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May 27, 2020

God’s Sovereign Execution of Justice

“It was Saturday morning, April 1st, 2017, when I was had a most amazing dream:

“I saw several huge vortexes streaming from heaven to earth. These vortices were extremely powerful, undulating swirls of green, blue and purple. The colors were swirling mixtures proceeding from heaven—reaching the earth, but not like tornadoes. As I witnessed these swirling streams, I was weeping—not from sorrow or dread. I was weeping from a deep overwhelming gratitude and awe, as I have had on those occasions (including dreams) when I have experienced the Presence of The Lord.

“The dream was not ‘terribly’ awesome, but rather, ‘wonderfully’ awesome. The best words that I have to describe what was happening is that God was sovereignly ‘EXECUTING JUSTICE!’ ….. He was ‘setting things right.’ I sensed that this was definitely happening in America, although I didn’t know if it was limited to our country. I felt like what God was doing was affecting many ‘people groups’ in our nation (and maybe beyond). I felt as if those who had mindsets opposing God’s truth, even those who had been antagonistic and belligerent toward Him, were mercifully being delivered from ignorance, delusion, deception, etc. They were then given the ability to recognize the Truth of God and His ways—just by the revelation He was providing. Their paradigms, their thinking, and their mindsets were gloriously being transformed. They were coming awake, thinking, ‘Oh! Now I see what is actually, really true! How could I have ever thought otherwise?!’ They were experiencing real repentance—a total change of mind!

“It seems to me that although what was happening was definitely a sovereign act of God, He was choosing to release His Power and Revelation at His appointed time. I also can’t help but believe that intercession and the prayers of the saints in the recent months, years, or however long—partnering with Him, at His direction—has also played a part in this happening. It occurred to me that this could be a type of ‘tipping the bowls’ of heaven in response to the prayers of the saints. It is my personal belief that as God is a righteous and just God, He is absolutely justified in such an action of mercy and grace. This is due to the finished, totally complete, redemptive work of the Cross of the Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Added to that are the voices of the saints that have cried out to Him, asking for the release of repentance to the Church, the Nation and the world. How can He resist?” (By, an anonymous intercessor)

“For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh… But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.” (Romans 8:2-3 and 11; NKJV)

Give Him 15 Minutes in Prayer (by, our guest writer):

  1. Praise and thank God our Father for His great Love—for the sacrifice of His Son, the Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world, and for His Salvation: the forgiveness of sins, the restoration of our relationship with Him, and for His Eternal Life, which includes all of His benefits. (Isa. 59:16, John 3:16, Ps.103:1-5)

  2. Praise and thank the Lord Jesus Christ, who willingly and joyfully chose to be our substitute, who received our punishment for sin in order to satisfy the righteous demands of a Holy God; and now, as our Savior and Advocate, ever lives to make intercession for us! (Hebrews 7:25 & 12:2, Psalms 89:14)

  3. Praise, thank and welcome Holy Spirit and His out-pouring as the Empowering, Enabling, Presence of God, accomplishing the Will of God in the earth through His appointed, anointed Church.

  4. On the basis of the finished work of the Cross, and with the commissioning of the Lord Jesus to the Ecclesia as the delegated, governing representatives of the Kingdom of God (Math. 16:19):

  5. Ask that God grant repentance to all those He desires and has appointed to Salvation (Acts 9:3-6,18; II Tim. 2: 25,26; I Tim. 2:3,4)

  6. Command the enemy to loose those whose minds have been blinded from the Light of the Gospel of the Glory of Christ (II Cor. 4:3,4)

  7. Agree with God and call forth the Light of God to the hearts of all those that He desires to come to the saving knowledge of Christ (II Cor. 4:6)

  8. Continue to fill up the bowls of heaven to overflowing, interceding and crying out to God, and commanding: “Kingdom of God come, Will of God be done, in the earth, as it is in Heaven.” (Rev.5:8; Mt 6:10).

A prayer you can pray (by, our guest writer):

Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, and Holy Spirit, we praise You and thank You for Your amazing love, mercy, and grace. We thank You for Your salvation, giving us Your very life, where we may now cry out to You: “Abba! Father!” We realize that we will never fully comprehend on this side of heaven the Love required, and extent that you went to, in order to redeem us to be Your very own. We desire to respond in love and obedience to Your calling, as Your Ecclesia—in partnership with You—so that Your will and purposes may be accomplished on planet earth. Father God, increasingly give Your Ecclesia revelation as to Your plans, purposes, and strategies, that we may effectively cooperate with You through intercession, declarations, and decrees. Help us to realize the privilege and honor of such a high calling. As those who have been saved by You, we acknowledge that Your desire is that many more that have been purchased by the Blood of The Lamb would become a part of your family. May You receive much, much more glory in the days to come by those who will receive Your Son as Savior and Lord. Grant repentance to them. Light of God, reveal the truth of Your amazing lovingkindness, as well as your awesome power. Reveal the One and only Savior as the “Desire of the Nations”—the One who they (and we) have truly longed for. In the name of Jesus, we bind you, forces of darkness, and command you to loose your hold on God’s purchased possessions. We plead and declare the Blood of Jesus over their hearts, minds, and bodies. We say to you, “Let God’s people go!”

Today’s decree:

Kingdom of God come! Will of God, be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven!

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