Justice Kennedy is Retiring
Yesterday, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy resigned from the Supreme Court stating that he is ready to retire after 30 years and spend more time with his family. He has been a controversial justice. He was appointed by conservative President Ronald Reagan, but he has often sided with liberal justices on key morally contentious cases, especially those involving abortion and LGBTQ rights. The Senate has already begun adjusting their schedules to prioritize what they believe will be a quick appointment by President Trump. This will be the President’s second Supreme Court appointment. “‘I expect the nominee to be like Justice Gorsuch, to demonstrate excellence in every respect, and to earn widespread support from the American people, and bipartisan support for confirmation in the Senate,’ Leonard Leo said.”1 It is likely there will be a partisan battle over this Justice. Therefore, we must buckle down and pray!
“Then I charged your judges at that time, saying, ‘Hear the cases between your fellow countrymen, and judge righteously between a man and his fellow countryman, or the alien who is with him.’” (Deuteronomy 1:16; ESV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Worship the Lord for His righteousness and justice, exalting Him as the ultimate Judge over the whole universe!
This nation needs a righteous judge, not a partisan one. Ask God to highlight a righteous man to President Trump.
Pray that the appointee is a person that will honor the Word of God and the United States Constitution.
Ask God for a person who is excellent in their character and with an uncompromised judicial record so that they are beyond reproach. This could shut the mouth of any accusers.
A prayer you can pray:
Lord, we worship You, for You alone are worthy of our praises. We exalt You and magnify Your holy name! You are righteous altogether. You are justice itself. So, to You we come and make our request for the next Supreme Court Justice of the United States. We ask You for a righteous person who knows You and loves truth. May they be beyond reproach in their character and in their prior judicial decisions. Let them be someone whose decisions remain true to the U. S. Constitution and line up with Your Word. May their confirmation process be quick and surprisingly free of deep controversy. Grace, Jesus, grace. Amen.
Today’s decree:
Our righteous Judge has raised up a righteous Justice. May they be called forth to serve our nation at this time in our history!
1 Leonard Leo is an outside advisor to President Trump. He is quoted from: Ruger, Tom, “Supreme Court Justice Kennedy to Retire.” RollCall.com, 6/27/18. Accessed 6/27/18.