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July 23, 2016

The Army Of Light Arising

“I saw this army of light, rising in the decrees of Heaven, deep in prayer and intercession, awakened to their authority in Jesus, and they were moving forward and PUSHING BACK the darkness. I watched as strategic plans of the enemy over the nation were being foiled and postponed in the spirit before they could be put into action. As this was happening I could hear the Lord saying, ‘STAND UP!!! STAND UP!!! STAND UP!!! TAKE YOUR PLACE!!! STAND UP!!!’ In the awakening that was happening in the Body of Christ, the people of God were taking their place and decreeing in the Spirit, ‘ENOUGH IS ENOUGH’ and beginning to move into their God-given identity and destiny. I watched as the people of God began to take their place and move into places of INFLUENCE in society and culture to bring radical CHANGE.” (Lana Vawser)1

“You will decide on a matter, and it will be established for you, and light will shine on your ways.” (Job 22:28; ESV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Stand up in response to the prophetic Word and say, “Here I am, Lord. I want to be a part of the army of light that You said is arising! Give me Your heart and Your words to decree!” Decree “Enough is enough!”

  2. Agree with the above Word and decree that the plots and plans of the enemy will be exposed and foiled before they can be put into action.

  3. Intercede for the body of Christ to receive a revelation of being a part of the rising army of light, so they can take their places of influence in society and bring radical cultural change! Decree the doors of influence are open to God’s people in the U. S.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, here I am! I believe the prophetic Word that an army of light is arising now to take our places and decree the Word of the Lord with authority into the nation. I want to be a part of this army! Tell me what to decree and I will decree it. I say to the enemy, “Enough is enough!” I decree that the plots and plans of the enemy will be exposed and unraveled before they can be acted on! Lord, cause the Body of Christ to realize who they are. It is time for Your army of light to arise and take our places in positions of influence across the nation. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Today’s decree:

The Lord said that His army of light is arising, that we will expose the works of darkness and will step into our places of influence in the nation.

1 Learn more about Lana Vawser here.

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