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June 21, 2021

In God We Trust

In 2003 and 2004, Chuck Pierce and I went to all 50 U.S. states to gather spiritual leaders - pastors and intercessors - to pray. We were instructed by Holy Spirit to seek His word for each state and release it. We did so. It proved to be an extraordinary season. The word of the Lord was powerful and precise, the decrees impacting and shaping.

After the tour, we were led to put the words and insights brought by Holy Spirit to each state into a book. We called it Releasing the Prophetic Destiny of a Nation. We gave each state 3-4 pages to summarize the words and also wrote chapters on subjects that became predominant across the entire nation. Tens of thousands of intercessors around the nation now use the book as a guide and source for their prayers. It is a perfect offer to accompany this post. You can find the book in our online store. Visit my website to do so.

Although my brother Tim Sheets shared a post a few days ago, we felt this message was also timely. Listen as he shares with us what God is saying to him about a prayer strategy for each U.S. state.

“Recently, I was pondering and seeking the Lord for strategies regarding our times. A constant prayer of mine is, “What is the present word of the Lord?” I was contemplating Holy Spirit’s move in this new era with His angel armies and the remnant now forming an active ekklesia - a reigning church moving in power and glory under greater authority than we have ever seen. As I prayed, Holy Spirit revealed a strategy for our nation through a vision.

“In the vision, Holy Spirit began showing me the official state seal for each state in America. I was impressed with the thought that the seal of a state is similar to a signet ring, often seen in the Bible. In Bible days, a signet ring was very important; it had the seal of the king engraved upon it. With the ring, a king sealed or stamped letters and documents proving it was his word. In other words, the King’s stamp also made the documents official. The signet ring had executive authority and power. Holy Spirit was clearly talking to me about officially ‘sealing’ something in our nation.

“I was then prompted to look at each state’s motto. The motto of a state or nation is legally passed by their legislature to represent purpose, identity, or a general expression of their boundaries. It is a decree expressing the ‘heart’ or belief of that territory.

“Holy Spirit revealed to me that if the ekklesia in each state will pray and decree this legal identity, realignment with it will begin to take place, and it will also activate the hosts of heaven. The kingdom and power of God will back the decrees and release angels of alignment.

“It is now an opportune time for the people of God to decree and agree with the ‘definition’ of their territories. We must declare into the atmospheres of our region its intended purpose, in order to bring forth its fulfillment.

“For example, Ohio’s motto is ‘With God, all things are possible.’ Decreeing that motto activates Ohio’s identity to align with its unique purpose. Job 22:28 says, ‘Decree a thing and it shall be established.’ Decreeing each state’s motto will accelerate realignment into its kingdom purpose and also that of the whole nation.

“America’s motto is, ‘In God we trust.’ Decreeing this activates angel armies to assist it in happening. Angels hearken to the decree of God’s word or will (Psalms 103:20). They are available to help us maintain our inheritance and, if need be, obtain deliverance and supernatural victories. It’s time we operate in this proper kingdom intention. We must do so at a much higher level if we expect to turn the captivity of nations and live in biblical freedoms.

“As I saw a picture of all fifty states, it became like a beautiful mosaic of strength, purpose and identity. Together, they form a corporate national destiny. Each state has a part to play. Each state has a note to America’s song and it takes all the chords aligned properly to play that song.

“Decree these official declarations of purpose and identity over each state and believe for realignment in Jesus’ Name:

Alabama: “We dare defend our rights.”

Alaska: “North to the future.” We have a hope filled future!

Arizona: “God enriches.” God prospers us.

Arkansas: “The people rule.” No dictators!

California: “Eureka. I have found it and I am joyful.”

Colorado: “Nothing without deity.” Nothing without God!

Connecticut: “He who transplanted sustains.” God has planted us here and He will sustain us.

Delaware: “Liberty and independence.”

Florida: “In God we trust.”

Georgia: “Wisdom, Justice, Moderation.” Our behavior will be just and wise.

