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January 1, 2019

The Great Turning Year

Welcome to 2019. I feel as or more stirred over this nation as I have perhaps ever before. The Lord has given me a message I have shared a few times recently on finishing well. I’m not talking about finishing our lives well. I’m talking about finishing this cause that we’ve been involved in well. This cause of stirring prayer for the Third Great Awakening, turning around a nation and recapturing its destiny, we are going to finish this well. We are going to see America fully turned. We are going to see the greatest revival in the history of America and in the history of the world. We are going to see our part, America’s part, in that accomplished. We are going to see a reformation. We are going to see darkness, evil, humanism, anti-Christ agendas, pro-death agendas, all those things, pushed back and reversed. We are going to see the cause of Christ prosper in this nation. This will be a great turning year. This will be the year that these things move forward in amazing ways. Stay engaged! Our best days are ahead!

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” (Romans 1:16; KJV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Give the Lord praise and glorify His Name, for He has brought us through much and in 2019 has now positioned us on the brink of a great harvest of souls.

  2. Ask God to make you unafraid and unashamed of the Gospel message.

  3. Command all darkness, evil, humanistic, anti-Christ agendas, pro-death agendas, and all such things, be pushed back and reversed.

  4. Call forth the redemption of Jesus Christ to save the lost, but also to turn around lost and tainted societal structures.

  5. Say, “This is the year of the favor of the Lord! He will reverse every curse and bring forth light in the darkness and life in the barren places of our cities and in our nation.”

A prayer you can pray:

Glorious Father, we exalt Your name and praise You! You have brought us through a challenging year and You are teaching our hands to war. You have prepared a harvest and many good things for us to walk in this year, 2019. Remove all shame, fear, and doubt and unbelief from among us. There is no time and  no room for it now. These things must simply get out of our way. The harvest must be reaped and the nation must be brought into alignment with Your destiny for it. We command all darkness, evil, humanistic, anti-Christ agendas, pro-death agendas, and all such things, be pushed back and reversed. We call forth the redemption of Jesus Christ to save the lost, but also to turn around lost and tainted societal structures. We say, “This is the year of the favor of the Lord! He will reverse every curse and bring forth light in the darkness and life in the barren places of our cities and in our nation.” Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s decree:

The favor of the Lord has come to the United States of America. Harvest and blessings have come to us this year!

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