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May 9, 2024

Revival On Our Campuses!

In yesterday’s post, I re-shared a prophecy Holy Spirit gave my brother, Tim, at the end of 2023. Among other subjects, it highlighted the coming youth revival. Here is a brief excerpt:

“With the drawing power, the conviction of My presence and Kingdom that will invade campuses, I will reach into the hearts of those who are bound, lost, and drifting with aimless mindsets. I will draw them to their purpose.

“For I say to you deep will call to deep within them. I will call to the deepest parts of their inner nature. I will call to the dreams and purpose I have put into them, which have been buried by lies and deception. Now, says the Lord, the anointing that breaks those yokes is being released. Revival will roll throughout college campuses.”

While it is true that this outpouring had already begun to a degree when the word was given to Tim, it is now escalating. I have also shared with you the vision I received in 2001 about the coming youth revival. In this vision, campuses were also highlighted. 


In February of 2023, an outpouring of the Holy Spirit lasting 16 days occurred at Asbury University. An estimated 50,000 visitors from around the world flocked to Wilmore, Kentucky. Students from at least 285 colleges or universities attended the revival, and there have been an estimated 250 million social media posts related to the outpouring. Similar moves of God occurred at Samford University, Lee University, Baylor University, Texas A&M, Auburn University, and more.(1) 


On September 12, 2023, a powerful event took place at Auburn University. Tonya Prewett, the founder of Unite US, received a vision from the Lord where she saw thousands of students gathered in an arena worshiping. After sharing the vision with local ministry leaders, they got on board, and the event took place 6 weeks later. Approximately 5000 students showed up, with many coming to Christ and 200 baptized. Since then, Unite US events have also occurred at Florida State University, the University of Alabama, University of Georgia, and the University of Tennessee.(2) 

Prewett says it’s “all a move of God. We’ve seen thousands of students give their hearts to Christ…over 800 baptized…we’re just walking in obedience and God’s gone before us and He’s moving in incredible ways.”(3) 

"We have been waiting for a move like this all school year," one student recently told FOX & Friends. "At the finale of the event, we were singing 'Speak the Name of Jesus' and students just rushed to the front. I brought my buddy, and it brought us to our knees. There are just no words for the experience.’

“Another student shared her favorite part of last night’s experience:

“‘Just seeing the presence of the Lord fill the room and how people from all different backgrounds came together for one reason and to worship Jesus is just so awesome,’ she shared.

“‘There has been so much brokenness and weight on our campus, and we have been praying for a move [of God], and I just pray that it continues,’ another female student added.

"’I think we need love in our country, and I believe Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life,’ a University of Tennessee student declared.”(4) 

This is all consistent with the vision God gave me in 2001, but it will intensify. In the vision, the power and fire of Holy Spirit were so strong on the campuses of America that He essentially took them over for a season. It was VERY disruptive - a holy rescue that could not be stopped. Some school administrations tried to shut it down, but couldn’t stop what was occurring. There were thousands of salvations, deliverances, healings, and baptisms. Worship was strong; kids were encountering God in profound, life-changing ways, and falling deeply in love with Him. It birthed America’s Third Great Awakening.

What I saw was not “religious,” it was not yet in churches, and it was student-led. The students eventually made it to churches, but not typical churches. The wineskins of congregations and organizations had to change in order to receive them; “order” had to be redefined. My advice to those who can hear it: get ready to be stretched!

Prewett told CBN News, "I am no prophet, but what I feel like God has shown me is this will be called the greater awakening, and this will be something our nation has never witnessed. It'll be stronger and greater, and is being led by college students; typically in history, that's how it happens, but this one is different."(5)

Pray with me:

Father, You are coming to rescue a generation. Your plans are settled, Your strategies and tactics are in place, and the movement has begun. As this continues and intensifies, move upon the Ekklesia to support it with prayers and decrees, and to prepare for the discipling of many new believers. We pray for Unite US - give them thousands and thousands of salvations in their gatherings. We ask for many pure leaders and ministries to be raised up as voices into this revival - strong, anointed, gifted evangelists and teachers.

Many in this GenZ generation will not want to plug into typical churches. They will prefer different methods, formats, and atmospheres. Give leaders the wisdom to create atmospheres that make them feel comfortable and able to relate, and release teaching gifts perfectly equipped to disciple this generation, all while in no way compromising truth. And cause this movement to be marked with incredible worship of You and great intimacy with You.

The prophetic word You gave Tim spoke of dreams being given to many of the young people here and around the world. We ask for the release of this. You also spoke of signs, wonders, and miracles coming to the campuses - we also ask for this. We pray for deliverance from identity crises, gender confusion, addictions, and every other stronghold that satan has afflicted upon this young generation.

We pray especially for those among them who are disillusioned, hurt, and angry. We pray that they will find Jesus before other movements find them. Regarding those already part of other movements, we ask You to snatch them from the fire. We ask for Your protection over them until this occurs. All of these things we pray in the name of Yeshua. Amen.

Our decree:

We decree a release of power and anointing to the campuses and youth here in America and around the world.

Click on the link below to watch the full video.



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