Hawaii: “The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.”

Idaho: “Let it be perpetual.” Never-ending freedom.

Illinois: “State sovereignty over national union.”

Indiana: “The crossroads of America.” Go where your heart tells you to go.

Iowa: “Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain.”

Kansas: “To the stars through difficulties.” No matter how difficult we’re reaching to another level.

Kentucky: “United we stand, divided we fall” and “Let us be grateful to God.”

Louisiana: “Union, justice, and confidence.”

Maine: “I direct.” We are leaders. We will not follow a socialist mindset.

Maryland: “Strong deeds, gentle words.”

Massachusetts: “By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty.” We will not bow to treachery!

Michigan: “If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you.” Pleasantness surrounds us. God surrounds us with loving kindness. There is great beauty in this nation.

Minnesota: “The star of the North.” The guiding light.

Mississippi: “By valor and arms.”

Missouri: "The Welfare of the People is the Highest Law.” The people’s welfare is not filtered by the laws. Our laws are filtered by the rights of the people.

Montana: “Gold and silver.” Abundance! Milk and honey!

Nebraska: “Equality before law.”

Nevada: “All for our country.”

New Hampshire: “Live free or die.”

New Jersey: “Liberty and Prosperity.”

New Mexico: “It grows as it goes.”

New York: “Ever Upward!” Excellence in morals, culture and government.

North Carolina: “To be, rather than to seem.” We will be who we are supposed to be and we won’t pretend to be anyone else.

North Dakota: “Liberty and union, now and forever, one and inseparable.”

Ohio: “With God, all things are possible.”

Oklahoma: “Hard work conquers all things.” We’ll work to win and prosper.

Oregon: “She flies with her own wings.” We lift ourselves up in the power and abilities of our God, trusting Him to help us fly.

Pennsylvania: “Virtue, Liberty and Independence.”

Rhode Island: “Hope.”

South Carolina: “While I breathe, I hope.”

South Dakota: “Under God the people rule.” We have no King but Jesus!

Tennessee: “Agriculture and commerce.” The land provides.

Texas: “Friendship.”

Utah: “Industry.”

Vermont: “Freedom and unity.”

Virginia: “Thus always to tyrants.” The seal pictures a warrior with his foot on tyrants. We resist tyrants. We resist the abuse of government.

Washington: “By and by.” Into the future.

West Virginia: “Mountaineers are always free.”

Wisconsin: “Forward.”

Wyoming: “Equal rights.” Not just for some, but for everyone.

“I believe if the ekklesia in each state arose and declared realignment to the purpose, plans and identity of their region, our nation will be realigned to its official purpose and covenant. Holy Spirit has given us an assignment to realign this nation and declare to the world ‘In God we trust!’”

Pray with me:

Father God, let Your ekklesia around this nation and world rise and begin to decree and agree with the definition of their territories. Holy Spirit, come and empower them to bring a defining to their region bringing forth the purpose and identity of the Living God. We decree: demon princes over our regions are bound in Jesus’ Name. Realign us for a move of Holy Spirit on the earth like we’ve never seen before. Realign us for revival. Realign us to unseat the antichrist agendas and those who represent them and to seat them with the sons and daughters of God locally, regionally and nationally. Speak the corporate destiny released into the atmospheres of this nation and transform it. Realign culture and government through Your power. We declare the purpose and plans for this new era cannot be reversed. We declare we will align and become who we are supposed to be. We declare America will realign and fulfill its destiny. We decree angels are organizing around the prayers of God’s people, helping to bring them to pass. We decree the greatest days in church history are not in our past; they are in our present and in our future. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Our Decree:

We decree realignment to the purpose, plans, and identity of our region and our nation. In God we trust!

Portions of today’s post are taken from the book Angel Armies on Assignment, by my brother Tim Sheets. You can learn more about Tim here.

Click on the link below to purchase "Releasing the Prophetic Destiny of a Nation".

Click below to watch the prayer.


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