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July 25, 2017

Building From Generation to Generation

We can agree in prayer with the person next to us. We can also agree with the prayers of the saints that have gone before us. Their prayers are not dead. They’re still alive. The promises they were given by God are still intact. Hebrews 11:39-40 says that when God gives promises to people from past generations, they are not always complete without us, the future generations. He gave a promise to Abraham knowing it would not be fulfilled for 400 years. However, when God does something through your physical or spiritual offspring a generation later, or 2 or 3 or 50 years later, as far as He is concerned, He is doing it through you. People have asked God for things 200, 300 or 400 years ago that God can’t finish without this generation coming into agreement with it.

“All these people are known for their faith. But none of them received what God had promised. God planned to give us something better. Then they would be made perfect, but only together with us.” (Hebrews 11:39-40; ICB)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Consider for a minute some of the things that prior generations longed to see God do in their generations. Think about the price they paid to see promises fulfilled. Thank the Lord for the faithfulness of His Saints over time.

  2. Ask the Lord to give you a faith that believes your prayers will come to pass, even if you do not see the fulfillment in your lifetime – an Abrahamic faith.

  3. Intercede for the current generation to not give up, but to see their prayers added to the bowls in heaven which God is waiting until the perfect historical time to answer.

  4. Pray for the generations to come that they would understand this concept and not feel like they have to start to pray for kingdom purposes all over again.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, as I read through Your Word and through the history of the church, I see that the Saints have been praying for Kingdom advancement, the salvation of people groups, revelation of Christ to the lost, Kingdom impact on society, justice for the oppressed, reformation of the Church, and other things from generation to generation. Some of these promises and desires have been fulfilled in part, but many are fulfilled in part or not yet fulfilled at all. Many have died believing they would see these things in their generation. Most, like Abraham, continued to believe. Give me a faith that never stops praying, never stops believing, never stops decreeing. Let my generation be blessed with some fulfillments! May the next generation believe together with us and see even more answers to prayer than we are! Thank You, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s decree:

I decree that my prayers are being added to the multitudes of prayers of generations of saints, and that intercessory synergy through the ages will give power and effectiveness to accomplish God’s perfect will at the exact right time in the earth!

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