The Millennial’s Battle
The millennial generation is at a turning point in America on the issue of life, which so many middle-aged believers have taken for granted as a well-understood necessity for national reformation. But many millennials are in a moral quagmire. They are confused and willing to vote for social justice as opposed to voting for life. We need both, but choosing “life” is critical. (An anonymous millennial contributed this entry.)
“I call heaven and earth to witnesses against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live.” (Deuteronomy 30:19; MEV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
The enemy thinks he has the millennial generation in his back pocket. He thinks he has made them hopeless, broken and a dead-end generation. Ask God to heal and restore their souls and turn their history around in a moment!
Pray that the Lord would lift the “moral quagmire” cloud off of the millennials and invade them with truth, as well as justice, so they will know how to vote and truly heal the history of this nation.
Call for the hearts of the fathers to turn to the children and the hearts of the children to turn to the fathers in spiritual and governmental mentoring.
A prayer you can pray:
Lord, the enemy thinks he has neutralized the millennial generation. He thinks he has broken them down until they feel hopeless and helpless. In their strong need to help each other out of this quagmire, they look to social justice and fairness to save them and the nation. You tell us in your word that a choice for life is what will save us. However, we know we need compassion for the poor and the ending of racism and other strongholds in this country. Father, cause your truth to invade the next generation and give them faith to choose life, knowing that you will then set everything else in order! In the Name of Jesus, Amen.
Today’s decree:
Millennials are filled with compassion for others! Let them be most compassionate for the unborn and the ending of abortion in this nation, so that every other blessing can be added to them.