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June 14, 2017

Victory Is In Process

We will wait, worship, listen, decree, and appeal to heaven. And we WILL change things, recapturing the destiny of Heaven for America and resetting her course to its God-ordained destination. If you believe God answers Spirit-led appeals and Biblical decrees; if you believe the God who birthed this nation can rebirth it; if you believe a Third Great Awakening can change everything and IS COMING to America, let’s write history together. We are gaining momentum. We are turning the tide. We will win.

“You will also decree a thing, and it will be established for you; And light will shine on your ways” (Job 22:28; NASB)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. If God started something for His purposes, then we can believe he plans to finish it. Tell the Lord that you want to participate with Him and decree His Will for this nation.

  2. Decree that as He has birthed this nation and has a plan for it, so shall this nation fulfill His Will for it. Decree that He can rebirth America!

  3. Decree that Awakening is coming to the United States, as well as many other places around the globe. Tell the Lord you want to be a part of it, together with your children and grandchildren.

  4. Step into the gap and continue to intercede between the way things are and how they should be in America.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, I believe that You started something in this nation over two hundred years ago. You had a plan and You plan to see it come to pass. I decree that Your Will will be done in America, Lord! I decree that what You birthed You will rebirth to get us back on track with Your plan. I decree that a third Great Awakening is at hand in this nation and in the nations of the earth. I will see it sweep many into the Kingdom and I will see You exalted and Your glory manifested! (Keep interceding between the way things are in our land and the way you know God wants them to be.)

Today’s decree:

The Church is beginning to boldly decree the Will of God into the nation and we will see the tide turn and His glory fill this land from sea to shining sea!

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