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June 6, 2019

Prophetic Message From Dutch Sheets – Day 7 Restoring God’s Hovering Power

God told Chuck Pierce that the two of us were supposed to go to all 20 regions of the U.S. this year and touch all the states. Chuck told me there were three things the Lord said regarding why. Here’s the second reason:

God said we are going to restore His hovering power. When you see this in the scripture, you should always think of birthing. The word is from Genesis 1 when the Holy Spirit was hovering over the earth. He was taking the words of Jesus and using them as seeds. The New Testament term is “sperma”. Spiritual words carry reproductive power. Prophecy carries reproductive power. Righteous decrees and speaking God’s Word carry multiplicative power, just as physical seeds carry life and the power to multiply. What God is saying in Genesis 1 is that Holy Spirit is releasing life. Holy Spirit was mixing His power with the words of Jesus and causing life to spring up out of a barren earth.

So, the Lord is saying, “You are going to go and prepare the land for awakening, but as you go, you are going to prophesy My hovering presence over America. You are going to prophesy and you are going to decree and Holy Spirit is going to hover everywhere you go and He is going to release His resurrection life. He will release His birthing power. You need to be very aware of what you say this year. You need to bless and not curse. Go back to the basics and begin to confess life over your house, your work, your possessions, your body, your congregations, your cities, this nation. God will grab hold of your seed prayers and hover around them and make them life-giving words.

“The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep water. The Spirit of God was hovering over the water.” (Genesis 1:2; GWT)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Heed the Word of the Lord and be very aware of what you say this year. You need to bless and not curse. Go back to the basics and begin to confess life over your house, your work, your possessions, your body, your congregations, your cities, this nation.

  2. Repent of any gossip or of speaking negatively over yourself or over others.

  3. Ask for the Holy Spirit to hover over your city, as you walk or drive the streets and prophecy life to your city.

  4. Watch the news, break any curses in the announcements and say, “Life is coming into that situation!”

  5. When you see a school, prophecy the Spirit of God is coming to hover over that school. Don’t petition the Lord to come. Prophecy He is coming!

  6. Whenever you see the president, Congressmen, anything about the courts, decree Holy Spirit hovering life to those offices and positions and branches of government.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, I ask for Your help to put a guard on my lips this year, so that I always bless and do not curse. My words have more weight than I realize and I’m thankful for the prophet’s reminder of that. Forgive me for any casual or purposeful critical and judgemental words I have spoken over others. May the blood of Jesus correct this sin and wash away any effects of my words over my life or the lives of others I may have harmed. Holy Spirit, hover as I confess life over me home, family, pets, property, work, possessions, and body. Hover as I proclaim life to the congregation I am a part of, over my city, and over this nation. I want to put feet to my faith and walk or drive around speaking life everywhere I go throughout my day. Holy Spirit, hover and activate those words! Give me scriptures and prophetic words and declarations to speak. I will especially address the schools in my vicinity, calling ‘”Life” into them. Let me address the negativity I hear on the news with the statement, “Life is coming into that situation!” I will speak the same into any government situations I hear about. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s decree:

God is coming to hover over our land! He will bring forth new life!

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