All of our DSM staff work remotely, with the exception of the product department, and do so from 4 states. This has worked well, both for them and the ministry. Since we are rarely together, we have a week-long retreat each year to build camaraderie and necessary team dynamics. This is that week.
I have asked five leaders, all of whom carry God’s heart for America, to share this week’s GH15 posts for me. They are all OUTSTANDING! Today’s is by our good friend, Gene Bailey, a true patriot and host of the powerful program, Flashpoint, seen on The Victory Channel.
Gene paints a clear picture of America’s roots, destiny, and current condition. His faith-filled challenge and powerful decree to see America restored will stir Flashpoint of Revival is one of the best! As always, you’ll find out more about Gene at the end of today’s post, as well as info regarding his book.
Needed: Patriots of Faith
Welcome to Give Him 15. I’m Gene Bailey, and I am truly honored to bring you today’s post.
Today in America, we face evil as no generation before us has ever encountered. Sure, many generations have encountered evil outside our borders. But this evil is from within.
Freedom in America has never been more at risk.
Let’s rewind a few years. The day was January 5, 1967. As Ronald Reagan began to deliver his inaugural address, he immediately spoke of freedom. Let me quote a famous portion from that speech:
“Perhaps you and I have lived too long with this miracle to properly be appreciative. Freedom is a fragile thing, and it's never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended CONSTANTLY by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. And those in world history who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.”...(1) Those in world history who have known freedom and then lost it have NEVER KNOWN IT AGAIN.
Many Americans, as well as many elected officials, have lost the importance of the founding documents our country was founded upon. And at the core of every document is freedom.
On April 29, 1607, Robert Hunt landed on a beach in Virginia we now call Cape Henry. He instructed the landing party to cut out a portion of the ship’s beams from the hull. Notice the commitment level here. Cutting pieces out of your ship is not exactly a good thing to do. Yet they did it. The landing party took those timbers and erected a cross and drove it into the beachhead proclaiming this land for God; for freedom.
From that day to this, America has been blessed in many ways, but has also seen her share of peril, trauma, and turmoil. For over four hundred years, we’ve traveled a difficult road. We’ve produced documents of faith and freedom like the Mayflower Compact and the Declaration of Independence, reiterating that we are a people who seek to follow God.
Still, at times we’ve been more divided than we’ve been united.
But God has always had a remnant—a praying people whose hearts He has gripped, who have taken their place working with Holy Spirit, to see that America stayed on track with His purposes. Today, God is gripping the hearts of people who are willing to work with Holy Spirit in this hour and follow Him into a tremendous last-days harvest.
Our nation’s values have seemingly been usurped by the devil’s own agenda. Chaos and contention are raging. Evil has raised its ugly head, seeking to silence, discredit, and dismantle the greatest threat to the accomplishment of his schemes—the awakened Church. We don’t see anyone in government standing up and drafting a document like the Mayflower Compact. Quite the opposite. Those in positions of greatest power are using propaganda to promote a socialist, anti-God worldview.
Our cries for revival may seem to be drowned out by the loud evil agendas of hatred and control. We know God heard Robert Hunt and his men on April 29, 1607, as they declared that this nation belonged to Him. He took them seriously. He hasn’t forgotten.
Know this: God is not in a panic, trying to come up with a response to the evil that has been unleashed in America. Long before this chaos began, He was already positioning His “Mordecais” and His “Esthers” for such a time as this.
His redemptive plan for America is already set into motion. As we respond to God and take our places, we will see His plan trump the enemy’s schemes.
Though it sometimes seems like evil is winning, it’s not too late for our country. God has not stopped paying attention to America—He is very much at work. Let’s be sure we don’t fall back to sleep and miss the opportunities He’s setting before us!
What we see raging in our nation cannot be understood by carnal thinking because It’s not carnal; it’s spiritual. It’s not about Republican or Democrat; it’s not about race or gender—it’s about good and evil. There are principalities and hordes of demonic spirits that are attempting to dismantle America’s righteous foundation and destroy her God-given identity. But take heart—God still has a remnant, and we’re seeing it arise!
This is not a time for weak-willed Christians. This is no time to back down from the truth—we have to be strong enough not to cave into the pressure of the world around us.
The local church is meant to be a training ground that gives us this strength and equips us for the war we are facing. Mylon LeFevre tells the story of being in Army boot camp and seeing some of the recruits daydreaming and even napping during hand-grenade training. Can you imagine?!
But in a similar fashion, we’ve sat in church and listened to the Word preached for years, maybe daydreaming or napping, not realizing that that Word was our “hand-grenade” for life-and-death situations…like now! The good news is, it’s not too late.
As we determine to take a bold and committed stand against godless, lawless agendas, we must first remember that our battle is not against people, but against evil principalities. We’ve been supplied with supernatural weapons that are mighty through God for the pulling down of every stronghold and casting down every argument and every high thing that seeks to exalt itself against the knowledge God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:4, 5).
America is not lost. But we are going to have to fight for it, alongside people you don’t totally agree with—even the ones sitting next to you at church.
I’m not saying we should agree with heresy or follow unbiblical and ungodly teaching—I’m saying we have to be willing to see things differently, including each other. God has designed us to need each other! None of us can do this all alone.
If we want to fix America, then it's up to the Church to bring revival to the streets.
Our decree today is the Watchman Decree. My wife Teri and I, along with Dutch and Ceci Sheets and Hank and Brenda Kunneman, all had a part in writing this.
As a Patriot of Faith, I attest my allegiance first and foremost, to the Kingdom of God and the Great Commission. Secondly, I agree to be a watchman over our nation concerning its people and their rights for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Whereas we, the Church, are God’s governing body on the earth.
Whereas we have been given legal power from Heaven and now exercise our authority.
Whereas we are God’s ambassadors and spokespeople over the earth.
Whereas through the power of God, we are the world influencers.
Whereas because of our covenant with God, we are equipped and delegated by Him to destroy every attempted advance of the enemy.
We make our declarations:
We decree that America’s Executive Branch of Government will honor God and defend the Constitution.
We decree that our Legislative Branch (Congress) will write only laws that are righteous and Constitutional.
We decree that our Judicial System will issue rulings that are Biblical and Constitutional.
We declare that we stand against wokeness, the occult, and every evil attempt against our nation.
We declare, and we now take back our God-given freedoms, according to our Constitution.
We declare that we take back influence at the local level in our communities.
We decree that we take back and permanently control positions of influence and leadership in each of the *Seven Mountains.
We decree that the blood of Jesus covers and protects our nation. It protects and separates us for God.
We declare that our nation is energy independent.
We declare that America is strong spiritually, financially, militarily, and technologically.
We decree that evil carries no power, authority, or rights in our land nor over our people.
We decree that we will operate in unity, going beyond denominational lines in order to accomplish the purposes of God for our nation.
And we decree that AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED!
(*The Seven Mountain of cultural influence are: family, religion, government, business, education, arts and entertainment, and media)
Thank you for joining me today. Portions of today’s post are from my book FlashPoint of Revival.
Click on the below to watch the full video.
Today’s post was contributed by our friend Gene Bailey. Gene serves as Senior Executive Pastor of Eagle Mountain Church International and hosts Flashpoint and Revival TV on the Victory Channel. You can learn more about Gene and find his book Flashpoint of Revival at