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May 10, 2020

Mother’s Day 2020

To mothers everywhere, please know how loved you are. We are in a strange time and this is one of those holidays that will not be the same as usual. We likely won’t be meeting for special Sunday services at church, or for brunches afterward. Many of us won’t have all the family over with gifts and reminiscing. The restaurants won’t be packed. Flowers won’t be delivered in many places.

Ceci and I wanted to take a minute and let you know you are not forgotten, but you are very loved. When we led a church in Colorado Springs, Ceci was the one that always made sure our moms were honored. She always had flowers for all the ladies, moms or not, making sure all were acknowledged. She has always loved being a mom, and now a grandma. It suits her and she’s good at it. So, she loves Mother’s Day and wants you to feel special today.

We both want all of you moms to know that your families will do their best to honor you, but even if they can’t, know that Jesus loves you. He is watching over you. He won’t leave you lonely or forgotten. Look out your window. You are likely to see flowers blooming nearby—claim them as His bouquet for you. He knows you love them. He made you to love beautiful things. If your family can’t visit you today, know that He is nearby and would love to talk to you, to hear your heart and your prayers for your family members you are not able to see. May Jesus bless you richly and abundantly with His Presence this Mother’s Day. Amen.

“Mary responded, ‘Oh, how my soul praises the Lord. How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior! For he took notice of his lowly servant girl, and from now on all generations will call me blessed. For the Mighty One is holy, and he has done great things for me. He shows mercy from generation to generation to all who fear him.’” (Luke 1:46-50; NLT)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Thank the Lord for your mom and mothers everywhere.

  2. Even if a mom was not an award-winning mom in your eyes, she is still loved by Jesus. Pray that they will know that.

  3. Ask the Lord to cause moms to notice His love for them, just like Mary did in Luke 1:46-50.

  4. Pray that moms will feel loved and remembered today.

  5. If you are able to do something special for a single mom or widow today, do so. Maybe deliver groceries or fix a meal, pick a bouquet of wildflowers, neaten their yard or garden. You might even just pray for them outside their home on the sidewalk. Maybe you could sing worship songs or hymns, like you would if you were Christmas carolling.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, You love our mothers. We rise up and thank you for those who gave us life. They gave so much of themselves to bring us into this world. Some may have joyfully raised us with much involvement. Some may have sacrificed much. Some may have struggled. Some may have chosen to allow another to take on that role. Whatever the case, You were watching over us. Let moms everywhere know they are loved by You, regardless of their circumstances.

Lord, where we are now the mothers, we seek You for Your grace and wisdom and mercy and love. We need You, Jesus. This is not a job we can do on our own. We are likely to make mistakes in the caring of these precious lives you have given us. It’s good to know we are not in this battle alone, but You are there for us. Thank You for loving us.

Let all the moms know that they are seen! They are not forgotten! Like Mary, the one You chose to bear Your son, let them say, “Oh, how my soul praises the Lord. How my spirit rejoices in You, my Savior! For You took notice of Your lowly servant girl. For You, Mighty One, are holy, and You have done great things for me. You show mercy from generation to generation to all who fear You and I worship You with gratitude for all You have done!” Amen.

Today’s decree:

Let the nation’s mothers be blessed by the Lord and know they are deeply loved by Him!

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