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May 18, 2017

Interceding For the Closet Warriors

No one will ever know how many precious, hidden prayer warriors there are. There are so many that are persistent in prayer closets across America. These are those who will not stand on platforms. They have no need for the limelight or for the applause of men. These need to be encouraged by Holy Spirit. So, let’s intercede for them today. Let’s pray that they would see how critical their sacrifice of prayer is. May they see in the natural the effect of their many hours of hidden intercession, as reports come in of the harvest fields being reaped.

“The insistent prayer of a righteous person is powerfully effective.” (James 5:15; WEB)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Cry out for small voices to be magnified in God’s ears in this hour.

  2. Intercede for strength and stamina for the “closet warriors” who pray day and night and love the courts of the Lord.

  3. Ask God to marry intercession with wisdom and zeal in the Church, as the Gospel is being spread in a new wave of evangelism.

  4. Ask Him to give you fresh new words to pray and fresh new songs of worship to sing to Him.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, I cry out for the small voices. I ask You to make us a roar in the Spirit. Release a move through the few and the mighty. I call forth the closet warriors—the men and the women who have hidden themselves in front of Your face. Marry zeal and wisdom in Your Church. Take the minority and make it a majority sound in Your ears. Give us the wisdom and the words to pray.  Give us the songs to sing that will move Your heart. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s decree:

I decree that the cries of the hidden warriors have been heard and will be acted on now!

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