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June 11, 2017

The Family is an Ekklesia

God said, “I’m going to build a family.” Then, He called that an Ekklesia—“the Church”. “I’m going to build a Church. I’m going to establish a family called a Church. It won’t be a building. It won’t be a service, as in ‘going to church’.” Ekklesia is a word for “legislative government or legislative assembly”. It was used in the context of assembling for government. The Greeks had Ekklesias in every village, which were city councils. They had one at the national level. Their Supreme Court was called the Ekklesia. It was the governing body. The Church is God’s governing body.

“So the church throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria enjoyed peace, being built up; and going on in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it continued to increase.” (Acts 9:31; NASB)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Ask the Lord for a fullness of revelation on the word “Ekklesia”, if you do not fully understand it. Use a Strong’s concordance, if need be, and look up everywhere it is used until it sinks in deeply.

  2. Ekklesia, get your heart ready to legislate in the earth realm!

  3. Do you see things that are out of alignment with God’s Word and Will? Ask God how to legislate order into the situation. (Use the news, if you want to.)

  4. With the authority you now know you have, call the nation into alignment with God’s Word and Will!

A prayer you can pray:

Father, I need a full and complete revelation of who the Church is supposed to be in the earth. I need a revelation of “Ekklesia”. Teach me from Your Word, Lord. Is there anywhere my thinking, my feelings or my actions are not ready for this? Forgive me and line me up fully with Your Word, Your Will and Your plan for my life. There is so much out of order in America right now. It will be my pleasure to be Your legislative mouthpiece over the issues of my day, especially those in our government. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Today’s decree:

The Church, the Ekklesia, will enjoy peace, being built up in the fear and comfort of the Lord, as we legislate the purposes of God into the nation!


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