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November 10, 2018

A Report on “Giants Will Fall” – Part 3

Closely associated with praying for the Supreme Court is the abortion issue. There was much prayer this year regarding this hideous giant. We believe we are close to seeing the evil law, Roe vs Wade, reversed. This could be the most significant event of our lifetime regarding America’s future and destiny. This giant is falling. We also prayed against the giant of racism. Chuck Pierce spoke strongly into this, stating that the root of racism is anti-Semitism. Will Ford and Matt Lockett also shared powerful words regarding this stronghold. Indeed, their very lives, mingled together, are weapons against this hideous spirit. After they shared their story of racial healing and harmony, it was incredibly moving to see Black, White, and First Nations brothers kneeling together around Will’s ancestral kettle [you can read their story in their new book The Dream King]. We believe much happened in the spirit realm to bind the strongman and dismantle the stronghold of racism in America.

“David said to the Philistine, ‘You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head… All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.’” (1 Samuel 17:45, 46a amd 47; NIV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. David ran to the battle against that giant taunting Israel, Goliath. Do not be afraid to engage these modern day giants! Gird yourself up with worship and get ready to overthrow these giants with prayer!

  2. Stir up the faith to believe that abortion and racism are coming up by the root!

  3. Intercede for someone who you know is Jewish.

  4. Repent of any sense of anti-Semitism you may feel.

  5. Intercede for someone you do not always get along with who is a different race than you. Note what happens to your heart. Let God minister there and fill you with His love and compassion.

  6. Look for ways today to love, serve, and honor those who are a different race than you.

A prayer you can pray:

God, so much goes into shaping my mindsets and heart attitudes, and it is not all Your Word. Things others say may sway me. The ways my family members act toward others may be the way I naturally act. In the case of abortion, I may hate those who choose abortion, perform abortions, fund abortions, or support any of those. My anger may override any ability to lovingly intercede for those you love. I have to remember that all of these people have the same enemy I do – one that seeks to steal, kill, and destroy. He is a deceiver and the father of lies. Focus my intercession where it should be and break my heart for what breaks Yours! I purposefully choose to intercede for Jewish friends today. I intercede for Jewish politicians, media personalities, and neighbors. Reveal any inkling of judgmentalism or anti-Semitism in me. I give You permission, Holy Spirit, to root it out! (Pray also for someone you know is another race than you.) God, make us one, even as You are One. Let me go through the day today and love as You love, Jesus, especially where another’s race is different from mine. I want to be purposeful in prayer and action to destroy this giant of racism. Amen!

Today’s decree:

The giants of abortion and racism are falling in America!

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