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May 27, 2018

May 27, 2018

A Missionary Generation is Coming

We are going to make it back to those words uttered on the beach at Cape Henry by Robert Hunt that the Gospel will go forth, not only to this land, but to the nations of the earth. There’s another great missionary movement coming from these shores. There’s an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that’s coming to America that’s going to awaken zeal for souls again. It will be a passionate zeal for souls here and around the world. There’s a generation about to be raised up and they will overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony, and they will not love their lives unto death. There is a cause greater than life itself that they will embrace.

“The accuser of our brothers and sisters, who relentlessly accuses them day and night before our God, has been cast down and silenced. By the blood of the Lamb and the word of their witnesses, they have become victorious over him, for they did not hold on to their lives, even under threat of death.” (Revelation 12:10-11; VOICE)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Call forth those filled with a harvest-vision.

  2. Say, “The zeal of the Lord will consume these Jesus-lovers!”

  3. Call forth this generation of those who care about nothing except their testimonies of Jesus slain to give men new life in Christ!

  4. Join them, if you dare!

A prayer you can pray:

Father, bring us back to Your purposes. Let us be a sharp threshing instrument for You. Let us take the Gospel of Jesus around the world.  Let us be a light to the nations, so we can export the Gospel more than porn or drugs. Fill us with a zeal to share the Good News everywhere we go, every day we live. Stir us up to be those You have created to be Your missionaries to our cities, states, this nation, and the nations of the earth. Show us where to go and how to connect with like-visioned ones. Let the fire on our hearts’ altars never go out. Let us carry the story of Your shed blood, Jesus, and our testimonies of how that saved our lives to everyone we encounter. This new breed will fear nothing. We will want eternal life for others so much, we won’t care about our own lives. Thank you, Jesus! Amen.

Today’s decree:

There’s a passionate missionary movement coming from America’s shores!

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