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January 5, 2018

Seeing as Jesus Sees

“The Lord is wanting to release a greater impartation of His heart to the Body of Christ for those who do not yet know Him. I saw life-changing encounters with Jesus happening all across the world, as the Lord began to ignite the fire of His love for those who don’t know Him yet. The fire of His love and revelation of His heart were so powerful in these encounters, that it affected the way the Church would SEE. As I saw these powerful encounters taking place, scales of judgment, criticism and accusation were falling off many of God’s people. They began to SEE the world and those who do not know Him yet through His eyes. This lead to a greater awakening of loving the down-and-out, the broken and the hurting, and seeing them as HE sees them. Believers all across the earth were being transformed by His heart of love for ALL people. I watched as the Church began arising in a whole new revelation of the love of Jesus and loving people to life. They were loving people toward the One who is the way, the truth and the life—our beautiful Jesus.” (Lana Vawser)1

“This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you.” (John 15:12; NLT)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Ask the Lord for a greater impartation of His heart, especially for the Lost.

  2. Ask Him to clarify your vision of those who don’t yet know Him, until you can see them as He sees them.

  3. Repent, if He shows you a need to, so that your heart is softened.

  4. Intercede for every lost person you know, beginning with family members. Let Him bring surprising people before you to pray for.

  5. Find at least one person today who may not know Jesus and minister to them in His love. Ask how you can pray for them and let Holy Spirit lead the way.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, may the great harvest of souls begin for me today! Give me a greater capacity to love as You love. Help me to see the Lost as you see them. Forgive my judgmentalism. I have forgotten what it looks like to not know You. Give me grace not to expect a lost person to act like a redeemed one. (Intercede for every lost person you know, beginning with family members.) Surprise me, Jesus, with those You have chosen for me to pray for. Direct my path today right to those You have destined me to minister to – God-encounters with lost souls! In Jesus name, amen.

Today’s decree:

I decree that the Church is about to see the Lost with new eyes filled with His love!

1 Learn more about Lana Vawser here.

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