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January 18, 2017

Defusing Inaugural Distractions

The election of Donald Trump has stirred up a hornets’ nest of individuals upset that the nation has done an “about-face”. We are headed in a new direction—back to the Constitution, back to God-honoring principles that will benefit all, and forward in business expansion, choices for life, and protection against terrorism, among other things.  Radical groups are looking to cause a disruption to the forward-momentum. A few hundred thousand protestors are expected to descend on Washington, D. C., over the next few days, both in support of and against the inauguration of Mr. Trump.1 God is already answering prayers for the diffusion of the anger, disenfranchisement and fear some felt after the elections. A “March for Women” is scheduled for the day after the Inauguration, when 200,000 have stated they are coming, as opposed to the one million participants they had hoped to gather. Other groups plan to gather in major cities across the nation, pulling attention away from the festivities in Washington. Much of the agitation feeding these groups is coming from media reporting and community organizers.

“Even when I must walk in the midst of danger, you revive me. You oppose my angry enemies, and your right hand delivers me.” (Psalm 138:7; NET Bible)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Pray that those coming to Inauguration Day festivities in support of Donald Trump and Mike Pence will drown out anti-Trump protestors. Some are groups coming to worship God! Pray that their voices, prayers and praise will drown out every other voice! Let God arise and His enemies be scattered!

  2. Intercede for those protestors that are angry and fearful. Pray that God would touch their minds with His Truth and their hearts with His Love. Pray that the eyes of their hearts would be enlightened and they would know the hope that only He can give!

  3. Pray strongly against any plan of darkness to cause terror across the nation’s capital or anywhere else in America. This is the “worst of the worst” distraction. Disallow it, in Jesus’ Name. Ask God to send angel armies to root out any harmful plans.

  4. Continue to ask the Lord for His protection over the District of Columbia today and through the rest of the week. Cry out to God for His peace and grace over each day and every activity.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, our nation is in a turmoil. We have elected a new President, but some are not happy with the decision the nation made. They are seeking to cause a serious disruption to festivities this week and, especially, on Inaugural Day. Some are coming to D. C. to worship You and exalt You over the nation. Let the praises to our God drown out every other voice! Lord, stop the enemy from borrowing people to cause anarchy and terror. We intercede on behalf of those that are truly fearful and ask that Your love would wash over them. Show the that You are there for them, even if the government shall fail them. Place Your angelic protection over the nation, particularly over Washington, D.C., this week. In the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Today’s decree:

God will keep safe the nation that honors Him and will defuse every plan of the evil one to cause harm on Inauguration Day!

1 Valencia, Robert. Trump Inauguration Protests: Here are the groups applying to protest Inauguration Day. News.Mic, January 4, 2017, Accessed January 8, 2017.

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