Written Into God’s Storyline
“Our battle isn’t against flesh and blood, and satan is trying to create a narrative of racial division to destroy us. Nevertheless, there is a meta-narrative going on and it’s God’s storyline of healing and redemption that can turn this nation around. With that I say, stay hopeful. As I mentioned before, most of this week, I’ve been waking up to write my thoughts in regard to tragedies, but one day, I believe we’ll awake to write stories of triumph. And we’re going to realize that we were the pen, the Holy Spirit was the ink, and that God took us by His hand and wrote His storyline through us. Together, let us let Him use our lives to turn a nation.” (Will Ford)1
“The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding” (Proverbs 4:7; NIV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Read Ephesians 6:10-17 through the filter of current events. This passage is about spiritual warfare. Make notes on any revelation you may be given by the Holy Spirit as you read this passage, then pray accordingly.
Tell the Lord that you want to see how you are being written into His storyline for America. Rejoice and worship Him that you are a part of His plan!
Pray identificationally for the healing of the nation’s racial divide and ask the Lord for stories of triumph. Watch the news and mark the turning points.
There are rumors of possible violent protests tomorrow (Friday) across the nation in many large cities. Do not be afraid. Ask the Lord to rewrite the story and command the enemy to cease and desist!
A prayer you can pray:
Father, heal this nation! Use the lives of those of us who truly love and serve You, and write the story You have planned. Erase the enemy’s plans from the history books. As I read Ephesians 6:10-17, grant me your spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You and Your ways. Let me see the way You see and know how to pray and what to do. I ask You to heal the racial divide and use me to do it! I ask You to judge the enemy who wants with violence to our nation’s key cities and cause chaos and pain. I serve a cease and desist order against you, satan! No more! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Today’s decree:
The Lord is writing His true Believers into His plan to heal America’s racial wounds!
1 Excerpted from William Ford, III’s article with Dutch Sheets, “Our Race Dilemma – What Color is Your Baggage?” Elijahlist.com, July 12, 2016. 7/12/16.
Read more about William Ford, III here.