Prophetic Message From Dutch Sheets – Day 4 Finding the Ancient Markers
At the end of the dream set in the oval office, President Trump asked if he could pray for each one there. He said, “Let this man and these leaders convene a holy convocation that I might finish my eight years well, and that the ancient markers of our founding fathers would be restored. When you see 2222 on your phone, always answer it. Know that it is me calling you with a prayer request.”
Let me tell you what those ancient boundaries and the ancient markers are. The destiny God has for this nation is as a stronghold, a beacon, a refuge, a voice of the Gospel to ends of the earth. That is our nation’s destiny. We are a nation under God. That which He destined for America, He is going to re-establish that. The greatest outpouring of Holy Spirit in the history of planet earth is coming and it’s going to hit America like a tidal wave! There’s going to be a third Great Awakening. America is going to return to the ancient markers the Lord established. The foundations may be covered up, but they are not destroyed.
“This is what the LORD says: ‘Stand at the crossroads and look. Ask for the ancient paths: Where is the good way? Then walk in it and find rest for your souls. But they said, “We will not walk in it!”’” (Jeremiah 6:16; BSB)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Continue to pray for President Trump’s salvation and transformation.
Ask God to give him eight years, so he can complete what the Lord had him elected to do.
Intercede for the Christian leaders he has surrounded himself with. Pray that they will know how to hear God and pray accurately. Pray they will know how to hold the president’s confidence, so they can be trusted completely, bringing him a greater trust in the Church and the Lord.
Intercede for Melania. She is a praying woman. Join her in her prayers for her husband.
Ask the Lord to uncover the ancient markers, those things God planned for America to fulfill.
A prayer you can pray:
Lord, we continue today to pray for the salvation of President Trump and his transformation from the Donald to John. He is a work in Your hands for such a time as this. Give him the full 8 years he needs to shift the nation and give the Church time to get some things done. We don’t know what doors will close if an ungodly person who hates You becomes president next. Let him choose men and women of prayer to come around him. Let them be very honoring of the positioning and see it as precious, not something to be broadcast around; not a selfie-moment. You know who to put there, and You know what their assignment will need to be. No one else needs to know. We intercede for Melania, as well. Grace her and strengthen her, Lord. Honor and bless her for her faithfulness to pray for her husband. As we pray, uncover the ancient path You have for the U.S.A. The destiny You have for this nation is as a stronghold, a beacon, a refuge, a voice of the Gospel to ends of the earth. Come to America, Lord Jesus! Come!
Today’s decree:
God’s destiny for this nation is is as a stronghold, a beacon, a refuge, a voice of the Gospel to ends of the earth!