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June 21, 2016

Strategy to Overcome

The U.S. strategy for conquering Japan (during World War II) was to capture a succession of weaker Japanese outposts, ‘island-hopping’ toward the Japanese mainland. Slowly, in many bloody battles in the Pacific jungle, at Guadalcanal, the Solomon Islands, the Philippines, and Iwo Jima, the U.S. forces wrested Pacific territory from the Japanese, island by island.”1

“Then Joshua said to his men, ‘Be strong and brave! Don’t be afraid. I will show you what the Lord will do to the enemies you will fight in the future.’ Joshua captured all the cities from Kadesh Barnea to Gaza. And he captured all the cities from Goshen to Gibeon. He captured all these cities and their kings on one trip. He did it because the Lord, the God of Israel, was fighting for Israel.” (Joshua 10:25 & 41-42; ICB)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Spiritual warfare often mimics warfare in the natural realm. Ask the Lord for prayer strategies that chip away at demonic strongholds in the nation and in your state and region bit by bit. Write them down and watch for victories reported in the media.

  2. Grab a friend or two and take your prayer strikes out into the community. Pray over places you know of that represent current or historical strongholds. Where was innocent blood shed? Where is there false worship? Where are there strongholds of poverty? Ask the Lord to show you where to go and what to do – He will! Start somewhere and keep this up over time. Don’t worry if others have already done this. If you still see a problem, then go do it again!

  3. Reinforce spiritual victories: go to places where God moved in past revivals. Where are the wells? Go “redig” them in intercession.

  4. Finally, prayer without action is often not enough to keep the enemy permanently at bay. Ask the Lord if there is a strategy in the natural to effect lasting change. Get filled with faith and do whatever He tells you to do – big or small.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, teach us to war in the spirit! Show me where there are spiritual strongholds that have been built up by the enemy that you want me to deal with in my generation. Give me a prayer partner or two or three to go to historical sites to pray until the enemy is routed! Send us to the places where You have moved in that past, so we can redig those wells of revival! Fill us with faith and show us how to hold the ground both in prayer and in action. Thank you, Jesus, Amen.

Today’s decree:

We will take ground one step at a time until our God has reversed every curse and we have shifted our nation to glorify Him!

1 The Library of Congress, American Memory, “Today in History.” 12/10/2010.


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