme Court has settled it, I will not stop crying out for the babies. I will keep crying out, ‘Let the babies live!’ Please join me.”

He answered, ‘While the child was still alive, I fasted and wept. I thought, “Who knows? The Lord may be gracious to me and let the child live.”’” (2 Samuel 12:22; NIV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Ask the Lord to forgive this nation for the killing of over 61 millions babies, almost a million a year.

  • Ask the Lord to forgive America for using our tax dollars to fund untold millions of abortion in this nation and around the world through USAID and the State Department’s policies.

  • Thank God for the mercy He has extended to this country so far.

  • Pray for the Church to not resign! We can’t give up now. We must press in, and not stop, for the sake of the babies!

  • Fast and pray, and boldly ask the Lord to save the babies! Declare, “America’s babies shall live!”

  • Fast and pray for the uncovering of any way the elections are being manipulated to alter the presidential outcome. Keep those millions of babies in mind.

  • Fast and pray for our nine Supreme Court justices, so that they are prepared and ready should the outcome of our presidential election be decided there. Find them here.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, we come to You on behalf of America’s babies. You create these beautiful innocent ones and place them in their mother’s wombs where they are intended to develop safely until they are birthed into this world. However, because of ungodly legislation and decisions made by our Supreme Court over the years, our nation has allowed over 61 million lives to be aborted. Additionally, our government initiated policies that promoted and funded abortions worldwide through our State Department and USAID. Lord, we grieve this. Oh Lord, forgive us and grant us another season of mercy. We are grateful for the mercy You have already extended us.

Lord, let us not give up now. Let us stir one another to keep going and not give up until You say it is over. The babies are worth it! Show each of us how You would have us to fast and pray for the election process to complete. We want to see the babies saved. We say, “America’s babies shall live!” We will fast and pray for ALL election fraud to be uncovered. We will pray through every recount and investigation of voter fraud. We say that every election computer program that was reported to be twisting results will be thoroughly examined. We ask You to move on the hearts of the Supreme Court justices. Keep them healthy and safe and informed enough of the issues that they are ready if a case comes before them regarding the presidential elections. We will keep the babies on our hearts as we intercede. They are a significant reason this election must be decided for President Trump. May our nation glorify You with the honoring of life when this is all over. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Today’s decree:

We will fast and pray until we know the elections are secure, and for America’s babies to live!

Learn more about Lou Engle here.


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