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June 16, 2018

Prayer for Government Leadership

The month of July 2018 has been designated by a number of Christian leaders as a month the Church of America will pray for America. This level of unity can get the job done! We don’t have to all pray the same way. We just have to pray. God knows our heart and will honor the unity of the saints in the bond of love. Let’s get ready for July by beginning now to pray for our national leadership. Ronnie Floyd, the Chairman of the National Day of Prayer, has given us a list of matters to pray for our governmental leadership. You can find them below.

“The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord like channels of water; he turns it wherever he wants.” (Proverbs 21:1; NET)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. O Lord, our needs are great, and we appeal to You for resolve, cooperation, and leadership regarding the challenging issues of:

  2. America’s climbing debt

  3. Immigration

  4. Religious freedom nationally and internationally

  5. Healthcare

  6. Opioid and drug crisis

  7. Security of our nation internally and externally

  8. Ongoing challenges in Israel and in the Middle East, as the United States Embassy in Israel has now been moved to Jerusalem

  9. Judicial and political appointment processes to be expedited

  10. Tax reform

  11. Sexual harassment and abuse

  12. Sanctity and dignity of all human life from conception through death

  13. Racial unrest across America

  14. Needs of our veterans, our nation’s military, and their families

  15. Ongoing investigations to reveal truth and a resolve be reached soon in each of them

  16. Election of leaders in the fall of 2018

  17. This list could go on, but Lord, these specifically this month we place into Your hands. Please channel the hearts of our leaders to what is best for the American people as well as others across the world.

A prayer you can pray:

“Lord, as You have the power to control a king’s heart and direct it wherever You choose, please direct our President Donald J. Trump, our Vice President Mike Pence, our President’s Cabinet, our appointed and elected leaders in America, as well as those leading our nation’s Armed Forces … moving them in a direction You desire.”1 Our nation is in great need of strong leadership to move back to a position of righteousness and justice. Our leaders must be fearless and uncompromising, honest and compassionate. May they turn to You for direction in all matters that pertain to the American people. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s decree:

God will direct our nation’s government leaders, to lead as He desires!

1 Learn more about Ronnie Floyd and the July Prayer Initiative here.

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