Get Ready to Possess the Gates of Your Enemies
“The Word of God say, ‘Your descendants shall possess the gates of their enemies.’ You are going to possess the gates of your enemies. Those enemies you see today, you will not see tomorrow. God is working out supernatural ways that you will possess the gates of the Hamans. You will possess the gates of those who have come against you and harassed you. There are legal cases that have been held up, but God says, ‘You are going to possess the gates of your enemies. Understand this – there are people who have spoken against you. I am going to deal with the slanderers. I’m going to deal with the whisperers, the gossips and the critics. I am going to shut their mouths and give you their possessions.’” (Cindy Jacobs)1
“Your descendants will take possession of the strongholds of their enemies.” (Genesis 22:17b; NET)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Ask the Lord what the one key thing is that you can make decrees about that will move Satan’s plan for this nation out of the way. Everyone has a unique assignment.
Ask God for a Bible verse that is your sword of the Lord to use against the enemy’s plans against you and your family.
Look at the areas above that Cindy mentions specifically that God is warring with us against. If one or more pertains to you, declare that you will take possession of that area back from the enemy.
Now, make those same decrees on behalf of issues facing all of us at the national level. Take a look at the news reports of the last week to see where intercession is needed.
A prayer you can pray:
Lord, what is on Your heart for America today? What assignment do you want to give me, together with other Believers, to route the enemy from this nation? Give me Bible verses to use as an effective sword against our demonic foes. (Look at the areas above that Cindy mentions specifically that God is warring with us against. If one or more pertains to you, declare that you will take possession of that area back from the enemy.) I decree that anyone that has undermined our nation will be brought to justice. Lying and deceit will no longer be the standard of Washington, D.C., but truth and righteousness will be. Uncover the hidden plans. We tell darkness to get in the light! Heal and deliver the United States one stronghold at a time, Jesus. Amen.
Today’s decree:
We decree that the Ekklesia will rise up and possess the gates of this nation’s enemies and the tables will turn on them!
1 Learn more about Cindy Jacobs here.