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July 15, 2018

What Happens Next?

Many Christians are wondering what happens next to confirm a Supreme Court nominee? This is a good time for a lesson on government processes. First of all, the basics come right out of the Constitution of the United States. The President considers recommendations from many sources, then he makes a decision on the one individual he believes will be the best choice. Once he has announced his nominee, all kinds of background checks and record collections will commence. There will be a few one-on-one meetings between the nominee and some key senators. The Senate Judiciary Committee will have all of this information gathered and presented to them for review and they will set a date for a hearing. Then, they will hold the hearing in which they can question (scrutinize) the nominee. Witnesses may be called to support or oppose the nominee, testifying regarding their personal character or prior actions on the bench. Finally, the Senate Judiciary Committee votes on the nominee and refers the matter to the full Senate for a vote. This could be a recommendation to confirm, to reject, or may go without an opinion. The full Senate debates and votes on the nominee, making a final decision. This whole process usually takes between 25 and 125 days. (To learn more click here.)

“The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14; ESV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Learn all you can about governmental processes. They can provide timelines for prayer and other needed information. Here is information about the Supreme Court confirmation process. Here are the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

  2. Pray for the timing of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing.

  3. Pray for the senators on the Committee to investigate thoroughly and know if Judge Kavanaugh is fully representing himself and his views. We only want God’s choice on the bench.

  4. Ask God to move on the hearts of the senators on the Committee and that they would be led to recommend or not depending on what they discover.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, teach me things I don’t know about our government’s processes. I don’t just need spiritual knowledge. I need knowledge of how the system is designed to work. That knowledge can help me know how to focus my intercession and when to pray. The next step in the process will be a discovery process. This is the critical time where natural knowledge will be presented. Holy Spirit, go to work and make the hearts of these men and women comfortable or uncomfortable as the answers to their questions unfold. Let every hidden thing be revealed. We don’t care about politics. We care about righteousness. We care that the nominee has right standing with You and alignment with Your Word. Grant wisdom and discernment, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s decree:

Man has his opinion about a good Justice, but God will cause His perfect will to come to pass!

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