Requiring Only a Remnant
Some Christians say that God can’t extend mercy to this nation because there is still too much sin in America. My answer to them is always the same, “God never requires a majority of people to have repented.” God never even requires a majority of the Church to have repented and be crying out to Him. In order to turn curses into blessings, God has always required only a remnant. Show me any restoration in scripture where He didn’t use a remnant to get it done. There has been a faithful remnant crying out to God for turnaround in this nation for 25 or 30 years, and I believe we’ve reached a tipping point.
“Unless the LORD of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah.” (Isaiah 1:9; NKJV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Have you been a part of the faithful remnant praying for 25 or 30 years? Stir up the faith within you and pray with fresh fervency. Determine not to give up!
Bless the remnant. Intercede for them to be refreshed, restored, renewed, and not give up hope.
Show us what we can identificationally repent for. It only takes one standing in the gap to get the job done.
Ask the Lord to raise up fresh “troops”. Ask for new Believers and younger Christians who can be trained to intercede for revival in America.
Make yourself ready to be an encourager of the weary saints and a mentor to new intercessors.
A prayer you can pray:
Lord, let the praying remnant, even if it’s hundreds of thousands, stir up their most holy faith and keep praying for the turnaround of this nation. Sharpen our ability to know what You want us to identificationally repent for. Give us a greater tenacity and let us see small victories along the way. Let hope arise! Restore, renew, and refresh us! Let us raise up and mentor younger Christians in intercession, so we continuously add to the ranks of this praying army. Breathe new life on this remnant. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Today’s decree:
A repentant remnant of the Church can turn America to God!