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May 14, 2016

The Faith-building Crisis

“We are in such a crisis time right now. But there’s an excitement in it. It’s not like other election cycles where we were pressing in. There’s something about the crisis and what this season represents. The excitement in it is producing a great faith. There’s a great faith in it and the faith is rising. What we’re doing now is birthing the next decade of testimony. It’s the testimony for the future.” (Chuck Pierce)1

“My mouth will tell of your righteous acts, of your deeds of salvation all the day, for their number is past my knowledge. With the mighty deeds of the Lord God I will come; I will remind them of your righteousness, yours alone.” (Psalms 71:15-16; ESV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Crisis can move us one of two ways, into the Lord or away from Him. Make sure in this season that you do not get confused, but rather press in to Him to understand His ways! Tell the Lord you want to understand and to stand firm in these windy chaotic times.

  2. In faith, proclaim the goodness of the Lord. Let words of praise and prayers of praise to God bubble up inside of you. Let all those praises out and worship Him!

  3. Ask the Lord to give you a testimony—a testimony of what you have seen Him do in your life and in this nation, something you will tell your children and grandchildren about. Get ready, because miracles and testimonies only come through turbulent life circumstances.

  4. Speak to the turbulence, the chaos, the crises you see and say, “Peace! Be still! Submit to the wind of the Holy Spirit and the perfect will of God!”

A prayer you can pray:

Dear Lord, as I see the crisis in this nation in this election season, I want to understand what You are doing in it and about it. I want to know Your ways. Your ways are higher than mine and without the revelation the Holy Spirit brings I am not able to discern. I worship You and I am so grateful to You that I got chosen to live in this day and age. Let me partner with You in prayer and watch miracles happen—things I will tell my children about that testify of You! I speak to the chaos across this nation, especially in the governmental arena and I say, “Peace, be still! Circumstances, line up with the perfect will of God!” Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s decree:

The crises in this nation are causing an excitement in God’s people, and a great faith leading to great generation-transforming testimonies is rising up

1 You can learn more about Chuck Pierce here.

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