Honoring the Rev. Billy Graham
Today, the greatest evangelist of the twentieth century will lie in honor in the rotunda of the United States Capitol. He has gone to glory at the age of 99! He ministered to the masses, to Presidents, and to many from all walks of life. Many prophetic voices have proclaimed that his passing would be the marking of the beginning of a great harvest of souls unlike the world has ever seen. Some say he will be like a seed falling to the ground and a large number of evangelists will arise in his stead. One thing is for sure, there was never anyone anointed for evangelism like him on the earth in our lifetime. We are believing for the multiplication of that anointing on a multitude of evangelists and for a resulting harvest of souls!
“Let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.” (James 5:20; ESV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Thank the Lord for the Rev. Billy Graham’s life and legacy, and for the multitude of souls he brought into the Kingdom. Maybe you were one of them!
Thank the Lord for government leaders that decided to honor this man of God.
Call forth those who will live James 5:20, turning sinners from their wandering, saving their souls from death, and covering a multitude of sins.
Pray for the harvest for a few minutes. Pray for every lost soul you know.
Decide to introduce someone to Jesus today.
A prayer you can pray:
Father, I thank you for Billy Graham. His life was well-lived for You and he finished well, as expressed by the fact that our government chose to honor him by inviting him to lie in honor in our nation’s Capitol Rotunda. Untold thousands have come to know You through his preaching of the Gospel. What a rich harvest he has to present to You! But that is nothing compared to the lost souls this next generation of harvesters will bring into the Kingdom! We call them forth now into their calling! We pray for every lost person we know! We say to the devil that he cannot hold them in bondage any longer. A seed has fallen into the ground and we will watch a multiplication of evangelism take place now. Lead me to the one You want me to introduce to You today, Jesus. Amen.
Today’s decree:
I decree that Billy Graham’s anointing of evangelist will multiply into an army of evangelists reaping a great harvest of souls!