The Creative Word of God!
The word “asah” describes God’s creative activities and His ability. It means to prepare for God-activity that only God’s ability can create for you. A campaign is beginning on earth that only the ability of God can execute. We’re called to discern it and participate. Holy Spirit will release divine ability and anointing and angel armies to accomplish it. The Kingdom is now going to demonstrate God activity. (Tim Sheets)1
“Then God looked over all that he had made (“asah”), and it was excellent in every way. This ended the sixth day.” (Genesis 1:31; TLB)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Read Genesis 1. The first way God reveals Himself to us in scripture is as Creator! And, He lives in You! Sit and think about that for a minute.
God’s creativity took place in time as He spoke His dreams out loud! Think about that for a few minutes. Get a piece of paper out and write out your thoughts about this.
Pray that God will give you the faith to create with your words flowing from Holy Spirit’s impressions on your heart. Speak your prayers out loud. Imagine them creating God’s Will as you speak! Speak healing. Speak deliverance. Speak national alignment with God’s perfect will and purposes! Keep going! Kingdom demonstration is beginning with your prayers – your words!
A prayer you can pray:
Lord, in Genesis 1 I see that You revealed Yourself to us first as Creator! Let me think about that for a minute. I see that You spoke into existence what previously only existed in Your heart and mind. I want to think about that for another minute. Wow! Give me words to pray now that are Holy Spirit inspired – words that create Your Will in the earth! I speak healing to the sick and deliverance to the captives! I say that this nation shall line up with the will and purposes it was created for – to reflect the glory of the Lord in the earth! God, express Your Kingdom through Your Church now! In the Name of Jesus, Amen.
Today’s decree:
The Church will now speak out the creative power of God and watch Him manifest the Kingdom through our out-loud prayers!
1 Learn more about Tim Sheets here.